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D woods

« on: June 08, 2009, 08:24:29 pm »
Hi Guys
How many litres of water should you get from a25ltr  bag of resin (hard water area)
Someone asked me today in our shop today.


Re: Resin
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2009, 09:10:57 pm »
Hi Guys
How many litres of water should you get from a25ltr  bag of resin (hard water area)
Someone asked me today in our shop today.

Depends on resin brand/quality, how hard the water is, how fast you pass water through the resin & wether you use 1 or 2 DI in sequence. ;)

tomy jackson

Re: Resin
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2009, 09:20:09 pm »
Cleantech RO vs Di cost calculator 
Input TDS Reading    Ppm 
Insert water used per Month    Ltrs 
Cost per 1000 ltr (from water board)    Pence 
Di Only  Produces    Ltrs (per sack) 
   Cost per ltr       
   Cost per month       
RO + Di  Produces    Ltrs (per sack) 
   Cost per Ltr       
   Cost per month       
Average RO would pay for self in    Months 


This calculator is supplied as a guide only.

The RO calculations are based on a standard 300GPd RO, costing
around £400, with a rejection rate of 97% and sediment / carbon pre
filters replaced every 6 months at an average cost of £15 per set. The
Di resin element is based on 25ltr sacks of resin, costing around £70

All costings subject to VAT at standard rate (17.5%)

Copyright © Cleantech



Re: Resin
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2009, 09:36:30 pm »
Cleantech RO vs Di cost calculator 
Input TDS Reading    Ppm 
Insert water used per Month    Ltrs 
Cost per 1000 ltr (from water board)    Pence 
Di Only  Produces    Ltrs (per sack) 
   Cost per ltr       
   Cost per month       
RO + Di  Produces    Ltrs (per sack) 
   Cost per Ltr       
   Cost per month       
Average RO would pay for self in    Months 


This calculator is supplied as a guide only.

The RO calculations are based on a standard 300GPd RO, costing
around £400, with a rejection rate of 97% and sediment / carbon pre
filters replaced every 6 months at an average cost of £15 per set. The
Di resin element is based on 25ltr sacks of resin, costing around £70

All costings subject to VAT at standard rate (17.5%)

Copyright © Cleantech


Trouble is, cleantech sell Purolite resin, one of, if not THE worste performing resin out there!!


  • Posts: 70
Re: Resin
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2009, 10:43:19 pm »
I have been getting resin from Gardiners.  My TDS is 290 and the 25l splits 3 times into my 11l vessel.  I get about 575 - 600 litres of water before the TDS = 002

So 1725 - 1800 litres

Anyone surprised that I am now buying an RO?


Re: Resin
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2009, 10:51:01 pm »
I have been getting resin from Gardiners.  My TDS is 290 and the 25l splits 3 times into my 11l vessel.  I get about 575 - 600 litres of water before the TDS = 002

So 1725 - 1800 litres

Anyone surprised that I am now buying an RO?

No, not at all. 290 is way too high tds for a DI only system!  That's well bad performance though, even @ 290tds! Do you fill tank through your DI or from tap & pump through DI to pole?


  • Posts: 70
Re: Resin
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2009, 11:08:10 pm »
Tank in van goes to pump then through DI and to pole.

Only using DI was always a temporary measure. Now I am going with bigger tank in van, static IBC at home with a submersible pump.  Upgraditus didn't take long!