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Threads about Money
« on: August 06, 2009, 06:51:26 pm »
Threads about earnings dont worry me.

Bragging is annoying, remember DeMarco who did 500 a day!!

Anyway, my personal opinion is NOT that members of the public register on this forum to see how much we earn. Im sure thy have far more important things to do with their time, like worry about how much THEY earn. And, I dont register on other work related forums, such as for plumbers or sparkies to see how much they earn.

Anyway...more to the point, do others have a problem regarding the starting of threads which are NOT about how much you earn, but threads that might be titled 'How Much For This?' or 'I did this earlier, what would your price have been?'

To me I see no problem, it doesnt infer how much youve earned, jobs can take an hour or a week.

So? Opinions please.


Re: Threads about Money
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2009, 07:59:00 pm »
Looks like we are all ignoring you,  :P  It's interesting to see how the prices are different all over UK, but I can't do much with that, as at the moment I have a patch of "sports car" driving sqauddies in one of my rounds, that think payment is some sort of an option.


Re: Threads about Money
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2009, 08:16:30 pm »
i treat threads about earnings with a pinch of salt; most people reading my replys must feel
  like mushrooms . i like to give very little of eny use away ;D


Re: Threads about Money
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2009, 08:23:38 pm »
I try not to post "takings - what you take" people all to frequently mistake the term for "earnings - what you earn after overheads".

I "earn" 35-40% of the money i take (35-40p in every pound) the rest is put into the company account to pay the tax bill, the accountant, the fuel costs, the running and upkeep of the van, the varying insurances needed, the equipment needed and up keep, and all manor of other overheads.

Many of us other much differing overheads this also needs to be taking into account when pricing, not just where you are based in the country.


  • Posts: 4694
Re: Threads about Money
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2009, 08:26:56 pm »
I never take them seriously but they are a useful reference point. I just don't tend to bother with them much these days because after the second or third reply the price just soars off the scale. But if you like posting them Matt then carry on.  ;)


Re: Threads about Money
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2009, 08:52:21 pm »
i've been on many different forums (plumbing, electrician, painter/decorator) over the past few years and the guys on those forums don't seem to have a problem posting how much they earn or how much they'd charge for a job etc.

Like you say I doubt any members of the public will be registering on here to spy on how much window cleaners earn.

I do find it a bit wierd how out of all the trades window cleaners don't seem to want to admit (seriously) how much they earn, to me a window cleaner provides a service that the customer can choose to either have done or not, they either think the price/job is worth it or not where as if one of your customers has a burst pipe in the night and call a plumber out, they pretty much have to pay what ever price the plumber decides he wants. Therefore I'd be happier knowing I earn my living by charging people for a quality service that they can choose to have or not have.

If you get what i mean!  ???

But i can see that guys who have their business names on their profiles won't really want to post how much they make because if someone saw a business earning loads of dosh in a town near them, they'd be thinking I'll have some of that, thankyou very much.

But I have noticed that people won;t post on their earnings, but will post on seperate posts how much they charge for a certain job and then how many jobs a day they do.


Re: Threads about Money
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2009, 08:56:11 pm »
because you cant go on plumbing forum etc see how much they earn and go out tomorrow and start working, but if your unemployed due to economy i,e now you could be sitting on your sofa thinking i need to work i wonder how much a wc earns, google wc etc come to this forum bobs your uncle there out canvassing tomorrow under pricing work and bringing the prices down,


Re: Threads about Money
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2009, 09:01:12 pm »
not assuming just stating a reason i wouldnt post about earnings  :)


  • Posts: 139
Re: Threads about Money
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2009, 09:08:56 pm »
Fair comment, but the recession is bound to bring out some new Wc's, and one reaon for that is low start up costs and overheads for a basic operation.

Dragon's Den may have over publicised the job yesterday too!
Dictum meum pactum


Re: Threads about Money
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2009, 09:10:06 pm »
Anyway, each to their own on actual earnings.

This thread isnt about earnings. I wanted to know what others thought of threads that were asking for a price for a job, or what others thought someone had got for doing a particular job.

maybe they are too insecure about there own pricing methods.. and what to test the waters with what they have or will quote/d.

Generally you dont find experienced guys requesting pricing help, so i think that is the reason. Lack of experience in pricing and want to check what other would price.

If your lucky and you get good money for a job, well done.

If you lost out? you will learn from it.


Re: Threads about Money
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2009, 09:19:42 pm »
True, I hadn't thought of the ease of set up/ lower costs versus plumbing etc.

I think it's great that someone can give details/photo's of a job on here and people will happily help them out with an idea of price etc.


  • Posts: 139
Re: Threads about Money
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2009, 09:22:06 pm »
Anyway, each to their own on actual earnings.

This thread isnt about earnings. I wanted to know what others thought of threads that were asking for a price for a job, or what others thought someone had got for doing a particular job.

I doubt that personally,individual earnings don't really give away prices.

I think a lot of people would be surprised at some WC's earnings, perhaops that's the cause of the shyness?

I asked a question about pricing a job for a three storey house in a very well to do area of London the other day, and didn't receive a decent reply.

My reason for asking was that there are quite a few potential customers all together, and I don't want to overprice and lose the opportunity, but obviously i don't want to go too far under either.

If anyone has any ideas, please fell free, but figures rather than comments please!

Dictum meum pactum


Re: Threads about Money
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2009, 10:07:39 pm »
Are they ok, why not ask the mods,
You seem to have changed since coming back under a different name Matt.


Re: Threads about Money
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2009, 12:06:04 am »
The thing is Matt, you must remember, some just ask about what we all think of a price, others want to let "the flag hang out". Someone will always try to impress others with their business acumen, even though they have none, and work for someone else.

It's a forum, and ANYONE can type what they want on here, even people that work at Sainsbury's and drive a forklift. It's called "ex Amway distributor syndrome".

Some people have read self help books and even "google" answers to WFP topics, it takes all sorts of people to make a forum rock.

Re: Threads about Money
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2009, 07:41:25 am »
Looks like we are all ignoring you, 

Story of my life  ;D

Ive taken the fact that no-one has replied to it as carte-blanche to publish earnings, hourly rates and business costs in any or all threads, as an attitude of indifference by all of those on here. Cant say they didnt have their chance to voice their opinions  ;D

You expected to be flooded with replies in a whole 1 hour and 12 minutes?   ;D
I thought I was bad with my need for instant gratification but you have knocked me into second place.
Seriously though, I'm sure most of us get a few days here and there where we earn a packet but for me it's more about sustainability.
%The daft thing is that during the past quarter I havbe turned over more than in any quarter since I started yet I have a cashflow problem.  It will be fine when the money comes in but at the moment, I am reduced to putting in enough diesel for a couple of days at a time.  I have been doing a few commercial jobs instead of my usual mainly domestic routine.  This is happening at a time when I'm due a holiday and I haven't even finished paying the 31/7 tax bill yet.  Added to that I needed to replace some equipment last month and many of my domestic customers are away on holiday.  So it's not just about turnover, it's also about getting paid.  I'm owed more than I've ever been owed since I started yet I'm practically skint.  What a muddle.
Although I've posted little bits in the past about earnings, I choose not to do so any more.  There is a lot of unemployment around and more to follow.  No-one is indispensable.
When someone posts pictures asking for price suggestions I always try to be realistic and honest when I choose to participate.  However, it can be tricky because I've no way of knowing how much the poster wants/needs a particular job.  Sometimes, pricing can be regional and there might be no mention of where the poster operates.