we have only been wfp'ing for 2 weeks and so far things have not been to bad , had a few insides to do which gives you a good look at what you have done , the first two houses we went inside and our faces turned pale
water marks on every window , I even did my house to see if my tds was working and to see if mine came out bad .
didnt sleep much that night thinking we have invested in a lemon here ... got up in morning and mine was gleaming ( I've got leadys )
next day did a first clean on a leaded window bloody great big house inside and out - did the outside and went inside with our eyes shut
went round the whole house cleaning and to our amazment not one bad window !!!
what did we do different ? - maybe a bitmore of a rinse but apart from that nothing !
she was so pleased that she put us onto her father - in -law who had a bigger house , did his today without no problems at all
about 20 dormer leadlight windows that no one has ever been albe to clean - nice little £65 we picked up because we had wfp system .
so in short it's been better for us so far
still the next time i see some water marks haha john malone