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Mr Sparkle

  • Posts: 263
Snow staining windows
« on: February 10, 2009, 10:46:48 am »
Hi guys i worked a full day yesterday and was really happy but during the night we've had very heavy snow and blizzards here in the west mids.
So when i go collecting later in the week i'm worried about whether my custies will start moaning about the snow staining there windows and refuse to pay.
Am i worrying for nothing or will the snow stain the windows and the punters start moaning? Worried as most were first cleans yesterday and wanted them to be really impressed :-[ :-[

Re: Snow staining windows
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2009, 11:37:59 am »
It should take a good month before any dirt starts to show again even with rain and snow, but the point is the ones that were done as first cleans must have been fairly dirty, so they will still see a good improvement. Also, they have dirty windows and they pay you to clean them. Once you have done that, you are not responsible for any biuld up of dirt that happens after you have cleaned them. You have done your bit and they would again be even worse if you hadn't cleaned them.

ladder garred  :)

M & C Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 1581
Re: Snow staining windows
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2009, 12:56:25 pm »
Good custies will be reasonable and appreciate that dirt starts to accumulate the minute you finish cleaning them. They may joke with you about it form time to time but on the whole the're OK with it. The ones that kick up a stink about it I try to educate. If that doesn't work I don't want the hassle. I take them off my books.
I'm also reasonable in that if I know the windows are going to get filthy almost immediately, depending on the reason why, I'll adjust my schedule. (ie: If the neighbours are having building work or cavity wall insulation installed.)
If your custies see you being reasonable when it's called for they are more likely to be reasonable with you when the weather is unsettled.
A few weeks back I'd just finished the front of a property when the Cavity wall guys turned up. I was still in the area at the end of the day so, uninvited I went back and re-did the fronts before I went home. The couple didn't expect me back but were very happy that I did.

Keep em sweet! (Within reason of course)