ian but what. i am at the end of the day out to earn money. you no doubt will run rings around me technichslly. but i know how to market with qualified success.if alot of persons here especially new people follow my road they will ern very decent money, i have no gain motive towards others, i ont hold grudges. i am delighted if someone does well. but times have changed it is dog eat dog, and whilst many pretend to uphold the valuse and principals of a saint . thet is not reality. therefor my methods that may not appeal to the dir hard proffesional and protaginist,are not posted as a slight upon those but as an eye opener for those looking for a way out, society is no longer tricked by methods used succsesfully in the 70-80-90 s they dont want to hear tapes for reasonsto pick me. they dont want to see, the terms used by some such as im on a 5 reasons to pick me.or buy one and ill clean it free of charge to introduce you to our service.or 10 reasons not to pick other carpet cleaners, they want genuine, easy to talk to, no baffling sciece. no wild promises of if its not 100%clean ill be back and clean it for free, a good service by trained operative at a reasonable price. that does not mean those that work that way r cowboys, nut neither does the quality serviced offer by many of you for higher prices mean that you really are better, but i should hpoe so, my old mum ued to say you only get what you pay for.if you pay little dont complain if thats all you get. some prospects can and only will afford that service