Customer who had a load of building work going on recently, so they rang me to ask if I could miss the next visit (favour #1); and they'd call me when it was done so I could go round sort the windows out and od some extra work as the neighbours windows would be minging (I do already do the neighbours windows anyway).
So a few weeks later the guy phones and says the work'll be done the middle of the week, so I says well the others in the road are due about then, I'll sort his out at the same time and do any extra work needed, such as the other neighbour whose windows would be minging because the building dust created.
Did the work, all sorted. A week later I got a call from custy. How much will it be he asks? I said well youve got a few new windows (2 small ones on the side a set of extra patio doors and a big double kitchen window); no need to worry about the extra time taken on all the windows (favour #2) but as it was already £16.00 lets make it £20.00. He huffed and puffed and then asked if I'd done them as the windows round the back had muck on them. I asked if the builders had done some more work since Id cleaned and he reckoned they had. So it seemed that was the explanation although he had asked me to go back middle of the week. Sure he didnt believe me.
Then he asks how much would the neighbours work be and I said it would be nothing, no problem, I could live with the few minutes extra, no harm done (favour #3)
Came home the following day theres an envelope on the doormat from him with the £20 in and a note cancelling. Reckon in his words they had someone to do the windows who was 'considerably cheaper' and with the same system. Didnt take him long did it to look through Yellow Pages after the favours I did him.