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Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2005, 07:28:35 pm »
lol...Tosh, you are a star !


  • Posts: 243
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2005, 01:02:15 pm »
Not wanting to be a party pooper, but could a new section entiltled "Fun" or somerthing similar not be created for this kind of post and keep the main forum for serious issues?


Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #22 on: April 13, 2005, 01:18:54 pm »
I did ask about that before....maybe call it 'Social'....but who am I in the grand scheme of things...


  • Posts: 2986
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #23 on: April 13, 2005, 02:26:11 pm »
Often a serious post will become humorous, after a while most tend to drift off topic and go wandering off on a tangent that may still be on window cleaning matters, but a different direction to the original thread.

Most threads also run out of steam after a while, often it is the humour that keeps them running.

I frequent one forum, nothing to do with window cleaning at all, and they have a section called 'CHATTER' for the completely off topic postings, gets used an awful lot too.

I think it would be a great idea for there to be an area in our forum where we could post the irreverent stuff, or discuss anything from time travel to growing peas ;)
If it didn't get used it wouldn't matter, but it would be great to have an area to go off-topic for a rant :P Rather than go to a forum that does have one.

Shouldn't mean that we can't have a little fun in the main forum though, lets face it, if you want to get back to a specific topic you just start off a fresh thread.



Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #24 on: April 13, 2005, 02:42:14 pm »
I must admit...sometimes after doing the job all day....the last thing I want to talk about when I get home is's time to chew the cud and have a bit of banter with me workmates (sort the same line of work anyway)...MUST we always be so serious and 'politically correct''s just a bit of fun, God knows, life is serious enough...sometimes I despair...I'm glad there's guys like Ross and Tosh around...'real people'  without their heads somewhere the sun don't shine...!

Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #25 on: April 13, 2005, 04:47:06 pm »
Not wanting to be a party pooper, but could a new section entiltled "Fun" or somerthing similar not be created for this kind of post and keep the main forum for serious issues?

I'm not in favour of a separate area for posts.  As long as they're inoffensive; what's the problem?  Ignore them and move on if they bore you!

If this forum was purely work based; it would be extremely dry and maybe those window cleaners with the experience they offer, wouldn't venture here and offer their advice and expertise. 

I mean guys like Roy Harding, Ian Giles and many others know how to 'squeegie like a pro', or 'how to get bird poo off windows'.  If this site wasn't a least a little bit entertaining, then mabye they'd go elsewhere.  Also, Ian Giles likes to crack a joke or two, but he takes the time to help with even the most mundane and often repeated questions.

Even 'Herr Phillip' (the moderator formally known as 'Silly')has been known to crack a few jokes and tell a few anecdotes about 'witches' and other zany stuff - just check out his back posts - particularly his pre-moderator ones.

I think the mix is about right!  But that's just my opinion. 

Forum:  'a meeting or opportunity for an exchange of views'.


Forum: 'a stiff and starchy place with no room for humour or diversity of thought'.


Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #26 on: April 13, 2005, 08:01:18 pm »
Even 'Herr Phillip' (the moderator formally known as 'Silly')has been known to crack a few jokes and tell a few anecdotes about 'witches' and other zany stuff - just check out his back posts - particularly his pre-moderator ones.

I was going to write something in line with the topic of this thread but I can't because I have to go and sort my cat out - it's going 'meow'...........



  • Posts: 243
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #27 on: April 14, 2005, 04:24:54 pm »
I agree with most of the sentiments posted above but as long as the humour stays relevant.

What prompted my suggestion was the post about solution which had drifted off onto a humorous discussion about alcohol. I try and keep abreast of the posts,which is often a struggle due to time constraints, and reading posts which are totally off the subject is a waste of time and effort.

I too visit another discussion forum and they have a section called "The Craic" which is fun,fun,fun but all of the other sections are relevant to their title and if anyone drifts off the moderators will either move the post or block it. This works well and everyone is happy and if you fancy some light relief you know where to look but if you want serious information you also know where to look.

No mishmash there  ;)


  • Posts: 2986
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #28 on: April 14, 2005, 05:56:46 pm »
I agree with you Glen,
My own frustration with threads is the speed at which they can drift into a related, but different subject, I've started threads off and within 2 or three replies they have shot off in a different direction, and even when you pull it back on topic it soon drifts off again >:(

Look at this one! Even you are digressing (as of course am I) by discussing the frustration you feel when a post goes off topic!

But I'm not sure how far you can take 'secret recipes' without spiraling away. I think the same goes for most threads, by the time they are two pages long they are often talking about something entirely different!
But you can understand how this one started making wisecracks about booze, once an ingredient such as 'rubbing alcohol', or 'surgical spirit' got mentioned it was sure to go on a tangent :-\
We don't want a dry, dusty forum discussing just 'serious' issues, so it has to be a balancing act, its only the odd thread that goes really wacky, usually the interesting, factual stuff has all been said within half a dozen replies.

