i suppose if you really needed the work then tell custy ok see you in spring but i will have to put up price 30-50% as windows will be dirtier and to make up for lost income.
Your still lose them,
some custy's are often honest and (up front) say i don't want in winter which leaves you the above option.
I have had many problems majority are always down to my people skills, and in the beginging being to accomadating.
I realise finally i can't please all the people all the time and don't beat myself up trying.
I find being honest the best approach, if someone wants me to bend over backwards for me i.e don't do today can you come back, then sorry NO, if their insistant then i tell them i'l have to put call out charge on top as working out of sequence has negative effect on my income
I it one of my custy's i really like then i would fit in, usually on saturday as i go out some saturdays as i nick a few extra ££s if weather's been unkind