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  • Posts: 4261
Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #80 on: March 28, 2009, 12:35:24 pm »
another reason for going fully legit is that i will then be running a proper business and it will give me more incentive and motivation to earn more coz its all got to be there in black and white.cheers for positive posts
Richard Wiltshire
Window Clean Direct


Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #81 on: March 29, 2009, 01:08:42 pm »
i take it that is your name its richard wiltshire from the cleanitup forum i feel quite angered by your reaction to my post yesterday and slightly embarrased at how you have tried to belittle me and make me look like some snidey tax dodging scumbag i tried to defend myself a number of time yet you came back and back again insinuating a lot of things. i held my hands up and said due to a number of reasons i had yet to inform inland revenue, the unfortunate events in my life have made it rather difficult these last 6 months and caused a form of depression where iv found it difficult to get out of bed each day let alone run a business  and set it up fully yet im still willing to battle on and pick up the pieces i admittedly said i have carried on cleaning the small number of clients that i have around 30 with 99% on 8 weekly to keep them on my books now you do the figures and you may understand iv not earnt a great deal at all hardly worth paying tax on. im just a bit bewildred at the way you reacted towards me could you not see that i was seeking advice that i was making the next step to becoming legit.
i await your resonse
thanks richard

I have received this response from Richard to my email.

Yes my name is William and if you look on my profile or webpage you will find that I do not hide behind a mobile phone number instead all of my details are on display.

You feel that I have belittled you, well I am sorry if you think that, because that was not my intention.

Yes I can understand someone making mistakes after all we are all human, but your efforts in not trading legally are very well planned.

You  seem to blame everything around that has gone wrong as an excuse for not trading legally, yet we all have had these and even worst problems to overcome and we comply with the law of the land.

You say that you are depressed and bedridden, yet you can find time to promote your business on this forum almost every day for the last 40 weeks ( I wish I was that depressed).

Even if you have a small turnover and no profits that are taxable, you still have not paid your class 2 national insurance, which is a requirement.

You also say that the amount that you have earned in the last 40 weeks is so small as to make it un-worthwhile to pay tax on, yet after just 1 month of trading you had £700 worth of cheques go thought the washing machine, if earning £700 in your 1st month of trading is small peanuts, I wonder what you ideal turnover would be?

You defend yourself by saying you are not a benefit cheat, but what is the difference between a benefit cheat and a tax dodger? None, they are both criminals.

I have no problem with people making mistakes, but when they complain about the local cleaners’ under-cutting their prices because they are working, while claiming benefits, is a bit rich when they are also fiddling the system

elite mike

Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #82 on: March 29, 2009, 01:57:03 pm »
flip sake get over it.....hes made a boob thats  easy fixed.... some people just think that they our above everybody and better....
i would put my house on it that when they started out.... they wernt prefect...
the best way to learn is by making mistakes

yeh go an have a pint

Moderator David@stives

  • Posts: 8829
Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #83 on: March 29, 2009, 03:11:42 pm »
I paid my taxes from day 1

I started with £250 a month and declared every penny

craig b

Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #84 on: March 29, 2009, 05:32:58 pm »
ah ahh ahhhh aahhhh bull sh£t..


Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #85 on: March 29, 2009, 05:36:57 pm »
got me thinking this one anybody know the most replys to a thread?

Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #86 on: March 29, 2009, 05:46:05 pm »
ah ahh ahhhh aahhhh bull sh£t..

Knowing Dave I'll bet he has done what he says.
Unlike some on here who are happy to spend day and night posting on here, whilst running a successful business, yet never fill in profile details.
Too much stuff from too many people on here just don't add up.
Classic: I'm not earning hardly anything but somehow managed to wash (or is that launder?) £700 of cheques. So going by what's been written £700 must be over a weeks takings but carried around in trouser pockets. :o


  • Posts: 4261
Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #87 on: March 29, 2009, 05:57:18 pm »
the cheques were from first cleans mostly where id charged double or time n half that was from when things were goin fine and id just started out before my van was stolen etc this i was allowed to earn as you have three months before you start declaring so iv got nothing to be ashamed of.

i sent a private email to discuss the matter with you privately and you are that sad that you have had to put it on an open forum for everyone to see.thats very big of you to try and mock me.

for one ive not said im tryin to hide from the taxman il confess all to what iv earnt and explain my situation and should he say that i owe them x amount for the past so many months then il happily oblige and pay what i owe im not dodging anyone that why the post was started to see how i go about GOING LEGIT.

the only reason i only have my mobile on my website at the moment is bacause after being burgled a number of times i have moved back to my parents and wasnt sure if i was to keep the same landline number.

hopefully we'll bump into each other at a show one day and discuss man to man why you have tried to mock me and belittle me  ;)
Richard Wiltshire
Window Clean Direct

Moderator David@stives

  • Posts: 8829
Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #88 on: March 29, 2009, 06:01:21 pm »
Craig B

Are you accusing me of something ?

I have always run my business with 100% integrity, I am a firm believer that operating that way gets you places.


That sounds like a threat, so i suggest you change your tone.

