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  • Posts: 4694
Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« on: July 30, 2009, 09:11:52 pm »
Is it possible?
I was told I missed the whole of the back of a house a few weeks ago. Quite possible because I was down the side and my phone went off so must have forgotten.

Anyway today I turn up and the lady says you didn't clean my conservatory roof the time before last that I paid you for!
What? This roof involves getting my ladders off the van, climbing up on to the garage roof and balancing close to the ridge tiles in order to reach it and three windows above. "So I climbed up onto your garage roof, stood there for quarter of an hour doing nothing and climbed back down again did I ?"
" well I could tell you didn't do it because i could see a cobweb"

Jeez some customers  ::) I gave her a tenner back and apologised.


  • Posts: 25118
Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2009, 09:19:56 pm »
Oh yeah. I've cleaned windows twice before now as well!
It's a game of three halves!


Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2009, 09:32:50 pm »
 ;D ;D ;D

the other day i was doing a 1st clean on a lovely big house, no room on the driveway, so had to park at the end of the driveway, about 30m.

so...has weird layout, have to go one way down drive to one half, then out and way round to do the other half. probably the only time i have got to within 5-10 of the end of my 100m reel, finished up, did my checks, packed the gear away as last house of the day, went back round to pop payment slip through the door when i noticed i had completely missed a velux and had to unpack everything and unwind loads of hose for 1 velux!!

really was kicking myself the whole time!!! :-[


Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2009, 09:38:16 pm »
ten to seven..but it may be early ;D


  • Posts: 1093
Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2009, 09:49:17 pm »
years ago i had a custie with altzheimers....she kept on asking if she had paid me, its was only a fiver a clean, and being honest i refused after the 1st one but i couldnt help wonder just how much someone else with no concience could have walked away with in the ten minutes i was there. 8)


Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2009, 10:22:09 pm »
I've gone back at the end of a days work to collect from a row of 4 houses, altogether, in one street. Cleaned them at abou 3 in the afternoon,that's late for me as I try to get finished by 2 if I can. Anyway, go back to collect about 5.30 and see a cobweb in the corner of a downstairs window, next to front door. Custy pays and I go home thinking"EH? did I miss one". No I didn't, the window sill and frame was clean. Mrs Cozy looks online and finds out some spiders build a web in under 2 hours!

Good excuse if I do miss one next time lol. 8)


Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2009, 10:28:09 pm »
Dont you mean Mrs Bish Bosh?

Oh yeah Mrs Bish Bosh.....sorry ::)

Platinum NW

  • Posts: 294
Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2009, 11:05:34 pm »
i once had a customer with the disorder. She paid us £5.50 went in came back out and asked how much it was - She would do this about 3 times every time we cleaned. It was funny the first time but it wasnt because we realised how much her son had to cope with as he lived there and was her full time carer. We also realised that the poor bloke had given up most of his life to look after his mother who recently past away. She always wanted him by her side and was constantly shouting him when he wasnt there. Since she past he has locked himself away , cancelled the windows and now spends his money and time in the bookies.
This job with meeting all the people gives you a different perspective on life when you see how different situations affect different families. Its also highlighted the disease which i also want to collect charity money for in the near future.
Another disease is cancer which one of my very good friend and customer has recently got.Shes 82 and her family dont bother with her so i now feel a responsability to chat to her and give her the time of day not only for her sake but mine as my nan died from the disease and i wish i had spent more time with her-
Getting to the point - I now know a few families who have relatives with the family im very close to and believe me altzheimers is heartbreaking and is as serious as cancer because they are watching there loved ones die inside even though they arent physically dead its just as painful seeing them go like one of my good friends whos wife doesnt know who he is

When i get round to collecting money and i might consider donating some company profits or even cycling across country next year im sure il have the support of you guys in ere


