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Some old people!
« on: March 09, 2009, 12:29:07 pm »
I had a customer today that said ohh are you doing them today...
--light drizzle
I dont really like getting them done in the rain,
because you cant clean them in the rain
why do you think that
hold on, I am 80 years old I know what I am taking about when it comes to cleaning windows
I do it for a living day in day out
So you think you have cleaned more window than I have at 80
Well now, even if you cleaned your windows every month from birth, thats only 12 times a year, I clean more than that a day, so over of a year, I will have already cleaned more than you.
So why do you think I cant clean your windows
--by this time the rain had pretty much stopped
because how can you dry it with your shamy
uhmmm well, it was a wee while ago window cleaners did that, we use squeegees now, so look if I dont get them clean, you dont have to pay me, but if you only want me to come by in dry sunny weather, I wont put you on my books, because i cant garentee the weather..

yess ,yes, ok, ok

At the end of the job, are you happy that they are clean?
Yes I had a look, there are no marks.

Respect though, she had plenty of steam and life in her for 80, I would have put her about 55/60, but if you get the window clean and to a high standard, whats the problem.

I had one a couple of weeks ago, will you wipe down the sill(brick outside), no we jsut clean the glass,
but your dirty water will mark the plastic
-the water is clean, its the window thats dirty, and without water how can i clean it, but ok, i will wipe the water of the plastic frames....

next month, you haven't done the front ones...
-why do you think that
because they are dry...
-are you kidding me, we agreed last time i would wipe them

some people, ok moan over, thanks for listening.


  • Posts: 1483
Re: Some old people!
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2009, 02:55:05 pm »
Why do you only do half a job  ??? ??? ???

Glass, frames and sills; that's a window!!

You're really just a "glass cleaner" aren't you  ??? ??? ???

Just a thought.
Come and talk dirty to us!!!


Re: Some old people!
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2009, 03:37:43 pm »
Why do you only do half a job  ??? ??? ???

Glass, frames and sills; that's a window!!

You're really just a "glass cleaner" aren't you  ??? ??? ???

Just a thought.
Said this to custy today, Done a house and they had there neighbours round for tea, they couldnt nelieve that water dried clean, asked me to give them price, said last wc only did glass, low and behold my ansewer was "im a window cleaner not a glass cleaner" got that house, the one next door and they wanted a card for there neighbour  ;D

Re: Some old people!
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2009, 03:44:23 pm »
If you use a water fed pole you have to clean the frames, or the dirt on the cross frame will drip down, if you have cleaned windows trad before going water fed pole, I doubt you would clean the plastics frames as standard. Also I do wipe down internal sills, but not unpainted bricks sills outside, what’s running a scrim over that going to do, apart from ruin the scrim.

This first customer I was taking about, she expected me to buff them clean with a shammy, it would be an interesting conversion if I started going on about reverse-osmosis and de-ionisation.  :D

Before water fed poles came along we were still called window cleaners, let me ask you...

"can you see through a window"

I am sure you might have a smart reply there, but most will honestly answer yes, and only expect window cleaners to clean the glass. But yes, a more fitting name might be glass cleaner, but I also do signs etc and can clean the frames, except I will charge extra.

Re: Some old people!
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2009, 04:00:03 pm »
definition from wiki for a window cleaner

A window cleaner (US slang; window washer) maintains the cleanliness of windows, mirrors and other glass surfaces.


Re: Some old people!
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2009, 05:56:36 pm »
i wipe sills, but trad, i will not wipe pvc unless for an extra charge, sadly i dont live in magical pound-a-window-land, so until i can move there, i do what they pay me for, take dirt off glass, and then take my dirt off window sill, any extra - SHOW ME THE MONEY...

i know you wfp lot are gonna moan but in all seriousness, as much as id love to say i clean everything bla bla, it takes too long trad for the prices i can manage which are good until i go adding double the amount of cleaning onto each house!!!!

simon knight

Re: Some old people!
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2009, 06:38:39 pm »

80% of the houses I clean have concrete sills and glass held in by putty, most of which would fall out if I gave them a wipe over, so it's glass only with these.

10% have stained wooden frames and sills which I'll give a quick wipe over if they're very grubby and I'm in a good mood and not pushed for time and I like the customer and they're paying the right money (rather than some of my custies who are stupidly underpriced...not the right climate to put up prices IMO).

10% are UPVC and generally I'll give the sills a quick wipe down.

To me a window is the glass only because if I break somebodies window it's accepted that I've broken the glass rather than the glass and frame.


Re: Some old people!
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2009, 07:30:13 pm »
Any of my customers can have there plastic cleaned if they pay,but most dont want to,so im a window cleaner  ;D

Window Washers

  • Posts: 9036
Re: Some old people!
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2009, 07:31:26 pm »
Why do you only do half a job  ??? ??? ???

Glass, frames and sills; that's a window!!

You're really just a "glass cleaner" aren't you  ??? ??? ???

Just a thought.
answer this: Your in a house, what do you look out of ?
If your not willing to learn, No one can help you, If you are determined to learn, No one can stop you ;)


Re: Some old people!
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2009, 07:33:47 pm »
Why do you only do half a job  ??? ??? ???

Glass, frames and sills; that's a window!!

You're really just a "glass cleaner" aren't you  ??? ??? ???

Just a thought.
answer this: Your in a house, what do you look out of ?
window  ;D


  • Posts: 1575
Re: Some old people!
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2009, 07:40:57 pm »
glasses. lol


  • Posts: 2097
Re: Some old people!
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2009, 07:51:48 pm »
Ladder garder, its time you had a wee holiday, the custies are getting to
Never take financial advice from people who have no money!

Re: Some old people!
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2009, 07:59:51 pm »
99% are absolutely great, but I think if everyone is honest, they all will say they have a couple that wind you up a bit. But I dont really let it bother me. If they are really bad they get dropped, but I dont do that unless its a last resort.

I dont think it matter where you work, if you deal with he public, you have to deal with all walks of life, good and bad.