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simon knight

Personnal Insurance. Advise please.
« on: March 16, 2009, 12:34:40 pm »

In my drunken state over the weekend (staying with some alcoholic mates) I managed to miss my footing on the stairs and twisted my ankle. Nothing broken but it's nicely swollen and I'm hobbling around. I'm reckoning that I won't be back up the ladders for a few days yet. I'm thinking that maybe I should have some sort of loss of earnings insurance but am worried that there's all sorts of form filling and hoops to jump through before they'll pay.

Lots of you probably have it so can I pick your brains please:

1) Is it worth it?
2) Cost per month/year?
3) Do they try to wriggle out?
4) Who is best to go with?

Cheers guys



  • Posts: 121
Re: Personnal Insurance. Advise please.
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2009, 05:50:53 pm »
best thing is not to drink too much if you're working the next day. sorry  ;) i know someone who had it but he said it really wasn't worth it.
traditional cleaner, shop windows and some pubs.

simon knight

Re: Personnal Insurance. Advise please.
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2009, 06:09:16 pm »

It was on Saturday night it happened. I woke up Sunday morning with my ankle killing me and Mrs K reminded me that I tripped down the stairs the night before ::)

Anyway your mate who says it's not worth it...that's the impression I get. They happily take the premiums for years on end and when you need to claim their first thoughts are : "now how do we wriggle out and not pay"