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Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2009, 06:37:24 pm »
im going to just do gutters and leave the windows.then hope to get is number as i could perhaps get sum more off him.i think it would be best to make friends.

Spot on

tony talbot

  • Posts: 258
Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2009, 06:49:44 pm »
undercutting is bad for your reputation, if the custy is happy to pay the price quoted by the other w/c then leave it be, its not your work. there are plenty of propertys that need a w/c so go get them ,remember what you sow is what you reap


Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2009, 06:53:38 pm »
not botherd reading all this so forgive me shuving my oar in but;
 one fella on here put low prices in a nutshell when he wrote some one had poisand a
  round giving out low prices that cant make you a living.
  you can do a house cheap but when its raining or your ill or fate bites you on the bum
  its that 12 pound you wish you had.
  you can get by or you can make a living the choice is yours you decide ;)


Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2009, 07:21:26 pm »
got to clean a ladys guttering etc and her window cleaner charges her 30 quid per clean every 4 weeks but iv looked at it and it shud only be 18 quid at the most. he as over priced quite a few in the street why i dont know but i was thinking off giving her a fare price what would u do??????????????

]give her a fare price if you do a  good job you might get more cuzzys of her mates or next doors

paul beckett

  • Posts: 215
Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2009, 06:13:39 pm »
i think its out of order under cutting anyway.

there is no such thing as over pricing , they were happy with quote , everyone has a differant price.

if they want you to do work tell them to get rid of them first and then give them a quote.
dont be out of order and undercut them, you wouldnt like it would you.
you can justify it all you want, but you know what your doing.


  • Posts: 654
Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2009, 05:11:26 pm »
as i had said b4 im just going todo gutters and leave windows .
keep on smiling


Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #26 on: September 13, 2009, 07:49:08 pm »
just a bit of advice on pricing well from my point and mistakes ive made;
  you need to get a bit of an edge against inflation and make certain you make money
  ive lost count of the jobs ive given up not making money out of them
 and ones i wish i did not have to do as there under priced plus nowt worse
  than doing a job knowing the last bloke got twice what you get :(


  • Posts: 433
Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2009, 07:54:16 pm »
got to clean a ladys guttering etc and her window cleaner charges her 30 quid per clean every 4 weeks but iv looked at it and it shud only be 18 quid at the most. he as over priced quite a few in the street why i dont know but i was thinking off giving her a fare price what would u do??????????????

What experience do you have that the other cleaner does not have? How long have you been a Window Cleaner? Why do you feel you know what a fair price is and he does not?

Your taking a mans job whitch he got him self. how would you like it if he undercuts all your jobs???
dont be a scumbag and find your own work. "I say it like it is"

iv worked with my m8 the last 3yrs and now im starting on my own in my area.

Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2009, 08:23:45 pm »

Depends on how much some one wants the work... 
Unless you have a full round, or don't need the money.
Some thing is better than nothing.


Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2009, 11:28:44 pm »
Be ruthless
I go on estates where i know there are window cleaners then i severely undercut them - Put them out of business on the estate then whipe up their business and make it mine then rise the prices to suit your price range - This allows me to grow my business, customer base, potential for further profits and raises the value of my business in the process


Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #30 on: September 13, 2009, 11:40:52 pm »
After all this is business -  We arnt here to make friends just money

Gaby P.

  • Posts: 134
Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #31 on: September 13, 2009, 11:56:09 pm »
That's from the guy who doesn't know how to price a pub  ???


  • Posts: 857
Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #32 on: September 14, 2009, 12:12:26 am »
Be ruthless
I go on estates where i know there are window cleaners then i severely undercut them - Put them out of business on the estate then whipe up their business and make it mine then rise the prices to suit your price range - This allows me to grow my business, customer base, potential for further profits and raises the value of my business in the process

EZclean - Cleaner Than Water


  • Posts: 2010
Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #33 on: September 14, 2009, 12:21:21 am »
Be ruthless
I go on estates where i know there are window cleaners then i severely undercut them - Put them out of business on the estate then whipe up their business and make it mine then rise the prices to suit your price range - This allows me to grow my business, customer base, potential for further profits and raises the value of my business in the process

if thats the case m8 no more info should be given by any member here, am sorry , but you are out off line m8, business or not,


Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #34 on: September 14, 2009, 12:27:09 am »
Im also vunrable from the same thing - I bought some work when i started out and someone undercut me - I dealt with it and they went away - I kept expanding and it happened all over again and there are only so many times you can go to certain lengths to protect your business so when i needed to expand fast i got more ruthless - sorry guys thats what the more business minded indiviuals are in the job for - i expanded from £1000 a months worth of work to £1200 a week in the space of 9 months...


Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #35 on: September 14, 2009, 12:31:16 am »
That's from the guy who doesn't know how to price a pub  ???
Maybe its not even worth me bothering to quote it - might pass it on to tonyd instead  8)

Ross G

  • Posts: 1099
Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #36 on: September 14, 2009, 12:40:38 am »
Be ruthless
I go on estates where i know there are window cleaners then i severely undercut them - Put them out of business on the estate then whipe up their business and make it mine then rise the prices to suit your price range - This allows me to grow my business, customer base, potential for further profits and raises the value of my business in the process

there's always one

pin against the wind looking for a reaction



  • Posts: 2010
Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #37 on: September 14, 2009, 12:41:52 am »
we should all have one princible , if a custy says yes i have a w/c say sorry and walk on. i do this, as i would not want anyone to take my work from me, i have even refused custys, there are millions of custys out there, so no need to steal, we all want the ideal compact round, but in reality it aint going to happen as most areas are aready  taken, if the work is spread out, charge more then make it worth your while doing the work,


Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #38 on: September 14, 2009, 12:44:57 am »
My princilpe is to gain custys then increase their value to my business and expand as rapidly as possible making as much profit as possible and building a healthy business

Ross G

  • Posts: 1099
Re: undercutting what would u do???
« Reply #39 on: September 14, 2009, 12:45:24 am »
that would be too sensible for some it would seem Joe

 I'd certainly second that