Lets face it customers are our bussiness and when you've been going to that pesons house once a month for several years a relationship does develope, and it's sad when something like this happens as you lose a friend not just a customer.
Last year I went to one of my customers cleaned the windows as usual then played with one of the little lads (about 3 yrs old)for a while this has become a habbit they come out every time since they were able to walk, when the mother came out I jockingly asked were the other half of the twins were (sent him to his grandparents for some peace I jocked) she looked at me and went into tears the other lad had died in his sleep the week before.
This news stunned me so much I could not work for a couple of days.
We argue with them, smile with them,help them, because they are like family, and we miss them as we would family.
Why God Made Families
When creation was finished, each star in its place,
God cradled the earth in His thoughtful embrace,
And knowing that there would be problems to face,
His wonderful plan came to be…
For he wanted His children to learn to be strong,
And not become frightened if things should go wrong,
So He placed in each heart a desire to belong
Somewhere they felt needed, yet free…
Then he added acceptance and patience and trust,
Love that was selfless and caring and just,
Where questions were welcome and laughter a must…
And He called His great gift…