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  • Posts: 186
Re: Which Bank For Banking ?
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2009, 02:50:38 pm »
We have used the free business banking period with HSBC, used Abbey and now use Co Op through Federation of small businesses.  The Co Op bank is excellent when you phone them, free for life and you just have to nominate up to four local Post Offices to pay in.
One of my customers says the service is as good as she gets with her personal account at Coutts and Co!

on Co operative web site says 18 months free banking, not for life


  • Posts: 6180
Re: Which Bank For Banking ?
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2009, 06:02:42 pm »
I've been using Abbey for years. They are free within certain limits and the depositing is easyt as it's done 24/7 by cashpoint. I fiond that the big drawback is that they will not supply the BACS reference numbers that you give to the customers. Therefore, not much good if you have a lot of customers paying by bank transfer. I am switching to the Co-op because of this. Co-op is free as I'm a member of FSB. Deposits not so easy but at least they supply those references. Also, you can nominate up to four post offices so I'm nominating four sub offices dotted around my business.

dont they have a reference box, like most internet banking systems so people can simply input house number and postcode a ref?

Re: Which Bank For Banking ?
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2009, 06:26:26 pm »
We have used the free business banking period with HSBC, used Abbey and now use Co Op through Federation of small businesses.  The Co Op bank is excellent when you phone them, free for life and you just have to nominate up to four local Post Offices to pay in.
One of my customers says the service is as good as she gets with her personal account at Coutts and Co!

on Co operative web site says 18 months free banking, not for life

I believe it's free for life with Co-op if you are a member of the FSB (at £100 a year).  It's a very good deal because the FSB provide you with insurance to cover you against the accounting costs of being investigated by the IR.  Those costs (or a separate policy to guard against them) would be more than £100 a year on their own - that's apart from the other benefits you get from the FSB.

Re: Which Bank For Banking ?
« Reply #23 on: May 18, 2009, 06:31:15 pm »
I've been using Abbey for years. They are free within certain limits and the depositing is easyt as it's done 24/7 by cashpoint. I fiond that the big drawback is that they will not supply the BACS reference numbers that you give to the customers. Therefore, not much good if you have a lot of customers paying by bank transfer. I am switching to the Co-op because of this. Co-op is free as I'm a member of FSB. Deposits not so easy but at least they supply those references. Also, you can nominate up to four post offices so I'm nominating four sub offices dotted around my business.

dont they have a reference box, like most internet banking systems so people can simply input house number and postcode a ref?

They do not display this information to the recipient (you).  I've been nagging them for years to display it in real time.  They only used to give this info after the end of the accounting month on the paper statement or in an online archive.  They even stopped doing this at the start of this year.  Apparently Abbey expect people to run their businesses without knowing which customers have paid by BACS.  In reality, the account holder's name and the amount (obviously) are displayed so, for a small business, it is usually possible to determine who the payer is.  However, it has stopped me from expanding the BACS part of my business because even as a small business, I was starting to get duplications with surnames and amounts.


  • Posts: 4250
Re: Which Bank For Banking ?
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2009, 06:58:09 pm »
Why not just open another current account with a bank or use your private current account??

Impossible done straight away, miracles can take a little longer.