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Blue Frog Systems

  • Posts: 3813
My RO has just popped and cracked infront of my eyes !!
« on: April 26, 2009, 08:52:48 pm »
Got back from knocking some doors today, had something to eat and a ciggy. Went to check on my water production and there was water on the side.

Turned everything off, mopped up, but couldnt see where the water had come from.

Set my RO up again on its own with lots of space. Turns the pump on and about 30 seconds later i hear this almighty POP and can see a crack at the bottom right housing and water pING out.

Thats my RO knackered. The pump has been on about 4 hours. Ive had it on longer with no problems.

Why has this happened ?

RO-Man states pumps tested to 100psi which is what it was running at.

How come this has happened ? have i got a dodgey casing ? Last time i tried to contact RO man it took them 9 days to reply.

Only those who risk going too far will truly know how far they can actually go

tomy jackson

Re: My RO has just popped and cracked infront of my eyes !!
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2009, 08:59:20 pm »
buger :-X :-X

Blue Frog Systems

  • Posts: 3813
Re: My RO has just popped and cracked infront of my eyes !!
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2009, 09:12:44 pm »
All i have done today is change the resin. I havent even touched the first casing

Only those who risk going too far will truly know how far they can actually go

Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2287
Re: My RO has just popped and cracked infront of my eyes !!
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2009, 09:36:27 pm »
I wouldnt bother wasting money on these cheap ro systems, they dont produce very fast and they dont last.

JP contact Gaps water and by a 40 40 RO, yes it costs more but so does not being able to run your business properly.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Blue Frog Systems

  • Posts: 3813
Re: My RO has just popped and cracked infront of my eyes !!
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2009, 09:44:05 pm »
I havent got the money to go buy a 4040.... Luckily i have a spare RO - just ped off that went to be honest
Only those who risk going too far will truly know how far they can actually go

Window Washers

  • Posts: 9036
Re: My RO has just popped and cracked infront of my eyes !!
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2009, 10:13:24 pm »
I havent got the money to go buy a 4040.... Luckily i have a spare RO - just ped off that went to be honest
One of the casing to a 10inch pre filter did this to me the other day no reason just went, and I was not even using it as it is redundent. I guess a weaknest in the making causes this problem.
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