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Nice window cleaners
« on: May 19, 2009, 07:21:22 pm »
About a year ago a window cleaner I met in an area we both clean in...suprised me by emailing me a list of customers and prices in that area he did not want about 20 or so...then this weekend a window cleaner who is a student in the same area as the above chap...has given me 13 customers names as he does not have the time for them...because of his studies...

Now the first chap got a nice suprise for his newborn child and we'll see how the new names pan out.

But we here so many storeys of bad window cleaners and little turf wars...

Sometimes life is good...


Re: Nice window cleaners
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2009, 07:32:01 pm »
so true, a trad only guy I was taking to yesterday gave me two good leads for jobs that would suit wfp'ing, said he didn't want them cos of access over sloping roof.

I've had some decent leads from trad W/Cs as well.  One of those leads is my largest commercial job.  I made sure he was rewarded but he didn't ask for anything.