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  • Posts: 1041
Why carpet cleaning
« on: January 03, 2009, 09:27:43 am »
What made you guys decide to do carpet cleaning? Was it a career change, fed up with your other job, redundancy, dreams of making mega money, do you do it full time or part time. And do you still enjoy it.   
Natural stone floor restoration service.
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edward coller

  • Posts: 393
Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2009, 11:00:05 am »
Interesting question and something that I ask myself on a daily basis !  I was getting fed up with what I was into and knowing a little bit about furniture bought into a franchise...for carpet cleaning  and hey at approaching 51 and getting more sore elbows knees wrists im thinking how much longer do I want to carry on doing this  Cheers Simon

C A Payne

Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2009, 01:48:57 pm »
sherco, i got into c/c'ing about 15 yrs ago, i had a couple of mates (perry matcham & simon shepherd) who had been c/c' ing a few yrs prior.. & they got me involved.. i've always been a very clean & tidy person, so i think i was well suited to do cleaning.. i could'nt work for any employer, as i feel i would'nt last the day.. & i have only one overhead & thats my wife.. the pros of this line of business for me is that i see my kids go to school & i see them come home ;D as a lad i very rarely saw my dad because he worked alot, weekends & shiftwork etc.. also i only work about 20 to 30 hrs a week.. ;D regards charlie

derek west

Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2009, 01:55:34 pm »
theres a thread on page 2 by ryan i think, called "the journey" pretty much the same thing with some interesting reads on there, mines a 2 part serial. and yes still loving it but its early days for me.

Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2009, 05:35:34 pm »

I've just read your autobiography, didn't realise you sold the house. :o

Now that's commitment.


Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2009, 05:45:55 pm »

can not fault your commitment so good luck mate :)

derek west

Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2009, 06:19:33 pm »
a calculated risk in this economic down turn, got top price for our house and hopefully in 2 or 3 years time, house prices will bottom out just in time to buy again, thats the theory anyhoo.

Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2009, 06:36:03 pm »
'Expert' on tele today reckon 2-3 years but I reckon it will be sooner. The herd principal works both ways.

Had a nice little endowment due in 2011, hoping for a major rival by then. :'(

james roffey

Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2009, 07:53:10 pm »
it was either carpet cleaning or killing my boss! i did not want to spend time inside so a friend of mine who realised  the stress i was under at work mentioned carpet cleaning, i found this site doing a bit of research and thought this might be for me, no years of training which at 43 would be inpractical i did the NCCA course etc have yet to startup though although i have had some practical experience with a qualified carpet cleaner and i really enjoyed it, i know it may sound corny but doing something that hopefully makes people happy i got some reward from and i felt good, at the moment i am still in the sh.t job but not for long, i dont expect to get rich, and have no intention of ever employing anyone else as i believeonce you do this your standards may fall as noone will do as good a job as the owner of the company, i just want to make a resonable living and have noone to answer to,                except the wife.


  • Posts: 1041
Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2009, 11:28:08 pm »
I Buy property and rent them out, i have three at the moment and rental prices are booming as people cant get mortgages, houses prices in my area havent dropped as i was in the estate agents today looking for a bargain...I dont think the wife would let me sell a house and buy a truckmount, so i will have to stick to my porty... ;D
Natural stone floor restoration service.
Natural stone fixing and repairs.

Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2009, 03:48:37 am »
I can pick and choose when I work... My wife is the bread winner as a  teacher, so I can concentrate on doing a proper job, which is what the Cornish want!


Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2009, 09:13:59 am »

Your luck as mine is at uni doing law so am shelling out for everything ::)


Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2009, 10:53:02 am »
what my girlfriend does;

go on buy a diet plan ;D

Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2009, 11:31:53 am »

Great looking site I hope she does well with it, especially this time of year.

Is someone doing the SEO for her? 


Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2009, 12:35:46 pm »

A good web site she has got :)

Good luck as well :)

She looks like my mrs too :o

derek west

Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2009, 12:45:33 pm »
ive got my level 2 fitness training certificate cardio and weights, was going to open a gym years ago and felt i'd benefit from the qualification, not WABBA though.
only had a quick look at her website but i'm guessing the diet is mainly bananas?

Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2009, 12:53:48 pm »
Fat people eat too much and don't move around enough. It's as simple as that, but in the modern world it's hardly surprising.


Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2009, 01:20:40 pm »
Yes its a banana based diet! ;D

Its not fully up and running its a new venture for Alanna, she knows someone doing simular and its not seo'ed its more refered word of mouth (clients)

Many clients are doctor refered to her gym, high blood pressure, had heart attacks, over weight ect.

I have suggested SEO to Alanna, not sure if it will go that way, she will see how it goes.

PS Mike your right it is as simple as that, eat less do more!

The Great One

  • Posts: 12673
Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2009, 01:41:10 pm »

Actually it isn't always 'that simple'

Improper thyroid function or hormonal imbalance can lead to significant weight gain.


Martin 8)

Re: Why carpet cleaning
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2009, 02:53:27 pm »
And don't forget people with Elephantiasis   ::)