I do like this forum though ;)



Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #29 on: April 14, 2005, 06:40:49 pm »
me too...and usually a certain amount of trolling through the subjects posted...even the site itself...will find the answers to most's a good site, populated with interesting people....opinions and attitudes are widely varied....and I'd like to think I've even made some new friends...even if I never get to actually meet them...


Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #30 on: April 14, 2005, 08:36:43 pm »
I think there comes a point on most threads where there isn't really much else to add and it seems to be then that the subject wandering starts but when a pretty lady mentions rubbing alcohol..... the tangent began with those words.

Personnaly I don't find it a problem generally but having said that, I've found on the 'other' w/c forum that the wandering can take the form of 'in house jokes' wherein they all seem clicky with each other. I find that off putting. They seem to know what they are on about but I'm certain no one else does and it can become a pain.

I think this forum has about the right mix of on topic postings, those that go at a tangent and humour.

Also I think the moderator does a very good job although I would have liked a conclusion to the erm ... 'debate' about Dukes broken bits. I thought that would have been an excellant chance for that company to show how they deal with complaints etc but like Duke said, that subject is dead and gone.

All in all, I think this forum has a very nice mix and I've learnt a lot from it and I generally don't feel the off topic postings detratch from it in anyway.

As for 'rubbing alcohol' - I could have written some postings about that and the lovely Texas. Sigh......

texas girl

  • Posts: 348
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #31 on: April 15, 2005, 02:37:10 am »
Hey Gents;

I sometimes go to another forum that has sections designated for topics "off the wall" and misc.

I actually find it a bit unusual that this forum only has sections for serious topics and when some straying from the thread occurs others notice and comment.

Perhaps it is time to include a section for miscellanious. Because all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

That's it. That is what this forum is missing. :o

Don't go there if you are for the serious only, but go there if you feel like saying things that do not relate to window cleaning or if you want to tell jokes, model hooter T shirts, etc.

What do you think moderators? ;D

Michael Monk

  • Posts: 23
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #32 on: April 19, 2005, 10:12:15 pm »
Hi Texas Girl.. Thanks for the tip.. I'm from tennessee and new to this forum.. Lots of great tips here!
it's hard to kiss the lips at night that chew your (_(_) allday long. :)

texas girl

  • Posts: 348
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #33 on: April 20, 2005, 03:58:46 am »
Hey  Michael!

It is great to see another American  posting on this forum.  How long have you been in the business?

Window cleaners are the smartest people in the world. ;D

This is a wonderful forum. Only criticism is that we need a place to  unwind and have fun; sticking strictly to business is required.

It is a pretty serious forum. It has been very informative and has a lot of relly good people posting. Lots of experience.

The other one is worse about sticking to serious topics only.

I received a lot of criticism early on when I strayed from the serious.  Was called names and all kinds of unpleasantries(not from this one; it was the other).

The moderators are really sharp, so maybe they will begin another area soon. 

So be careful.  We Americans see things in a different angle at times. Anyway; welcome dude! :o


Texas girl :-* :-*

Michael Monk

  • Posts: 23
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #34 on: April 28, 2005, 06:52:54 pm »
Thanks texasgirl..what got me started in the window cleaning business is this.. I have a portrait studio and I'm fickle about my glass.. kids put their hands all over it so I asked a buddy of mine from indiana what is the best way to clean my glass he has his own window washing business and has been doing it for 30 years.. I knew about squeegees and washer but it never crossed my mind to use for myself! :) now that I have super clean glass on my store front.. I thought.. what they hey.. I can do this on the side.. and everyone has been happy with my work so far.and I have learned there are MANY window washer in my area.. so wash some windows for next to nothing.. I mean for dirt.. one guy does a liquor store that must have 20- 25 sheets of glass in it for 20 bucks.. I guess that's normal eh?a few questions if you don't mind.. I use ettore squeegee off and love it.. I have read about using fairy.. is fairy about the same as joy liquid? I have also read about mixing fairy/joy with ettore squeegee off .. is that to reduce cost or does that have a purpose?and I also use rubbing alcohol in my water also and it works great!.. pardon my rambling here.. there is so much I would like to learn..maybe I can email you and ask you a few other things in more detail if that is ok? I have been asked to do 12 hairsalons and have no idea how to estimate them.. per store or the entire route as 1 lump bid? anyway.. sorry for the rambling again .. see you on the board!
it's hard to kiss the lips at night that chew your (_(_) allday long. :)

texas girl

  • Posts: 348
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #35 on: April 29, 2005, 03:45:44 am »
Hey Michael!

I think cleaning 20 windows for 20 bucks is way too cheap.

I would rather be relaxing somewhere; doing something else.

Twenty windows will take maybe 1 1/2  2 hours to do in and out.

