I think a good company name is important.
I failed miserably with mine! I called mine ABC Window Cleaning to get first place in the directories. Then, on my leaflets I called it 'Ken and Helen's Window Cleaning Company'; just to let potential customers know there's a female involved (and hopefully make them think we're not thuggish).
So now I have to call it 'ABC (Ken and Helen's) Window Cleaning', so I don't confuse.
Then on all my stationery I'm called 'Ken' because I thought 'Tosh' sounded yobbish, but it's what everyone I know, apart from my Mother calls me.
But, then when I introduce myself, I can't help but calling myself 'Tosh'. So I've changed my stationery to read 'Ken (Tosh)' and get cheques posted to me with the payee as 'Ken Tosh'.
Then, when I'm asked my company name and I reply sheepishly 'ABC Window Cleaning', I feel compelled to add that I have 'no imagination; sorry'.
It's all very confusing and pathetic really!