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Kevin R

  • Posts: 906
Window Cleaning Business Coach
« on: December 29, 2008, 11:56:56 pm »
What do you guys think of this?

I bought his book and thought it was ok - based of guerilla marketing / Piranha marketing but a bit more focused to the window cleaning market. He now is selling a monthly marketing tutorial on subscription but its a bit pricey in my opinion when marketing books are so cheap in the local book store or on Amazon.

However I would be interested in any opinions especially from anyone who has read his book and maybe has even subscribed.

mci services

Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2008, 12:14:57 am »
i am replying now but going to bed in a minute. but in answer i am not convinced ::) its on all the forums but no one will actually give any examples on what it can achieve that isnt commen sence marketing. ive read a bit on it but so far no one has said yes i put this idea into practice and landed this much work£££££ from what ive read the comments are all its great, makes sence, brilliant, good reading, i will put it in practice next year etc: but as i say untill someone gives examples of how great it is i will save my money.


  • Posts: 25118
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2008, 09:28:19 am »
What do you guys think of this?

I bought his book and thought it was ok - based of guerilla marketing / Piranha marketing but a bit more focused to the window cleaning market. He now is selling a monthly marketing tutorial on subscription but its a bit pricey in my opinion when marketing books are so cheap in the local book store or on Amazon.

However I would be interested in any opinions especially from anyone who has read his book and maybe has even subscribed.

Interesting .....
It's a game of three halves!


Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2008, 11:51:10 am »
Don't waste your money, everything that he will tell you, you can find free of charge on here.

For example he put out flyers which cost him $36 and got a return of $1100, well I have put out leafets which cost me £30 and I got a return of £3000, the only reason I got this amount of work is simple, there was no other cleaner in the area and I was the 1st to canvass.

The secret to any form of advertising is to kept it simple.


  • Posts: 25118
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2008, 06:04:34 pm »
I see no need to buy his stuff but I like his "can-do" attitude.
It's a game of three halves!


Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2008, 08:59:42 am »
Don't waste your money, everything that he will tell you, you can find free of charge on here.

For example he put out flyers which cost him $36 and got a return of $1100, well I have put out leafets which cost me £30 and I got a return of £3000, the only reason I got this amount of work is simple, there was no other cleaner in the area and I was the 1st to canvass.

The secret to any form of advertising is to kept it simple.

I think you will find that he put out 34flyers and got $1100 worth of work.
That sounds like a good return to me.

as with all flyers, its all luck, you can put out 34000 and get 1100 of work


  • Posts: 25118
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2008, 09:05:09 am »
That's true Matt, but there comes a point where the law of averages takes over so that if you put out less than 50 it can be pot luck but 5000 brings in something measurable.

But this guy was attaching dollar coins to his quotes to make them memorable.

And his point was at least he did something - which I found refreshing ...

If I traipse around the nearest industrial/housing estate on a rainy half day instead of watching Judge Judy and Jeremy Kyle then that's likely to be more productive.

Even if I got no-one that day I start to learn what is productive and what is not.
It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2008, 09:05:37 am »
Hey fellow WC guys!

Yeah, I hear your skepticism, and I respect your opinions.

After all, with few exceptions, I don't think that I've had the pleasure of your acquaintance yet.

MrH, Karlos, and Duke all know me, though, and can vouch that I'm a real person!

If it's any help to you, here's some genuine info on what you're talking about:

I did indeed put out only 34 fliers and I got $1100+ in work, in an area that is solicited heavily, and for work at a high price point (not cheap, low hourly rate stuff).

As far as the competition comment, unfortunately, I work/live in Toronto, Canada.

It's a big city, but I have about 450 local professional competitors, and counting, not to mention the 'little guys' that will clean windows for a pint.

As far as 'proof' that my marketing advice will work for your window cleaning company, please implement some of my free advice, and see the difference it can make.

