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texas girl

  • Posts: 348
Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« on: April 09, 2005, 01:46:14 am »
Hey chaps!

For years I have used dish detergent(fairy I think you call it) and rubbing alcohol for my solution.  It works great!

The detergent of course for removing grime and the alcohol serves as a wetting agent and also gives a clean scent. And if freezing outside, increase the amount of alcohol and it will not freeze.

Use as your preference; but for traditional methods I use 1/4 cup alcohol per gallon of water.

I have had a lot of people ask me what I use; I tell them "a secret formula". 8)

I also use gg4 and others; but the ordinary alcohol and "fairy" works really well! ;D  And it is CHEAP!


Texas Girl :-* :-*

Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2005, 09:36:31 am »
Must be really hard cleaning windows in all the heat that you get. Tell me what kind of alcohol do you use? Is it just an excuse to have a tipple while your working?


  • Posts: 7
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2005, 12:41:44 pm »
Why don't you sell it as "debbie's secret" .
Nice label small bottle. You could 'clean up'
Simon :D

Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2005, 09:26:56 pm »
And if freezing outside, increase the amount of alcohol and it will not freeze.


I'm not sure this works.  I once left some cans of lager in the freezer, to "cool 'em real quick" as you would say.  I forgot about them and they froze; solid!

Anyway, what type of alcohol do you use?  Beer, or some Vodka based product?




  • Posts: 25119
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2005, 11:33:22 pm »
But freezers typically go down to -18 or -25 degrees Celsius. You won't catch me (softy south-western yokel boy) working much below -2 or 3! Even diesel gets waxy at -10 without additives!
It's a game of three halves!

texas girl

  • Posts: 348
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2005, 02:58:42 am »
Hey Tosh;

For one thing let me tell all that you were the first welcoming party when I first arrived at this forum.  I say thanks and your wife is a lucky woman.

Yes; I have tried to cool off beers quickly;and some of them have frozen.  Appararently not enough alcohol. I guess I had the 3 %.

Also water has frozen.  The secret is increase the percentage of alcohol because alcohol does not freeze. Only the "real " beer will not freeze. I say that because some beer has 3% and others have 5% alcohol. 

Bet you did not know that did you?

It will make you drunk as hell, but it will not freeze.

I mention my window cleaning formula because it has worked so well for me for years.

Seriously weighing the cost versus the performance the detergent plus alcohol is really good.

But watch how you chill your beer!  That is serious buisness!

Hugs,  Texas Girl :-*  :-*    (after 3 beers)

texas girl

  • Posts: 348
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2005, 03:09:51 am »

I have to admit I have packed beer in my cooler more than once.

Even tho it does get really hot here; we begin early( or at least my workers do.)

I did it for years but then I am the boss now; so I do not have to be there at 8:00..

And yes; even tho it is against the law I have had a beer on the way home in my truck! :o

But the same seems to hold true for heat versus cold; a serious mixture of alcohol versus Joy detergent is great!

GG4 is also my favorite; try mixing a few drops of detergent if needed. Why do you call it "fairy"?  What does that mean, and is it cheap?


Texas Girl( a true blonde) :-* :-*

texas girl

  • Posts: 348
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2005, 03:21:54 am »
And not to be repetitive here,
but  I have never cleaned windows when it was below 25 degrees.

I can tell you that if I needed to I would! A question of making money.

I deal mainly with the heat.  Yesterday I created a tool because I cleaned windows directly across from me 10 feet from a stairwell.

 Instead of a ledger angle I made a knuckle joint that worked the opposite angle.

Tell me I am a dumb blonde! Pamela Anderson and I are on the same track. (And I look really good also).

No more hints; but my measurements are really good! Above average by far! (On purpose and with effort!)

Yes; it is true! If you don't believe me, wait for the calender of window cleaners!


Texas Girl :P :-* :-*


Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2005, 09:52:19 am »
Only the "real " beer will not freeze. I say that because some beer has 3% and others have 5% alcohol. 

Bet you did not know that did you?

It will make you drunk as hell, but it will not freeze.

When I lived in the States me and my mate used to have great fun in the bars, all our American friends used to say "come on then lets see if the brits can handle their beer as well as us"
HA HA we were ALWAYS the last ones standing.
The americans have this strange misconception that their beer is strong, when in actual fact its a bit like drinking  Panda Pops  ;)
3% is for the kids
5% is for the youngsters
9% and above is for your average BRIT  ;D


Neil   :P  ;)  ;)

Real Clean Guy

  • Posts: 16
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2005, 10:38:22 am »
Here in Canada I use sudsy ammonia (recommended by retiring window cleaner, he used it for 15yrs or so) so far excellent, I just take the label off the bottle so as not to advertise my secret formula, if they ask I tell them.  Very cheap in Safeway!


Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2005, 07:53:50 pm »
5% ?     Texas girl.....we have lager here that's 10%......and Cider at 7.5%....


  • Posts: 103
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2005, 09:10:47 pm »
Had U.S guests over from Florida once and he wanted to be "macho man" and drink us under the table. Well what a laugh, I ordered him Cider for starters  (they call it apple juice and its non alcoholic).

 So,  he thought he was on a winner. I then gave him a few tennants super snakebites to help him on his way.  By midnight he was puking all over (after a vindaloo) and trying to phone Mom.

I kid you not,  this big bear was on his knees.  Found out later,  when we went there,   that some weird.. Florida state law,  only allows beer at 3%  (even Tennents).  Had to go on the spirits for a good night out.

texas girl

  • Posts: 348
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2005, 03:46:10 am »
Oh my goodness what strong beer you have over there!

I hope I can come over to that area some day.  I could probably handle only one of your beers.

Last night I had 2 margaritas. Laid me out!  But they were 36 ounce margaritas. Blue ones. I made them at home.

We do have laws that differ in different states about  alcohol content in beer. Weird, huh?

Take care all;  Hope this week is the best yet for ya!


Texas Girl :-* :-*


  • Posts: 2986
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2005, 06:25:38 am »
While I was doing some decorating up at my parents place (prior to becoming a window cleaner) I cracked open a couple of tins of Tennants Super, was the first time I had come across the stuff (about 23 or 24 years ago) and by the time I had knocked back two tins I was starting to go cross eyed ::)
I hadn't checked the alcohol content (around the 8.5% mark I think) I thought it was just ordinary 4% stuff :-\
Had to drive home too, well wasn't for an hour or 2 later, but I'll bet I was over the limit for quite a bit longer than 2 hours!
I never realised that American beer could be so weak! We often read of strange laws in different States, some really bizzare ones.
There was one reported in the papers last week, Not America but in Mexico (I think) apparently they have made nudity inside your own home illegal :o
And isn't there a State wherre you can legally marry your horse?
Mind you, I think that must be legal over here now, well Charles has married Camilla ;D
I heard rumours that they reason they put back the start of the grand national was so that she would have time to make the starting line up ;)

Getting back to alcohol, the really strong lager tastes like syrup, but the 9% ciders taste very innocuous, you hardly know there is alcohol in the stuff, and it is amazingly cheap too, odd that, you would have thought it would be the other way around wouldn't you?

What exactly is rubbing alcohol?


pete fearn

  • Posts: 22
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2005, 10:22:23 pm »
Rubbing alcohol is like sergical spirit over hear "i think"
Pete's Window cleaning

texas girl

  • Posts: 348
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2005, 03:21:37 am »
Rubbing Acohol is used over here as an antiseptic;

Before you get a shot at the doctor's office they pour a bit of rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and wash the area where the pierce will go in.

It is a sterilizing agent.  You can buy it at any all purpose store; Walmart, K mart; all dollar stores; any food store.

It is  cheap.  An 8 oz bottle is about $.50. (fifty cents) 2 for one dollar. 8)

I guess that is why they call it rubbing alcohol because it is not a "rubbing compound " per se.

Isn't is interesting how our cultures are different about certain things. :o

No offense and I will just shut up right there about Prince Charles and his new bride.

The alcohol and detergent solution is really quite effective.

Window cleaners are the smartest people on earth!


Texas Girl :-*


  • Posts: 1642
Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2005, 08:59:54 am »
Ive had a moment ???
 what if you freeze beer,alcohol doesnt freeze, so if you drained of what doesnt freeze WOW! Im thinking  :P  ;D


Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2005, 06:28:31 pm »
You could go out and buy a few crates of White Lightening and clean windows with that I suppose?


Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2005, 07:17:53 pm »
what a waste....

Re: Secret recipe for cleaning solution
« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2005, 07:26:23 pm »
Isn't is interesting how our cultures are different about certain things. :o

You might like to read the extremely interesting and very funny Made in America by Bill Bryson to understand how the differences have evolved.

Apparently we've lent you lot the English Language, as if we'd loan you a copper kettle.  But you've really misused it, not cleaned it once and now won't give the bloody thing back.

I also didn't realise that many terms considered 'Americanisms' are actually old English words and phrases that we invented, exported and now don't use anymore.

And also, the term, 'Stiff upper lip', is a true Americanism!

As for 'rubbing alcohol', we have to purchase it, not in bottles, but in packet 'swab form', because all the Geordies would be drinking it, if it were sold in bottles that had a better strength to cheapness ratio than normal drunken beverages.  If the swabs were cheap enough, we'd be sucking the alcohol out of them.

Hey Tosh;

...I say thanks and your wife is a lucky woman.

I showed her your post yesturday.  Thank you for the compliment.  But she hasn't stopped laughing since!