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elite mike

help ime turning into
« on: March 08, 2009, 08:24:49 am »
jeff brimble, matt and tosh

is there any cure for this

since i went wfp i have caught this diy bug

rainwater harvesting

fishing poles

making brushes lighter

pole hoses

and on top of that my wifes got me an allotment :'(

just about to go up there now

ahh the good life   ;)


  • Posts: 4694
Re: help ime turning into
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2009, 08:26:36 am »
Don't worry - it passes in time. I used to be very fond of brush fondling in B&Q - i'm sure they have cctv footage stored somewhere.

Window Washers

  • Posts: 9036
Re: help ime turning into
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2009, 09:36:13 am »
Would love to see your allotment with nicely planted poles.
Is your wife being to nice to you lately ?
Be careful you will get locked up
If your not willing to learn, No one can help you, If you are determined to learn, No one can stop you ;)


Re: help ime turning into
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2009, 09:53:23 am »

You jammy git; an allotment; a bolt hole from the Missis (mine's the Fisherman's Pub).  How long were you on the waiting list for?

There's a bunch of allotments about 100 meters from where I live, but I suspect the waiting list is about 20 years (at least), so I have to make do with a small veg patch; a corner of the garden that Wor Lass allows me to use ; and I had to fight to get that!

Anyway, are you insinuating you're becoming a (train) 'spotter' with all this DIY?

elite mike

Re: help ime turning into
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2009, 12:16:48 pm »
just got back , spent the time cleaning  :'( the glass on the greenhouse

there is a fair bit of work to do

tosh its no bolt hole the mrs is helping me ::)

we are renting it for £3.00 per week ;D

off a mate of my mrs, its got 2 green houses, electric water sheds etc  8)


i will have a go at growing some of alexes poles, as i hear these are the best ;)


Re: help ime turning into
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2009, 12:39:35 pm »
i am number 19 on the waiting list for 1 near me

i know 3 who currently have them are MOD people, so they will be gone inside 3 years

still a long way off though  :-\

D B Services

  • Posts: 97
Re: help ime turning into
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2009, 01:02:34 pm »
Yes there is a cure for WFP sickness.  It's time.

Give it a year or two and you will be thoroughly sick of pointing a stick at windows. Yes the sticks get a bit lighter and yes harvesting rainwater is a good idea but when you boil it all down it's still a mind numbingly boring way to make a living. You will get the old squeegee out and love using it again.


Window Washers

  • Posts: 9036
Re: help ime turning into
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2009, 01:07:40 pm »
just got back , spent the time cleaning  :'( the glass on the greenhouse

there is a fair bit of work to do

tosh its no bolt hole the mrs is helping me ::)

we are renting it for £3.00 per week ;D

off a mate of my mrs, its got 2 green houses, electric water sheds etc  8)


i will have a go at growing some of alexes poles, as i hear these are the best ;)
Please do and I will sample the first crop for you  ;D
If your not willing to learn, No one can help you, If you are determined to learn, No one can stop you ;)