It would be foolish for me stand on this side of the pond and shout about how great my stuff is. It's much better for you to dip your finger in and taste the pudding for yourself.

For instance, here's piece of free marketing advice that might help, about how to turn your phone message into a powerful marketing tool:

I recorded that video about a year ago, and have heard from WC's all over the place about how its helped them secure more work from more prospects.


  • Posts: 25118
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2008, 09:07:11 am »
Hi WCBC - up late? Welcome aboard.

(Interesting collection of books on your bookshelf in that video BTW! ;))
It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2008, 09:11:04 am »
as with all flyers, its all luck, you can put out 34000 and get 1100 of work

Is it?

Than what exactly is the marketing industry based on?

Smoke and mirrors?

Why did you buy the last 5 things you did?

Were the vendors/stores simply lucky to make their sale to you?

Or is it possible that they managed to mess with your mind and heart, motivating and manipulating you, Matt?

Please try not to dismiss the power of marketing.

Every one of us falls victim to it daily, and we don't mind it at all.

Figure out how we were worked over, and now you have some power to play with in your window cleaning business.


  • Posts: 25118
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2008, 09:14:10 am »
I just opened your link WCBC but the video gives me about 2 second segments and then starts buffering up again.
It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2008, 09:16:08 am »
Don't waste your money, everything that he will tell you, you can find free of charge on here.

For example he put out flyers which cost him $36 and got a return of $1100, well I have put out leafets which cost me £30 and I got a return of £3000, the only reason I got this amount of work is simple, there was no other cleaner in the area and I was the 1st to canvass.

The secret to any form of advertising is to kept it simple.

All I have to say to this is WOW.

If your numbers are legit, here's what you're telling us:

Your £30 investment generated £3000 in WC business, right?

For the record, that is an ROI of 10,000%

That's like buying envelopes with £300 for a paltry £3 each.

If you could do that, how many envelopes would you buy?

If this is true, then you should be POURING as much money as you can find into this system you have going.


  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2008, 09:21:07 am »
I just opened your link WCBC but the video gives me about 2 second segments and then starts buffering up again.

Sorry, its just Youtube.

Did you guys get this link today?

 I think so. There's more info in that one, about how exactly you can harness the power of marketing into your window cleaning business building strategy.

Incidentally, this stuff only matters if you want to BUILD your business, or achieve a higher level of profitability.


P.S. I was down in Providence, Rhode Island, USA in Nov 2008, for a AUWC Regional Seminar, and I gave a 35 minute presentation on how to tap into the power of marketing with your window cleaning business.

Here's the secret link to a big chunk of that seminar presentation. Of course, you can watch it for free!

Should clear up a few more questions about the power of WC marketing.


  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2008, 09:22:22 am »
Hi WCBC - up late? Welcome aboard.

(Interesting collection of books on your bookshelf in that video BTW! ;))

Thx Malc!

And yes, indeed, they are...



  • Posts: 25118
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2008, 09:25:37 am »
Ecclesiates 11 v 6 "Sow your seed..."
It's a game of three halves!


Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #15 on: December 31, 2008, 09:47:46 am »
as with all flyers, its all luck, you can put out 34000 and get 1100 of work

Is it?

Than what exactly is the marketing industry based on?

Smoke and mirrors?

Why did you buy the last 5 things you did?

Were the vendors/stores simply lucky to make their sale to you?

Or is it possible that they managed to mess with your mind and heart, motivating and manipulating you, Matt?

Please try not to dismiss the power of marketing.

Every one of us falls victim to it daily, and we don't mind it at all.

