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steve a

  • Posts: 466
Variflow v Varistream
« on: December 30, 2008, 09:30:25 pm »
Need to buy another pump and have been looking at the kits which include the variflow or the varistream, does any one know anything about these , the difference between them etc

I have 650 litre tank + 1 pump being used with the bypass system at the moment want to add another pump as when the bypass system is used for 2 poles and one operator stops working for a while then the other person is getting double flow and it is a waste of water, hope you understand what i mean.
Bypass is brilliant for 1 operator but 2 is awkward.

Also have always used flojet and never had any probs at all in 5 years, are aquatec any good, knowledgable answers please as I can read the bumf for myself.

Thanks in anticipation.

Steve a

tomy jackson

Re: Variflow v Varistream
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2008, 07:17:23 am »
why not two pume & TWO bypass

steve a

  • Posts: 466
Re: Variflow v Varistream
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2008, 09:06:56 am »
why not two pume & TWO bypass

Thought of that, probably end up doing it as cheapest option.

was looking through sites at pump prices and just happened to see the controllers. and , well you know what it's like, "ooh 1 of those would be nice" type of thing, but as you say, not really needed.

Thanks Tomy