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What w/c method do you use?


simon knight

Re: SImple Poll
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2009, 08:59:16 am »
Simon, cleaning standard , easy to reach glass is easy by trad. But trying to clean hard to reach glass, high inaccessable windows by ladders, high internal windows windows in accessable windows, etc is a different matter.

Wait until you have been cleaning along time and you get asked to quote for windows you would normally not be able to reach trad, then you have to search for alternatives to secure the contract.

You may have to search for alternatives to secure the contract. I just say "thanks but no thanks" ...makes life so much simpler  ;)


Re: SImple Poll
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2009, 09:13:54 am »

last month i was offered a cheap set of very light ladders, so now we have 2 sets of ladders, i forgot to charge the backpack for the day this estate came up so we decided I do fronts and other guy do backs all trad
what make are these light ladders ?    im trad only ,cant see ever having a reason to change   


  • Posts: 102
Re: SImple Poll
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2009, 12:06:25 pm »
Sorry, forgot to add a both option.

Am I right in thinking most new starters will go with the trad option as wfp needs a bigger outlay, moneywise, and most (well me anyway) want to get a round started before taking the risk into making such a large investment.


  • Posts: 857
Re: SImple Poll
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2009, 04:17:06 pm »
Sorry, forgot to add a both option.

Am I right in thinking most new starters will go with the trad option as wfp needs a bigger outlay, moneywise, and most (well me anyway) want to get a round started before taking the risk into making such a large investment.

yes, agreed
EZclean - Cleaner Than Water


  • Posts: 40
Re: SImple Poll New
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2009, 05:33:57 pm »

i will try and get the name of them ladders for you (the vans not here at the moment) and yes there is 2 of us.

im not knocking wfp, i still use it on all hard to reach windows, and the work is much easier, but thats not the reason we got wfp, we got it to speed up our working day but it didnt do that in all areas.

eg on this estate with ladders from the time we get from van to house 1min, clean house 10min and back to van 1min  12min total

same estate with wfp is more like from van to house 5min clean house 8min and back to van 5min

on the other hand a big country house we do in 25mins wfp or just over an hour trad

Re: SImple Poll
« Reply #25 on: September 20, 2009, 05:38:11 pm »
Just got vikan indoor kit to do large office block, will report back later to give update and views on this product.

Please do.  I have been considering similar myself and would be interested to hear how someone gets on with it.