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Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2009, 10:00:02 pm »
When i first started i used to use the clear headed hand tool and took me a while to get used to the non se through as i liked to se how much moisture i was getting off :)

Am sure you will sort it mate lest its not shrunk etc so wouldnt worry :)


  • Posts: 1728
Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2009, 10:14:52 pm »
I just have never liked those enclosed tools. To have a jet injecting water into the fabric in the same space as a vacuum trying to remove it, just doesnt seem right to me. Give me externel jets everytime, dry in no time, even with a porty.
The only time I have ever overwet upholstery in 30 years was when I purchased my first twin vac porty, from a leading supplier. I was told that I only needed to use one vac for upholstery, which I did. When I returned the next day to do the carpets the suite was still damp. When I phoned the manufacturers, they told me it was designed to use both vacs on every job and that I had been misinformed. It wasnt a customer complaint, just that I myself wasnt happy about it.
Dave Lee, Owner of Deepclean Services
Chorley Lancs. Est 1980.
"Pay Cheap -You get Cheap - Pay a little more and get something Better."

Doug Holloway

  • Posts: 3917
Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #22 on: September 01, 2009, 07:21:01 am »
Hi Colin

If the carpet or upholstery has been wet for more than 24 hours, then they may start to smell.

In which case it is best to use Cleansan as a bactericidal deodouriser.

If the carpet is still dirty and requires a reclean then add Clensan to your acid rinse.

The carpet cleaner who never made a mistake hasn't been born ye,t so don't be too hard on yourself, you seem to have handled it well.



Joe H

Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2009, 12:35:24 pm »
I have 2 on the go at the moment Colin.
Similar circumstances to each other but completely different as well.

Similar situation is that both were done on wet days (though different days)
and both times as soon as done the clients shut windows, locked doors and went out.

Differences are that one is 80/20 twist. The owner says the now deceased dog has never been in the room but I get on all fours and my sniff takes me to a particular spot where I think the dog has wet. Am going to treat this by injecting Bio Green deep into the pile to get to underlay.

The other is a kiddies creche, carpet tiles. That smells musty in my opinion. Been today and sprayed Alltec Odour (whatever) and left with the windows open.

Just got to keep the relationships going.
The creche lady, I have cleaned her very nice bungalow a number of times no problem, so she knows its to do with the circumstance.

and the 80/20 lady, similar, did 2 carpets in her house and 3 at hte daughters flat - so 4 carpets no problem, one smells a bit.

Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2009, 02:23:03 pm »
I took Gordon's advice and didn't go in there blasting the carpets with 500 psi. But something needed to be done so I used the LM method to try and at least clean the really bad traffic lane using the minimum moisture then applied a Bio Enzime treatment.... The smell had gone and I'm banking on a good result once all is completely bone dry. It occured to me that they told me they suffer from damp when I first surveyed the job. Also, where they put their "Bare" feet they'd spilt food (They can't remember what though!)
It's any bloody wonder it's a greasy stinking mess....

The sofa's are absolutely fine!

Joe, It was indeed showery on the day I cleaned, but they'd done the complete opposite and had the window wide open. It's odd how we can do the same type of work day in, day out and get a result we really don't want.... Keeps us on our toes I suppose :)

Simon Gerrard

  • Posts: 4405
Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2009, 05:04:16 pm »
Hi Colin,

I'd be very worried indeed if a customer came up with that kind of complaint. You've handled it extremely well but you really need to concentrate on making sure it doesn't happen again. To understand that you have to get to the nitty gritty as to why after the best part of five days a suite and carpet are still damp to the point where they are causing a smell.
Clearly you have massively overwet them and that tends to happen when your pre-spray hasn't been as effective as it should have been. If you're using Micro-splitters that may be why, but because it hasn't worked you then make more and more passes to try to affect a result and end up soaking the foam which then takes yonks to dry and causes a smell.
It's not for me to say what has gone wrong but you really must study every step you made that day to find where you went wrong, if you do that then this will have been a worthwhile learning experience from which you will grow as a professional.


Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2009, 06:54:28 pm »
Can we just get one thing straight, it is now obvious that "I DID NOT" overwet the sofa or carpet..... I only assumed this was what happened initially!

The smell is confined to one area and if I had overwetted, the whole carpet would smell.... Surely....But it doesn't ??? I've obviously brought something "Back to life!".

I've just had the custy bothering me again, she can still smell the horrible smell.... I only treated the problem area at 10 O'Clock..... I've told her to at least give it a chance for the bio enzime to do it's trick..... It works wonders on cat poop ??? She started to complain about some ink stain on a cushion too.... I informed her I never ever, under any cicumstances, use a pen to clean ::)

Every time I ask what it could be that was spilt she goes all defensive and explains that a house is for living in, I explain that I can only guess what the smell is and treat it accordingly! Her husband has mentioned cat, bare feet and food could be the problem....

Am I to blame here? Where do I go next? And, as I cleaned the living room carpet for "Free" (I always offer custy's this deal when they have a 3 piece suite cleaned) If she asks for a refund, where do I stand?


