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  • Posts: 2561
Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #40 on: August 08, 2009, 06:27:40 pm »
What Omnipole are stating is that they introduced WFP into this country. Tucker Invented it in the states for window cleaning back in the last century.

I have no problems dealing with Omnipole for window cleaning or gutter cleaning equipment. They get slated a lot by members on this forum but they still post replies and try to answer questions. . Alex Gardiner has a huge fan club on this forum if anyone hadn't already noticed and is very popular because of his family's wfp shop and because of his very positive feedback to queries. Alex isn't involved in the shop side of things so much as Glyn and his team, hence why Glyn is probably less diplomatic, but he shouldn't be heckled off of this forum by some wind up merchants who just love to provoke trouble.


Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #41 on: August 09, 2009, 08:37:09 am »
I saw systems being used in the States to clean buildings over 20 years ago. They were all made by Tucker and while they weren't exactly common they were around.

The first system I saw in Britain was in London and that must have been 15 years ago now. It also was a Tucker system.

Both the systems in the States and the first one I saw in London all were connected to the water supply direct and passed the water through a big DI unit.

 The guy in London told me you could regenerate the resin using hydrochloric acid. Has anyone else heard of this? I've often wondered about it since.


  • Posts: 4694
Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #42 on: August 09, 2009, 08:51:45 am »
What Omnipole are stating is that they introduced WFP into this country. Tucker Invented it in the states for window cleaning back in the last century.

I have no problems dealing with Omnipole for window cleaning or gutter cleaning equipment. They get slated a lot by members on this forum but they still post replies and try to answer questions. . Alex Gardiner has a huge fan club on this forum if anyone hadn't already noticed and is very popular because of his family's wfp shop and because of his very positive feedback to queries. Alex isn't involved in the shop side of things so much as Glyn and his team, hence why Glyn is probably less diplomatic, but he shouldn't be heckled off of this forum by some wind up merchants who just love to provoke trouble.

The difference is Alex never bites and never makes dubious claims over his products. Glyn on the other hand likes to give the impression that his company invented everything, when a quick web search will turn up some suprising results.
Alex will counter any arguments with a sensible factual reply whereas Glyn likes to treat everyone as an idiot hence Gardiners popularity on here.  :)


Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #43 on: August 09, 2009, 08:57:46 am »
What Omnipole are stating is that they introduced WFP into this country. Tucker Invented it in the states for window cleaning back in the last century.

I have no problems dealing with Omnipole for window cleaning or gutter cleaning equipment. They get slated a lot by members on this forum but they still post replies and try to answer questions. . Alex Gardiner has a huge fan club on this forum if anyone hadn't already noticed and is very popular because of his family's wfp shop and because of his very positive feedback to queries. Alex isn't involved in the shop side of things so much as Glyn and his team, hence why Glyn is probably less diplomatic, but he shouldn't be heckled off of this forum by some wind up merchants who just love to provoke trouble.

The difference is Alex never bites and never makes dubious claims over his products. Glyn on the other hand likes to give the impression that his company invented everything, when a quick web search will turn up some suprising results.
Alex will counter any arguments with a sensible factual reply whereas Glyn likes to treat everyone as an idiot hence Gardiners popularity on here.  :)

Not saying a word as ill get abused again lol but  ::)   ;)

wfp master

  • Posts: 2549
Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #44 on: August 09, 2009, 11:40:47 am »
What Omnipole are stating is that they introduced WFP into this country. Tucker Invented it in the states for window cleaning back in the last century.

I have no problems dealing with Omnipole for window cleaning or gutter cleaning equipment. They get slated a lot by members on this forum but they still post replies and try to answer questions. . Alex Gardiner has a huge fan club on this forum if anyone hadn't already noticed and is very popular because of his family's wfp shop and because of his very positive feedback to queries. Alex isn't involved in the shop side of things so much as Glyn and his team, hence why Glyn is probably less diplomatic, but he shouldn't be heckled off of this forum by some wind up merchants who just love to provoke trouble.

