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  • Posts: 4694
« on: December 31, 2008, 02:17:01 pm »
You seem an honest chap  ;) How's your latest pole fairing regarding wear? Is it better or worse for wear than your previous carbon pole. Some say the original one you have show absolutely no sign of wear after years of use is yours the same?


Re: Macmac
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2008, 02:42:23 pm »
To say a pole shows absolutely no sign of wear after even a couple of weeks ain't realistic (but i know what you mean).

The most wear will always be on the thinner sections, with the thinnest usualy the worst (as these are the most used).

My facelift is still in very good nick, again, the thinnest section has the most wear & it does look very worn but it still clamps perfect, infact all the sections clamp perfect.

My slx again, has only the wear i would expect at this stage, i.e. minimal surface wear ( friction, you can't avoid it ) and all the clamps still work perfect- with a drop of oil & the odd adjustment now'n again ofcourse.

Both are top poles but IMO the slx blitzes the facelift on everything but "the ease of use of clamps"
Yes the facelift clamps are easier & quicker to use in situ' BUT, this is the only point it scores over all against the slx.
This would still be my oppinion even if the poles were the same price, but then to add into the equasion the actual purchase price difference between the two & it realy is a no-brainer! ;)

I'm pretty sure that the slx has had a few improvement tweaks since it's first release (the one i've got) & it's longer now, so they should be even better now.
Unless anything better comes along, when mine bites the dust I'll be ordering another.

The carbon walls of the slx look quite thick too so i would expect a good return on your investment my friend. ;)

Out of breath now! ;) ;)



  • Posts: 4694
Re: Macmac
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2008, 02:48:50 pm »
Ta muchly, pretty much as i thought. If you had said the Facelift showed absolutely no wear at all then i would be more concerned.


Re: Macmac
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2008, 03:08:01 pm »
I only use the facelift now for anything over the slx's reach & to be honest i am concerned about the wear on it's top section ( i don't want it to snap in situ' ) but like i said, it does still clamp up perfect. I'll just keep my eye on it. ;)
