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I picked up work today in another town because their Trad cleaner has fallen off his ladders. Lucky bloke survived with a few broken bones - he can't remember anything about it, the owners were out but someone over the road spotted him.
Quote from: ftp on August 10, 2009, 08:23:52 pmI picked up work today in another town because their Trad cleaner has fallen off his ladders. Lucky bloke survived with a few broken bones - he can't remember anything about it, the owners were out but someone over the road spotted him. if he has quit windowing thats okay, but if he hasnt you know he hasnt you should be ashamed if u take his work
so steve allan you only use wfp on 3 storeys and leaded windows how come you have have spent hudreds of pounds on wfp and you dont use it that much can't work that out at all , if custys don't like wfp i talk to them and discuss what issues they have if any and if the end they don't want wfp we part company only lost a few custys said they don't like windys been left wet very strange