You seem to have the right mentality, better than some new and potential starters that post on the forum.
I would recommend that once you have got your gear you spend your first couple of weeks getting to know your new equipment and put into practice what you have been shown on the course and what you have picked up from this forum.
Don't worry about earning money from day one, you will do yourself more harm than good if you go out there guns blazing straight away, if you get bookings, make them for the beginning of week 2 after you have had time to practice.
Get your family and friends to let you loose on their carpets and suites, no two suites are the same and they are an eye opener when you first start off doing them, the sweat was dripping off me when I did my first one for a neighbour, (only charged her a haircut and a bottle of wine for it). Practice setting up, loading and unloading everything, understand what each chemical is for and when it is required.
The secret is to make all your mistakes whilst you are working on these carpets and suites, not when you are out doing a job for a paying customer. Buy the little things that you haven't already got with your kit, ie: hammer, carpet or ring nails, brushes, cloths, towels, invoice book, pens, business cards, etc, etc.
Good luck, use the forum, there is VAST knowledge on here and if you are willing to contribute most people will be willing to help.