Minimum $35.00. Unless you do a maintenance(out and whatever needs it inside).  Then maybe $30.00

There is always someone willing to work for peanuts.  When you are first starting, maybe a little cheaper but peanuts it too cheap.

Better to spend time creating flyers and distributing  in residential areas than to work for too little.

Residentials is where the money is in America.  I charge $7.00 per window base.  $1.00 per screen.  $3.00 more per second story.  Also $2-3.00 per for stain removal.

About $9- $10 per window in and out.  Average house $200. maybe $300.00.

Distribute hundreds of flyers. Law of averages will get you 2-5 % return.

I roll them up and stick them on door handles with rubber bands.

Window cleaning is a great business. Can do it part time and make a decent amount of money.

Good Luck!


Texas Girl :-* :-*

Michael Monk

  • Posts: 23
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #36 on: April 29, 2005, 04:33:08 am »
Thanks much debbie.. I have been thinking about going the residental route.. my buddy from indiana said there is way less competition in that market..I read lots of your threads today.. you are an inspiring lady! see ya on the board..
by the way.. nice new avatar  ;D
it's hard to kiss the lips at night that chew your (_(_) allday long. :)

Marc's on the Glass, LLC

  • Posts: 134
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #37 on: May 01, 2005, 03:59:13 am »
Hi folks... I also am new to this forum.  I really value such places and would like to recognize everyone for their interest in helping others

Michael, I have been cleaning glass in my locality now for 2 years.  When I estimate a job, I am trying to maintain a rate of $80 - $100/hour (keep in mind, that is at trade speed!)  :).  Example, 20 pieces of glass (depending on size) would take me about 20-30 minutes.  Generally, I get $1.00/side of each glass.  That would put the job I/O at $40 and keep me going at my income goal. 

Concerning the competition in your area, that is good for business in many cases.  Don't worry about the guys who are dirt cheap.  Chances are, they are the ones not lasting very long in the trade.  Also, the biggest gripe I have heard from store managers isn't the price, it's the reliability of the cleaners.  I have often charged more than a previous cleaner and still get the job because I am professional and always on time.

Residential or Commercial???
Nice thing about commercial:  weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.  They are always there.  Keep 'em happy and your empire will only build.  Mangers move, you keep the account at that store, but then pick up a new account where that old manger moves to.  Exposure--Managers see you every week or two, eventually they might come around.  Get to know all the managers in a mall or plaza you work at.  Keep stirring that pot and your business will grow.
RESIDENTIAL--Definitely more money potentail!  It is a great way to offset your lack of income from getting started and waiting for your commercial accounts to expand.  I have used door hangers for advertising.  I have placed 500 at a time and get 5-10 jobs out of it.  Then householders know family/friends who are interested.  Or, neighbors see you and inquire of your service.  I only canvas twice a year and get around 40-50 residential jobs.  Now I have recurring customers (2 services/year) and don't do any canvassing.

Still, my opinion is commercial is better.  I have 192 accounts right now and that produces around 12k every month.

Boy, talk about rambling...  Best wishes for you in your new venture!!!

Michael Monk

  • Posts: 23
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #38 on: May 01, 2005, 05:29:46 am »
clearView.. welcome to the board.. as you know.. I new to the game but I love it..I will continue to do commerical fronts but hope to expand to homes very soon.. I'm not sure what I should charge in the area per window as a base.. then so much for extra scrapping, cleaning screens etc etc.also.. I guess it's not best to talk about contracts with commerical fronts? some say it's a turnoff and many would rather be on a callback than a contract. at least i have noticed it's like that in my area.. there are so many washers here it's not even funny.aside from the comments.. here is a question.. for you or debbie or whoever wants to chime in.. I have a petstore that needs their glass done.. they were shot up a bit with a paintball gun and I guess the person used latex paintballs.. not water based balls.. it has let a very sticky residue.. I was thinking goop gone or something like that.. they " the owners " tried a regular razor blade with not much luck.. they had another window washer " try " to clean it.. but he made it worse than it already was.. do you think goop gone will be fine ? debbie mentioned Orange Glo.. any suggestions folks? thanks much.. welcome again clearview.
it's hard to kiss the lips at night that chew your (_(_) allday long. :)

texas girl

  • Posts: 348
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #39 on: May 02, 2005, 03:42:06 am »
Hey Michael;

If I were you I would consult at Lowes in the paint department about what to use. Best advice.

And don't forget to charge 3 times as much because they will expect it gone regardless.  8)

As far as the charge per window on homes I begin with $7. $1 per screen $2 stain remove. Average $9-$10 per. Additional for uppers. Storm windows a night mare. I do not even do them anymore $20 per.(minimum)

Spraying vinegar on really dirty windows on homes (exterior) loosens stains of all types. ;D

Hugs :-*