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steve bell

  • Posts: 47
Quoting????? ARGH!!!
« on: March 13, 2009, 06:00:15 pm »
Help!!!  Been to a school this morning and have been deliberating with myself what to quote all day.
It's a fair old size school, Brand new, only ever been cleaned by the contractor who built it, and getting an idea of how long it took them isn't an option as it was done in bits and bats.

From what I've seen, reckon on a full 8hr day for one guy on the WFP for the outsides. So by that it must be about 10hrs to trad the insides. Then.... and this is the best bit, there are several staircases with glass panes up them and a walk way five or six meters up with the same. The glass is held with fixings, two top and two bottom, which will make trad a pain in the a***.

Because it's an almost commercial thing they were keen on risk assessments and health and safety stuff. Talked about powered access for the stairs and some of the interior stuff, which would make sense as a couple of bits would be a proper pain with ladders. But underfloor heating could be an issue. The machine would have to go through standard size double fire doors, and weigh as little as possible. Already had one quote of £130 for a scissor lift for three days from Nationwide access. Course for driving it would be another £250 as mine ran out five years ago. besides can't find cert anyway. Delivery and pick up of machine another £130.

Was told that the old school was quoted at £650 for outsides only and that is only a third the size of the new school.  So, burning question..... How much?
Was thinking £1200 ish would be low but get me the job. £1600 more realistic. But going on hours I estimated and cost of machine (£25 per hour) (alowing 8hrs for stairs and tricky high bits, £910 and take the hit on the course cost?

Guess it all depends on how greedy I want to be right?

Guidance required from all you out there is what I need. Please help.
Steve Bell,
SB Cleaning.

(also; HIP & EPC provider but with this climate.....)


  • Posts: 1262
Re: Quoting????? ARGH!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2009, 06:23:34 pm »
whatever you say for the outs, double for the ins.
Try and get them to organise the platform, this way you don't have to lay out for it and wait 30 days (min) to get your money back. Also, if the floor hasn't been load tested you can't be responsible for any breakages. If they won't gett the platform, insist that they test the floor for load bearing capacity

Mr Formby

Re: Quoting????? ARGH!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2009, 06:38:09 pm »
Already had one quote of £130 for a scissor lift for three days from Nationwide access

I had a quote from them , but then they added on .
Delivery  ( each way )
So that doubled there  price

Re: Quoting????? ARGH!!!
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2009, 06:53:55 pm »
Isn't there anyway a trad pole and wagtail or long arm would do it?

trevor perry

  • Posts: 2454
Re: Quoting????? ARGH!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2009, 07:01:57 pm »
if the floor cant take weight of scissor lift and cant be done with pole then i would use a zip up scaffold, it will take longer than scissor lift but better than damaging the floor.put reson for using this in your method of work and risk assessment too
better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove any doubt

steve bell

  • Posts: 47
Re: Quoting????? ARGH!!!
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2009, 07:25:45 pm »
Hmmm.... all good suggestions so far but the fixings on the interior glass would make wagtail and/or pole impossible. (wish i'd taken a photo) Would love to just skip the railing and hang off to do it, but health and safety would go bananas.

Plus then there's the very tall windows which are too wide to have a ladder on either side, reaching the middle would be impossible.

They are intent on it being a one day job which using an aluminium tower type platform would take forever. Been there before with those things and up and down to get around obsticles isn't fun.
Spend more time playing with my erection  :o

It's the price that's worrying me. I don't want to be a robber, but don't want to get seen off either. What do you guys charge per hour on commercial?  ???
Steve Bell,
SB Cleaning.

(also; HIP & EPC provider but with this climate.....)


Re: Quoting????? ARGH!!!
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2009, 08:09:04 pm »
Hmmm.... all good suggestions so far but the fixings on the interior glass would make wagtail and/or pole impossible. (wish i'd taken a photo) Would love to just skip the railing and hang off to do it, but health and safety would go bananas.

Plus then there's the very tall windows which are too wide to have a ladder on either side, reaching the middle would be impossible.

They are intent on it being a one day job which using an aluminium tower type platform would take forever. Been there before with those things and up and down to get around obsticles isn't fun.
Spend more time playing with my erection  :o

It's the price that's worrying me. I don't want to be a robber, but don't want to get seen off either. What do you guys charge per hour on commercial?  ???

Do the best you can without access mate, anytime i have stuck cherry picker onto a job, most other quotes havent and have beaten my quote due to that, do your best with poles or wagtail? Depends how much competition!!

But you will do well to get £25 an hour!! I have gone in similar for many jobs recently and got none, but you may not have much competition - as unhelpful as it is, - just go with your lowest possible figure you feel is feasible for you then make a good impression with your quotes etc and hope for the best!!


Re: Quoting????? ARGH!!!
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2009, 08:15:05 pm »
We come up against problematic flooring all the time on site and it is easily resolved.

12 ply boards will spread the load and I have never had a problem with anything cracking underneath, even with the heaviest machinery.

If they are suggesting access equipment then surely that is what will be expected.

Rob ;D

trevor perry

  • Posts: 2454
Re: Quoting????? ARGH!!!
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2009, 08:20:12 pm »

Plus then there's the very tall windows which are too wide to have a ladder on either side, reaching the middle would be impossible.

i dont know how health and safety would react but years ago when doing really large windows in schools we used to tie a piece of wood at top of ladder to span from frame to frame so the ladder was in centre of pane without touching the glass then windows like this could be cleaned easily, if i remember somone brought out an attachment specially for this that had wheels on each side so made it easier to extend ladder and made ladder more stable at top.
better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove any doubt

steve bell

  • Posts: 47
Re: Quoting????? ARGH!!!
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2009, 09:25:03 pm »
Well that's it then, I've gone and done it.  Just sent e-mail quoting £1275.00
That includes the powered access.

I know they want it done in a day so I've got to go that route as crap as it is.

So next question, where am I going to pull three more guys from to assist?

(not that I make a habit of going around pulling guys)  ;D
Steve Bell,
SB Cleaning.

(also; HIP & EPC provider but with this climate.....)

danny taylor

  • Posts: 65
Re: Quoting????? ARGH!!!
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2009, 11:11:03 am »
worry about that when you have got the job.


  • Posts: 121
Re: Quoting????? ARGH!!!
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2009, 01:02:50 pm »
if the fixings are regular you may be able to use an unger clamp with a dry scrim to detail/stop any runs. wintecs (among others) have them for about £12.
traditional cleaner, shop windows and some pubs.


Re: Quoting????? ARGH!!!
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2009, 01:07:39 pm »
We come up against problematic flooring all the time on site and it is easily resolved.

12 ply boards will spread the load and I have never had a problem with anything cracking underneath, even with the heaviest machinery.

If they are suggesting access equipment then surely that is what will be expected.

Rob ;D
Some muppet always quotes without though in my experience, but if they are making everyone quote for it then fine, but he said he thought he needed i thought, which to me means you could find another, more cost effective way ie wagtail etc...

Good luck with quote anyway hope you get it :)