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Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2009, 11:39:32 pm »
the best advice ive ever had was "move fast, keep low, and keep your chin strap done up" kept me alive for a while and i take it into all aspects of my business


  • Posts: 682
Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2009, 09:08:32 am »
There's doing the job and there's doing the job correctly. There's two types of W/C.
One's making a quick buck and there's people who make a living and doing it right, insurance, Training, the van sign writing etc.  Not some ford escort with ladders on top with a couple of dole doser's earning a bob or two on the side,  that's what make's businesses fail with looser's like that.
Listen to yourself mate, Blow loads of cash on training(just work with a experienced wc for a while), Sign written van(does the same job as ford escort a to b but costs alot more), insurance(how do you know they havnt got it). Just cos you spend loads doesnt mean your business will be any more successful than the ford escort man. I,d rather have low startup fees and low overheads than blowing my savings on flash kit especially when i started out.


Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2009, 09:29:04 am »
A job is a job, its pays the bills, could you drag someone off the streets to do the job we do as well as we do?
I think window cleaning is under rated.

  Credit to us all, new or not
i think most people could clean windows with a pole thats why there are so many new cleaners,most people can clean trad but the ladders scare them off doing it,the jobe not rocket science  ;D

That’s right; ladder work put people of window cleaning.
Even window cleaners using wfp today, say if they had to go back to ladders they would look for another job.

Things are a lot different with wfp, in the next few years there will be thousands more coming into the trade, even some cowboys will go legitimate because of wfp.

If you think you got a lot of competition now, just you wait    ;D


  • Posts: 4694
Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #23 on: March 08, 2009, 09:34:23 am »
Makes me laugh how shiny van man thinks he is superior.
I'm a shiny van man too but have respect for ladder men - i couldn't work off ladders all day (i'd need about ten pairs of underpants ready in the van).
I used to think i was better when i first started but soon realised the established cleaners have it sussed - all profit and tiny costs.

I'd love to study the figures of net profit from a guy on ladders and myself - i bet there's not much in it at the end of the tax year.


Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #24 on: March 08, 2009, 09:42:17 am »
A job is a job, its pays the bills, could you drag someone off the streets to do the job we do as well as we do?
I think window cleaning is under rated.

  Credit to us all, new or not
i think most people could clean windows with a pole thats why there are so many new cleaners,most people can clean trad but the ladders scare them off doing it,the jobe not rocket science  ;D

I think this is true. I am WFP and have been for over three years and I could never go back. Something I have noticed recently is that I am seeing serious numbers of other WCs about using WFPs.

For ages I was the only one around and I liked that. I saw the occasional sign written van but that was it. Suddenly there seems to be an explosion of what look like old builders vans operated by very Pikey/ Chavvy  types with tanks in the back and yellow hoses strung out all over the place.  

Not a trend I am pleased about. I have watched some of them work and their methods are very casual. Splash some water about then stick you hand out.

That’s right; ladder work put people of window cleaning.
Even window cleaners using wfp today, say if they had to go back to ladders they would look for another job.

Things are a lot different with wfp, in the next few years there will be thousands more coming into the trade, even some cowboys will go legitimate because of wfp.

If you think you got a lot of competition now, just you wait    ;D


  • Posts: 4694
Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #25 on: March 08, 2009, 09:47:22 am »
Who said i can't use ladders safely?


Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #26 on: March 08, 2009, 10:51:30 am »
Who said i can't use ladders safely?

You did, LOL  ;D ;D
ftp you implied it with 10 pair of underpants in the van  ;D ;D ;D

Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #27 on: March 08, 2009, 11:15:04 am »
you can safely do something and still be afraid of doing it, I work on a ladder every day and once would have said that heights was one of my fears. I went to blackpool tower and amitidly wasn't too keen walking over the glass at the top, even though it was very safe.

Use a ladder properly and it is very safe, even if you are a bit queezy of hieghts.

trevor perry

  • Posts: 2454
Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #28 on: March 08, 2009, 11:20:52 am »
you can safely do something and still be afraid of doing it, I work on a ladder every day and once would have said that heights was one of my fears. I went to blackpool tower and amitidly wasn't too keen walking over the glass at the top, even though it was very safe.