The difference is Alex never bites and never makes dubious claims over his products. Glyn on the other hand likes to give the impression that his company invented everything, when a quick web search will turn up some suprising results.
Alex will counter any arguments with a sensible factual reply whereas Glyn likes to treat everyone as an idiot hence Gardiners popularity on here.  :)
well said i agree 100%..

Glyn H

Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #45 on: August 09, 2009, 03:40:02 pm »
Ftp and sfwc

Who are you?

What innovations have you brought to the cleaning industry?

Why dont have contact details on your profiles? Why no websites?

sfwc why do you launch an attack every poster that asks about motor vehicles?

Ftp where did you get the idea to DIY a GutterVac? Did you think of the concept yourself or did you copy our idea?


  • Posts: 4694
Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #46 on: August 09, 2009, 04:46:28 pm »
Me? I'm from Wiltshire. I choose not to put my website on here 'cos i'm not trying to sell anything. Don't put my contact details as I have no need to. Other suppliers have my contact numbers etc because i've dealt with them. What do you want to know?


  • Posts: 4694
Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #47 on: August 09, 2009, 04:51:59 pm »
Don't know about the brush but the second paragraph is very true.

Alex Gardiner

  • Posts: 7740
Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #48 on: August 09, 2009, 04:54:40 pm »
What Omnipole are stating is that they introduced WFP into this country. Tucker Invented it in the states for window cleaning back in the last century.

I have no problems dealing with Omnipole for window cleaning or gutter cleaning equipment. They get slated a lot by members on this forum but they still post replies and try to answer questions. . Alex Gardiner has a huge fan club on this forum if anyone hadn't already noticed and is very popular because of his family's wfp shop and because of his very positive feedback to queries. Alex isn't involved in the shop side of things so much as Glyn and his team, hence why Glyn is probably less diplomatic, but he shouldn't be heckled off of this forum by some wind up merchants who just love to provoke trouble.

The difference is Alex never bites and never makes dubious claims over his products. Glyn on the other hand likes to give the impression that his company invented everything, when a quick web search will turn up some suprising results.
Alex will counter any arguments with a sensible factual reply whereas Glyn likes to treat everyone as an idiot hence Gardiners popularity on here.  :)

Not exactly true didn’t Alex Gardiner originally say his Bentley brush or the original Super-Lite was made especially for wfp?

A lot of window cleaners owe a lot to all the suppliers and there work and innovations, imported or invented. It’s all to easy for customers to complain over the smallest things and forget without these people being here in the first place you may still be on ladders or just paying more than you do now for there products.   


Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #49 on: August 09, 2009, 05:07:07 pm »
That 'someone' is you Alex isn't it?

No it isn't, unfortunately. I only started using poles in 2000 and invested in my first complete set-up in 2001. I had previously been to the US where I had friends who used WFP extensively, but I hadn't yet seen the need for it in my business. I remember being more interested in their automatic adjustable ladder legs  :(

That sounds in the same league as Bill Gates saying that there was no future in the internet Alex.   ;D

Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #50 on: August 09, 2009, 05:14:41 pm »
so omnipole did NOT invent wfp thats why i said dont make me laugh they have a bad reputation on here remember a couple of months back that post went on & on about them. i think they were trying to bum themselfs up saying they invented wfp. not a chance..

Although it's not been perfect, my own experience of Omnipole has been very positive.  I've probably spent more with them than most sole traders (who stick to window cleaning) in recent years and I've been mostly satisfied.  I found the ali poles a bit much for my elbow and shoulder and wasn't so keen that the brush angle can't be altered but, apart from that, things have been OK.  It's hardly their fault that I have a couple of vulnerable joints though some kind of angle adaptor on the brush fitting might be helpful.

Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #51 on: August 09, 2009, 05:19:50 pm »
What Omnipole are stating is that they introduced WFP into this country. Tucker Invented it in the states for window cleaning back in the last century.