  • Posts: 1899
Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2009, 07:25:50 pm »
You clean a lounge for free if you clean the suite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Id stop this first before you go any further.  Theres no need to be so generous.
Sounds like the house was a tip and not the sort of customers you want to attract if possible.  Go back and try and sort it if you cant  then refund whatever if necessary and walk away.  Put it down to experience.  You cant win them all.


derek west

Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #28 on: September 01, 2009, 07:32:04 pm »
give her the money back and cut your losses. thats what i'd do.

i did a house today, lost suction due to foam up, first time ever. 250 ft of hose, had to rush the job cos the neighbours were giving us sht for crossing there drive, even though i had my worker stood on the drive to break the pipes if need be, anyway, long story short, the carpet was quite wet when i left and a lot of multi pro left in there. the guy left early and gave me a £10 tip for all the hassle. if i get a call from him with even the slightest murmer of a complaint i will refund him totally, i never wanna see that street again. absolute nightmare of a day.

ps... the house we did is 2 house around the corner. never again.

neil 47

  • Posts: 1345
Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #29 on: September 01, 2009, 07:38:01 pm »

 I think you have done more than enough to help them, some people are never happy 


Joe H

Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #30 on: September 01, 2009, 07:45:24 pm »
Once it goes wrong, who ever fault, it sometimes gets worse .... and it has for you.

The smell is up her nose now and it will take some to get it out of her.

Hope it goes well with you.

Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #31 on: September 01, 2009, 07:53:03 pm »
Hey Neil..... Fancy a job mate ;D ;D ;D

If you fancy coming along if the problems still not resolved I'd appreciate your opinion of the job Neil! My last ditch attempt will be at soonest, next week..... But I'll be just cleaning the traffic lane....

Joe.... I fear you're absolutely right!

Simon Gerrard

  • Posts: 4405
Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #32 on: September 01, 2009, 07:55:38 pm »
I agree with Joe. Sometimes once customers get into 'complain' mode it's really difficult to satisfy them. If you haven't overwet things then you've awoken something that was dormant in the carpet. If I were you I'd just give her money back and put it down to experience, but before you do that make sure that giving her money back will settle the issue. What could be worse than giving the money back and then she still insists on you fixing the smells!!!



  • Posts: 454
Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #33 on: September 01, 2009, 07:59:00 pm »
Colin if they used the rd on the sofa then it is a safe bet they used it on the carpets. They have probably tried to clean the dirty area's and soaked it trying to get a result. Probably got mould in the backing in which case you would need to use something like 429 to get rid of it. Failing that just refund the money and move on.

derek west

Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #34 on: September 01, 2009, 08:00:48 pm »
wise words from simon col

ask the question
"what would it take to shut you up bee hatch?"   but in a nice way ;D

Ben Lugg

  • Posts: 207
Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #35 on: September 01, 2009, 08:30:27 pm »
Hi Colin
Sorry to hear you're still having problems with this issue.
The complaint I had a couple of months ago was such that the customer would not take my word for an answer (even after I refunded the payment) so I asked another carpet cleaner (NCCA registered and not someone I already knew) to go and do an independent assessment. 
The assessment came out in my favour, as I expected, but the key thing is that it has stopped the customer complaining any further..... as far as I know!    :)
Maybe keep this in the back of your mind, in case you want someone to go in and give the customer an independent opinion.
Good Luck and I hope this is soon off your mind, so you can get on with other things.

Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #36 on: September 01, 2009, 08:31:42 pm »
Colin if they used the rd on the sofa then it is a safe bet they used it on the carpets. They have probably tried to clean the dirty area's and soaked it trying to get a result. Probably got mould in the backing in which case you would need to use something like 429 to get rid of it. Failing that just refund the money and move on.

"BINGO!" The penny's dropped now.... Why on Earth would you hire a RD and just clean the arms of the sofa? (This is what the lady of the house had told me!) I'm giving in and refunding I think. I'll ask her to be absolutely straight with me about whether or not they used the RD on the carpet, but I'm not heaving my machine up 8 slippery steps and moss covered steep path again.... I'm done :'(

Joe H

Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #37 on: September 01, 2009, 08:39:38 pm »
If thats what they done ie over wet with the RD and cause a problem, then I would not be quick at giving the money back.

darren Jones

  • Posts: 65
Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #38 on: September 01, 2009, 10:12:15 pm »
Had a custy contact me recently who had used a RD by his own admission on his bedroom smelt like a mortuary.......

Charged him 80 quid extracted on both sides and injected some bio green. recommended me to his sister who booked in for full 3 bed house. At the time her friend was around when giving quote and nailed her as well and both have re booked for xmas.

Happy days

Re: Had my first complaint!
« Reply #39 on: September 02, 2009, 12:15:17 am »
I'd would just want out at this stage. You won't reason with this one. As far as she's concerened there wasn't a smell when you came and there was a smell when you left. Are you sure it wasn't the army you were in Colin. ;D