Use a ladder properly and it is very safe, even if you are a bit queezy of hieghts.
i would love to put a thin piece of ordinary glass over the top of the piece at blackpool tower then watch someone kak themselves as it cracks when they walk on it. ;D ;D
better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove any doubt


Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2009, 11:24:18 am »
you can safely do something and still be afraid of doing it, I work on a ladder every day and once would have said that heights was one of my fears. I went to blackpool tower and amitidly wasn't too keen walking over the glass at the top, even though it was very safe.

Use a ladder properly and it is very safe, even if you are a bit queezy of hieghts.
i would love to put a thin piece of ordinary glass over the top of the piece at blackpool tower then watch someone kak themselves as it cracks when they walk on it. ;D ;D

lol that would be so funny


Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #30 on: March 08, 2009, 11:25:35 am »
i wouldnt walk over it,only been up the tower once and that was 33 years since,  ;D ;D


  • Posts: 800
Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #31 on: March 08, 2009, 11:40:43 am »
My advise to newbies

1. put away 30 % of takings
2. Don't do cheap cleans unless its for OAPs
3 Keep costs to a minimum. dont buy stuf you will never use
4. be polite
5 never argue
6. If the customer is unhappy, never make an  excuse just say sorry and put it right
7. advertise in local mags ( parish mags , church news letters etc). Leaflet the same areas at least 3 times. It works!
8. If you are just starting and have only a few customers take your time on every job, clean frames, doors and sills. seems like hastle but it will pay off in the long term as the job will take less time in the future and the customer will be well pleased.
9. If you want rid of a moany customer, write them a letter advising them that you are putting their  price up  , but give them 2 clean notice !
10. Take Time off!


  • Posts: 800
Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #32 on: March 08, 2009, 11:42:30 am »
the best advice ive ever had was "move fast, keep low, and keep your chin strap done up" kept me alive for a while and i take it into all aspects of my business

How many years did you serve.


Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #33 on: March 08, 2009, 12:55:08 pm »
When 1st starting out I have noticed with others and myself that after awhile I started to feel that I was a little inferior and when some customers complained about somethings I just dropped now I have pledged to myself that I will not make decisions like this until the next day..when I have had time to cool down.

Just be honest and do a good job...

You will not be able to please everyone all the when you do get a few comments take them on the chin and rise above it.

Dont get sucked into believing that IPA will stop your system freezing and will allow you to work down to -15... ;) (Thanks to ftp for the advice about evaporation).

As someone else has already said...put away you tax money it's not yours so just put it away for when the grim reaper calls for it!



  • Posts: 4694
Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #34 on: March 08, 2009, 02:18:09 pm »
I'm very safe on ladders and use the appropriate safety aids - just don't like ladders thats all and wouldn't fancy working day in day out off them. As i said i've got a lot of respect for the guys that do (most of them).

Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #35 on: March 08, 2009, 05:26:42 pm »
How about this..
Once you have window cleaned no-one will ever take you seriously again for any job...

And all your mates will smirk when you tell them what you do
you dont seem to have very good mates  ;D ;D

That last one should have been the  reply to Tosh's post.


  • Posts: 3503
Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #36 on: March 08, 2009, 06:10:06 pm »
Don't buy cheap rubbers from e-bay!

especially if you date customers.

And yes Stan, been there and done it a couple of times.

Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #37 on: March 08, 2009, 06:17:19 pm »
you can safely do something and still be afraid of doing it, I work on a ladder every day and once would have said that heights was one of my fears. I went to blackpool tower and amitidly wasn't too keen walking over the glass at the top, even though it was very safe.

Use a ladder properly and it is very safe, even if you are a bit queezy of hieghts.
i would love to put a thin piece of ordinary glass over the top of the piece at blackpool tower then watch someone kak themselves as it cracks when they walk on it. ;D ;D

lol that would be so funny

I creped onto it cautiously like looking over the edge of cliff and my girlfriend in front of everyone grabbed me from behind shouting its cracking, and I cpppppd myself.... :-[.........she was sooo mean.


Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #38 on: March 08, 2009, 06:21:12 pm »
Don't buy cheap rubbers from e-bay!

especially if you date customers.

And yes Stan, been there and done it a couple of times.
thought you would have learned after the first time  ;D ;D


Re: Things every newbie should know
« Reply #39 on: March 08, 2009, 06:29:00 pm »
perfect sense  ;D ;D