  • Posts: 1093
Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2009, 06:38:03 am »
i absolutely agree, and i will be the 1st one to sponsor you ;)

that disease is a terrible affliction, as you say they look normal and have some "sane" moments, but when it takes over then you are looking at a stranger, good as....and normally not a very nice one.

i wonder if a cycle run could be organised in each of our areas, maybe not a lands end to john o'groats run ( i am way too unfit to be honest) but i would consider glasgow to edinburgh in the back roads if someone up here would join me ;)


  • Posts: 1093
Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2009, 06:47:57 am »
wouldnt that be a great thing.....a national cycle run in every county of the UK in aid of altzheimers, all organised on CIU.....could lead to some good publicity too ;)


Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2009, 07:34:38 am »
The trouble with window cleaning is that you can go off into your own little world and stay there for ages. Sometimes I have gone back to check windows because I have no recollection of doing them but they are wet so I must have.

I am sureI must have missed loads.

Roy Harding

  • Posts: 1970
Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2009, 09:31:01 am »
One of my customers ask me to call at a friends and price the window cleaning, but warned me to speak to friend as her husband had Alzheimer’s.

I called later that afternoon and knocked the door, a sprightly old gentleman opens the door, I explained that I was the window cleaner that his wife had asked to call, he said I will go get her. About 10min pass and he reappears, and says “O hello can I help you” and I explain all again. Ok I will get my wife. 10min later he comes back” Who did you say you were” explain again. Off he goes again saying she was having a sleep and he would get her. You guest it 10min later “ O hello can I help you. I was stuck in this never ending loop.

He disappeared again and so did I, never did put a price in and it was a large house, but I could see it been a bit of a problem.



Platinum NW

  • Posts: 294
Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2009, 11:59:34 am »
i absolutely agree, and i will be the 1st one to sponsor you ;)

that disease is a terrible affliction, as you say they look normal and have some "sane" moments, but when it takes over then you are looking at a stranger, good as....and normally not a very nice one.

i wonder if a cycle run could be organised in each of our areas, maybe not a lands end to john o'groats run ( i am way too unfit to be honest) but i would consider glasgow to edinburgh in the back roads if someone up here would join me ;)

wouldnt that be a great thing.....a national cycle run in every county of the UK in aid of altzheimers, all organised on CIU.....could lead to some good publicity too ;)

Yh that would be great. last month someone raised money for a boy with cancer whos past away last week and they raised alot of money through the local paper where the readers left a few thousand in donations


Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2009, 12:11:06 pm »
Is it possible?
I was told I missed the whole of the back of a house a few weeks ago. Quite possible because I was down the side and my phone went off so must have forgotten.

Anyway today I turn up and the lady says you didn't clean my conservatory roof the time before last that I paid you for!
What? This roof involves getting my ladders off the van, climbing up on to the garage roof and balancing close to the ridge tiles in order to reach it and three windows above. "So I climbed up onto your garage roof, stood there for quarter of an hour doing nothing and climbed back down again did I ?"
" well I could tell you didn't do it because i could see a cobweb"

Jeez some customers  ::) I gave her a tenner back and apologised.

its not Altzheimers

its just your old  ;)


  • Posts: 4694
Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2009, 02:50:05 pm »
caught my colostomy bag on a rose bush today but that's another story.


Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #15 on: July 31, 2009, 05:52:54 pm »
caught my colostomy bag on a rose bush today but that's another story.

your just taking the .... now

elite mike

Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2009, 08:04:02 pm »
what was this post about

ohh ime on the wrong tv channel  ;) ;D


Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2009, 08:10:14 pm »
what was this post about

ohh ime on the wrong tv channel  ;) ;D
thought youd have it Mike  ;D ;D ;D

elite mike

Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2009, 08:18:38 pm »
what was this post about

ohh ime on the wrong tv channel  ;) ;D
thought youd have it Mike  ;D ;D ;D

and how are you sheila  ;D ;D


Re: Windowcleaning with Altzheimers?
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2009, 08:32:31 pm »
this doesnt look like readers wivies  ;D