Figure out how we were worked over, and now you have some power to play with in your window cleaning business.

i know people who have put flyers out in the same area ( i live in that area and get them in my mail box ) they were put out inside the same 4 or 5  weeks, for the record they were all fairly nice flyers, all of equal quality ( non of the B&W printed stuff, all 3 were glossy )

now i speak to THREE of them, you would think the guy who put them out first got the most calls, he didnt, its luck, does the lady of the house see the flyer ( or the man, who normally bins it )  ? ? ? ? does it get put in the kitchen draw with the takeout menu's ? ?? ?, does it get picked up with the other post and that post contains a few others flyers for various things  ? ??  they all end up in the bin ? ? ? ?

see what i mean about luck, a fair few variables, i am not knocking flyers at all, i am not even knocking you, ive read about you from karl ( i think it was ) i understand marketing works, just pointing out that putting flyers through doors can be hit and miss in the extreme

welcome aboard CIU by the way, im sure we will learn from you in 1 way or the other


Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #16 on: December 31, 2008, 09:52:27 am »
Don't waste your money, everything that he will tell you, you can find free of charge on here.

For example he put out flyers which cost him $36 and got a return of $1100, well I have put out leafets which cost me £30 and I got a return of £3000, the only reason I got this amount of work is simple, there was no other cleaner in the area and I was the 1st to canvass.

The secret to any form of advertising is to kept it simple.

All I have to say to this is WOW.

If your numbers are legit, here's what you're telling us:

Your £30 investment generated £3000 in WC business, right?

For the record, that is an ROI of 10,000%

That's like buying envelopes with £300 for a paltry £3 each.

If you could do that, how many envelopes would you buy?

If this is true, then you should be POURING as much money as you can find into this system you have going.

I did folow it up with another advert which went out to 10000 homes and businesses, it cost almost £300 and I got 0 :(

Another example, every week I receive at least 10 flyers from 10 different pizza companys, all of them offer different freebies, yet in the last 2 years I have not responded to any of them, instead I carry on using my normal pizza company. Go figure?

Yes marketing does work, and with any type of leaflet drop, you will always have high peaks of sales with little outlay, the reverse is also true, what really counts is the overall results over a long period of time.


  • Posts: 25118
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #17 on: December 31, 2008, 09:54:22 am »
So Matt - the more you canvass, the "luckier" you get.

If I do an area once a month for three months (say) then on the first pass I might get one or two, on the next people will remember I called before and mentally clock that I might be reliable or serious about my business and I get one or two more. As I work the area I get one or two asking and by the third run more feel comfortable seeing me about and working and being trusted by their neighbours.

The key is persistency.

Look at Pingu (An Englishman in New York Amsterdam  ;D) - he analyses his return on canvassing (in an OCD sort of way ;D) and it's obviously working.
It's a game of three halves!


Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #18 on: December 31, 2008, 09:54:56 am »
Don't waste your money, everything that he will tell you, you can find free of charge on here.

For example he put out flyers which cost him $36 and got a return of $1100, well I have put out leafets which cost me £30 and I got a return of £3000, the only reason I got this amount of work is simple, there was no other cleaner in the area and I was the 1st to canvass.

The secret to any form of advertising is to kept it simple.

All I have to say to this is WOW.

If your numbers are legit, here's what you're telling us:

Your £30 investment generated £3000 in WC business, right?

For the record, that is an ROI of 10,000%

That's like buying envelopes with £300 for a paltry £3 each.

If you could do that, how many envelopes would you buy?

If this is true, then you should be POURING as much money as you can find into this system you have going.

I did folow it up with another advert which went out to 10000 homes and businesses, it cost almost £300 and I got 0 :(

Another example, every week I receive at least 10 flyers from 10 different pizza companys, all of them offer different freebies, yet in the last 2 years I have not responded to any of them, instead I carry on using my normal pizza company. Go figure?

Yes marketing does work, and with any type of leaflet drop, you will always have high peaks of sales with little outlay, the reverse is also true, what really counts is the overall results over a long period of time.

exactly. it can be completely random, but as we know, its a numbers game

Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2008, 09:56:23 am »
The message in that video is to push your company and illustrate to the punter what more/what better/what else you offer compared to your competitors; I didnt hear any of that message which you suggest we push so far as you would like us to believe about you compared to your competitors.