My main point is that £100 per day is achievable, a potential income of 25k per year isn't beyond reach, If you have what it takes you can climb higher and higher, though in fairness the higher incomes will rarely be achieved by one man bands, as you grow you expand. We all find our own level.
When I first started window cleaning there was another guy form a nearby town who started roughly the same time, within 2 years he was turning over a million a year
Or it may have been that he had turned over in that time a cool million.
The sky is the limit, no matter your trade, if there is a Richard Branson inside you then you soon eclipse your peers.
Once more....£100 a day is a reasonable target to acheive, if earning £100 a day, starting at 9am and finishing by 3pm sounds a good deal to you, well, it can be acheived, and all by yourself too.
Aiming for 50k a year? 75k a year? If you have what it takes you will get there, but by god you will have to work for it.
How many of you can run 100m in ten seconds?..........not many of you I guess, it can be done, we have all seen it, but you have to have natural ability, we all have our limits!! The same for window cleaning.
Most of us could do 100m in 15 seconds, just as most of us could earn £100 a day.
I'm labouring a point I know, but I hope most of you get my drift?
UBA1, sorry 5 or 6 semi's an hour, all day long, five days a week? 52 weeks of the year (less holidays) nope, sorry, thats just too much to swallow.
The faster you work, the more mistakes you will make.
As Tosh said, the average 3 bed modern semi will have a minimum of 11 or 12 windows. Even if you had 20 houses all in a row, I can't believe you will do 5 or 6 an hour.
I wonder how quickly Terry Burrows would clean the above houses??
The fastest window cleaner in the world.
Even his standard working pace would leave us all in the shade, I would love to hear what the average time, or how many standard houses he would clean in any one hour during his normal working day?
I am not saying UBA1 is lying, only that I just cannot believe the pace he works at, if you read this UBA1 bear that in mind please.
If you came to our area (Chepstow) You could canvas it from top to bottom, all 11,000 houses and you would not get a compact round that you could reasonably expect to whack out £200 plus a day, too much competition for one thing
But come on, Linford could do 100m in under 10 seconds, there has to be a window cleaner that can work at a pace that would leave us in the shade, we are giving UBA1 a rough ride over this, for us plebs we will always find it hard to believe such speeds can be achieved, you only have to watch Turbo Terry in action to see what is actually possible, watch him live and the speed he works at is staggering.
Sigh, look at the time! I'm up at 5am!
I need some shuteye