I have no problems dealing with Omnipole for window cleaning or gutter cleaning equipment. They get slated a lot by members on this forum but they still post replies and try to answer questions. . Alex Gardiner has a huge fan club on this forum if anyone hadn't already noticed and is very popular because of his family's wfp shop and because of his very positive feedback to queries. Alex isn't involved in the shop side of things so much as Glyn and his team, hence why Glyn is probably less diplomatic, but he shouldn't be heckled off of this forum by some wind up merchants who just love to provoke trouble.

Quite agree.  Although Glyn will never win any prizes as a diplomat, he does try to help and participate.
I'm particularly impressed by the fact that it is usually possible to drive to Woodside  Green and get something fixed at very short notice.  That's a service that can be invaluable.  OK, if they are very busy it may not happen on the same day but that's life.

bad trippy

  • Posts: 3268
Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #52 on: August 09, 2009, 05:50:38 pm »
So who designed just seen omnivacs post on ebay and they claim to of but i didnt realise this.....
Some bloke who wanted loads of dosh off ya!
Add me on Facebook clear view window cleaning

Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #53 on: August 09, 2009, 09:18:17 pm »
Ftp and sfwc

Who are you?

What innovations have you brought to the cleaning industry?

Why dont have contact details on your profiles? Why no websites?

sfwc why do you launch an attack every poster that asks about motor vehicles?

Ftp where did you get the idea to DIY a GutterVac? Did you think of the concept yourself or did you copy our idea?

Well where did you get the idea from,because the original gutter vacuum system was already patented in Usa as previously posted long before you marketed your version?

Glyn H

Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #54 on: August 09, 2009, 11:00:29 pm »
Well where did you get the idea from,because the original gutter vacuum system was already patented in Usa as previously posted long before you marketed your version?

You claim to have seen a gutter vacuum system in australia several years before we designed and marketed the Omni-GutterVac in 2001. 
To say you were slow spotting an exciting innovation is an understatement, is this the reason why most of your posts relate to the GutterVac? Dreaming of what could have been

Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #55 on: August 10, 2009, 07:13:22 am » should be a politician.You allways avoid answering a question that is put to you but allways come back with sarcasm.
Yes i did see a gutter cleaning system in Australia,way before you marketed your product.I had no intentions of marketing the product myself ...why should i have at that time i had no interests in the gutter cleaning business,and still dont really .I dont look at everything and think to myself...oh quick lets produce that....
It has been shown on here before that way back in the seventies a patent was applied and granted in the USA for a vacuum related gutter cleaning even if i did see a system in Australia in the early nineties that still would not have been a new invention.
Dont go on about patents applied for in differant countries as you did before,the fact is that the gutter vacuuming system was invented a long time ago....but you have a hard time admitting it.
So in answer to your ridicule about how slow i was spotting an exciting innovation and dreaming of what could have been,well i admit to not having the slightest interest in doing so.
Perhaps you will answer once and for all....where did you get the idea from....
I doubt you will come back with a straight answer
I'll vote for you in the next election if you stand.....

Sorry i couldn't find a suitable youtube video .

wfp master

  • Posts: 2549
Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #56 on: August 10, 2009, 12:21:52 pm »
Ftp and sfwc

Who are you?

What innovations have you brought to the cleaning industry?

Why dont have contact details on your profiles? Why no websites?

sfwc why do you launch an attack every poster that asks about motor vehicles?

Ftp where did you get the idea to DIY a GutterVac? Did you think of the concept yourself or did you copy our idea?

glyn i am from scotland lovely place. i dont have a web site as i have enough work dont need any more. dont wamt to put contact details on here no need to. about the motor vehicles iasked if it was a van forum dont think that was an attack. inventions well i had hand in inventing the w. f. p. honestly  ;)  ;D ;D ;D

Glyn H

Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #57 on: August 10, 2009, 06:04:27 pm »
I'll vote for you in the next election if you stand....

Your not the first to say this.

Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #58 on: August 10, 2009, 08:51:33 pm »
Yep...i just knew what the reply would be.... ::)


Re: who designed WFP
« Reply #59 on: September 29, 2009, 08:51:09 pm »
Glyn please mate grow up before you grow old, You will have a hearty attach soon. And we will miss your tantrums.