I am glad you will confront the last 9 months , it will pay off, just get down to an accountant tommorrow and sort everything.


Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #89 on: March 29, 2009, 06:51:08 pm »
the cheques were from first cleans mostly where id charged double or time n half that was from when things were goin fine and id just started out before my van was stolen etc this i was allowed to earn as you have three months before you start declaring so iv got nothing to be ashamed of.

Please stop, it's just getting worse and worse. Why did you think you were allowed to earn for 3 months before declaring? Just butt out now, go get it sorted tomorrow....please before you put yourself in it anymore :) oh and while you're putting it right  go to HMRC site and read up on starting out in business for yourself. :)

craig b

Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #90 on: March 29, 2009, 07:43:43 pm »
be really honest dave...and mean really honest..have you never bought something...sarnie cup tea etc out cash you have sitting...

if you say no then fair play....

craig b

Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #91 on: March 29, 2009, 07:47:18 pm »
richy taxman  will owe you...if you get a  good accountant

Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #92 on: March 29, 2009, 07:49:51 pm »
the cheques were from first cleans mostly where id charged double or time n half that was from when things were goin fine and id just started out before my van was stolen etc this i was allowed to earn as you have three months before you start declaring so iv got nothing to be ashamed of.

Please stop, it's just getting worse and worse. Why did you think you were allowed to earn for 3 months before declaring? Just butt out now, go get it sorted tomorrow....please before you put yourself in it anymore :) oh and while you're putting it right  go to HMRC site and read up on starting out in business for yourself. :)
that could be the best advice yet :o

Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #93 on: March 29, 2009, 07:52:51 pm »
be really honest dave...and mean really honest..have you never bought something...sarnie cup tea etc out cash you have sitting...

if you say no then fair play....
it doesn't matter if you spend the money as long as you have a record of it.
but why would you not declare all earnings ???

craig b

Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #94 on: March 29, 2009, 07:53:51 pm »

Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #95 on: March 29, 2009, 07:57:04 pm »
I don't think you should have to declare tips, but they still come under earnings :'( so like it or not they go through

Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #96 on: March 29, 2009, 07:57:50 pm »
i just  wanted to be 100 ::) sad :P

Nathanael Jones

  • Posts: 5596
Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #97 on: March 29, 2009, 08:18:12 pm »
My bit of advice is to:
1: Get an accountant
2: Register for income tax first thing Monday morning
3: If you haven't already, open a separate bank account for the business
4: Not sure if you can do it in the UK, but in Ireland I have a direct debit setup paying my tax in advance,.. I'll still have a small bill at the end of the year, but it keeps me square and stops the stress of a big bill at the end of the year.

You're not the first person to be in this situation, and you won't be the last. Your intentions are good, so act on them and get it sorted!


  • Posts: 4261
Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #98 on: March 29, 2009, 08:21:22 pm »
FAO Helen

i thought this forum was where u came to ask fellow window cleaners advice i just posted to see what response people gave me maybe SAVE ME LOOKING IT UP MYSELF, so have you never posted and asked advice was just on the off chance of someone pointing me in right direction as it is something that been needed to be done for a while which i know, but as the accountants is shut at weekends i thought id would ask as most of you have been there starting out properly.

Richard Wiltshire
Window Clean Direct


Re: going fully legit????
« Reply #99 on: March 29, 2009, 08:51:19 pm »
FAO Helen

i thought this forum was where u came to ask fellow window cleaners advice i just posted to see what response people gave me maybe SAVE ME LOOKING IT UP MYSELF, so have you never posted and asked advice was just on the off chance of someone pointing me in right direction as it is something that been needed to be done for a while which i know, but as the accountants is shut at weekends i thought id would ask as most of you have been there starting out properly.

In fear that this is going to go on forever and forever..... ::)
Firstly...don't shout at me :)
You have asked for advise 7 months (?) after you should have and you have asked it on the wrong place if you already have an accountant as you say you have.  You may not mean it to, but your attitude to it all comes across as you really don't give a monkies wotsit about anything except for your run of bad luck and the whole world owes you something. Sorry you probably don't mean it that way, but that is how it comes across. :)
For fear of not only repeating myself but others too, we have all had it hard and things have gone wrong, but businesswise we have carried on in the correct ways whatever as at the end of the day this is our livelihoods. I have asked for advise on here and have had help, but then I haven't had to ask about the basics of starting up a business as I had the sense to research what I needed to do, well before I quit my last employment. Even in this last post of yours you use "on the off chance", but you knew it needed to be done for a why haven't you got on and done it before? Your accountant may be shut this weekend, but he wasn't during the week last week and the week before that etc etc back until last August. You say you haven't been working to full capacity, then you have had times to do things properly on the non business building side, You have installed a website, had time to spend on this forum and god know how many others, but you just didn't have time to contact HMRC and register your self employment, which started before all your troubles so you can't blame the troubles for that.
I hope you get things sorted for yourself and that the HMRC only fine you the £100 late registration, if indeed you do get a fine. you may not. But late registration is like waving a red rag to a bull.
This thread started on the 27th March I believe, in the time you typed your first post, you could have registered your self employment on line and save yourself and all of us all of this. :)