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Clever Idea?
« on: March 09, 2009, 11:26:24 pm »
Read this and thought it was an ingenius idea although it would prey on people who are a bit desperate for cash

but still if they went for it it could help them out, only major downfall i can see is that a. someone who owned the round is going to keep their custies no matter what - unless there is some pretty heavy legal documentation, but still its gonna be hard to take them off the round, and b. they could just drop the round and canvass again, so again the legal docs would have to be able to recover lost rent if they ditched within 12  months,

could you get such a, enforceable contract drawn up??? and would it be enforceable, or not worth the paper its written on??

Another idea would be to get the custies to sign over once you took the round but thats got to be hard to get them all??


Re: Clever Idea?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2009, 11:50:57 pm »
seems like a really expensive way to get a loan. surely a kidney would be cheeper.
there will be an early exit clause where they do get an organ. just as an insentive :o


Re: Clever Idea?
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2009, 11:53:59 pm »
Im not after a loan, thinking could do it :) But i am sure people with ccj's etc would definitely do it :) similar rate to credit cards :)