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Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #40 on: December 31, 2008, 08:43:18 pm »
If you are running substantial window cleaning business, I will shut up and listen more.

And vice versa ;)


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #41 on: December 31, 2008, 08:45:29 pm »
If you are running substantial window cleaning business, I will shut up and listen more.

And vice versa ;)
Lots of posting today Tony my my she really has kicked you up the other end of the room hasn`t she. ;D

peter holley

Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #42 on: December 31, 2008, 09:16:41 pm »
Put it this way, your gonna have your work cut out with us lot ::)

By the way, Id trust 1 &2 the most! 3 nope....

i agree

another cheap shot at the good people of CIU  ::) ::) as you blatantly think so little of the members on here, here is a idea, find somewhere that is up to your ever so high level of intelligence **  ::) ::) which of course makes you such a success   ::) ::)

** this is sarcastic

It’s not a cheap shot, there are varying types of window cleaner all with different capabilities and resources and there will be a point when you are classed as professional.

Just because you are unable to differentiate that, doesn’t mean others can’t.

I could act dumb and agree with your posts, otherwise explain to me and other’s what your credentials are?

If you are running substantial window cleaning business, I will shut up and listen more.

Or if there is any other reason I have missed please let me know?

i agree


Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #43 on: December 31, 2008, 09:52:52 pm »
If you are running substantial window cleaning business, I will shut up and listen more.

And vice versa ;)
Lots of posting today Tony my my she really has kicked you up the other end of the room hasn`t she. ;D

 ;D ;D ;D

Yeah, she's had me at home for over a week!! That's why i'm extra bad :D


Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #44 on: December 31, 2008, 11:22:38 pm »
Im thinking the Trolls dropped a sprog  ;D


  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #45 on: January 01, 2009, 12:01:40 am »
Keep at it coach, some of us might be interested. But at the end of the day you're into sales which unfortunately means your trying to sell me something.
Personally i prefer Don The Windowcleaners common sense approach on youtube that costs me nothing at all.
I would imagine you pop up on other sites in different trades pushing the same message?

Yes, I am definitely selling my book and my dossier subscription for $$, no question.

I also have filled a blog with almost 60 informative window cleaning marketing posts, videos, downloads, recorded live broadcasts, and it's all 100% free.

You don't need to give me any of your $$ to benefit from what I'm saying in any of these places, or even right here, right now.

This post is FREE!

As far as the Don The Window Cleaner reference, Don is as hard-working a man as they come, and I respect his generosity in doling out advice freely.

If you'd like to be in Don's shoes when you're his age, still working full-time in your window cleaning company, then he's your man.

You would have no interest in what I'm trying to help you understand.


P.S. Oh - I don't actually help any other industry understand how to implement this proven marketing intelligence, just our window cleaning industry.



  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #46 on: January 01, 2009, 12:10:38 am »
There are a few on here who think there level of window cleaning is the pinnacle, there not spoke’s men for the window cleaning in UK or even cleanitup.

Thx Ewan.

The truth is, almost every single small business owner is obsessed with this lie.

Every one of them seems to think that it comes down to being awesome at their stuff, whether it's grass cutting, hairdressing, drywalling, or window cleaning, and that once people find out how awesome they are, their phone will ring off the hook.

I get it, though. After all, my window cleaning company is called Paneless Perfection, so quality of workmanship is high on my list of priorities, but it is no longer in the top 5.

At the end of the day, almost no one cares about the stuff they have being the absolute best.

We pay big bucks for average food at fancy restaurants.

We pay big bucks for fancy cars that constantly need maintenance.

We pay big bucks for fancy clothes that turn ratty in a few months.

Quality of product is not the big thing in these purchasing decisions.

Same goes with window cleaning.


  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #47 on: January 01, 2009, 12:23:40 am »
We over this side of the "pond" are more likely to questions someone motives, that they have all the answers, to making us all so sucessful and rich, for instance you say that by processes that you have learn over the years, you can produce more business though your markerting techinques, if this is the case why are you not making "zillions" as a window cleaner "baron" instead, you have become a marketing "guru" instead.

You state that you want to help all of us reach these goals that you have achieved, if thats the case why not post all of these methods "free of charge" onto a open window cleaning forum or trade publication, if on the other hand you want to sell us a "product" in your new career, then be more up-front about it.

Guess I ticked you off a bit!

Reason number one why I would rather teach than run my window cleaning business for the next 10 years: I hate winter, and I'd like to be able to live somewhere tropical while still working. Seemed like a nice opportunity, since no one seems to have a clear hold on this window cleaning marketing game, and almost no one is doing things right. And before you take issue with this last statement, I do not presumptuously have the right to determine right from wrong, when it comes to marketing, history and testing establish that.

Reason number 2: I enjoy this teaching stuff, it feels natural for me.

After all these posts, and links, if you are surprised that I'm also selling stuff, then I apologize for not laying it out more clearly for you.

And over a years worth of videos, downloads, recorded broadcasts, and even WC seminar recordings are available absolutely free for you to benefit from.

My little window cleaning business has achieved some pretty cool little profit feats, but instead of going on about that, its more valuable for you to weigh the validity of my advice through application.

Try something I recommend, and you'll find out for yourself.

No one's putting a gun to your head. Don't try my paid stuff if you you wish not to, fair enough.


P.S. Please also note that nowhere have I used the word "rich". I don't wish that any of you guys become rich, since that will require the largest amount of time.

I would suggest that you instead become "time-rich", and work as little as possible on your window cleaning business, so that you can spend as much free time as possible on the things and people you love - the things that you get out of bed for in the morning.

Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #48 on: January 01, 2009, 12:30:32 am »
So for the guys who have more than enough work, they get to choose the work they want to do and have no need to take on everything that comes their way, they are in a position to discard that which they would prefer not to worry about, they're able to pick and choose their hourly rate (which might be somewhere around 3x the national average), love their work, gain satisfaction from achieving that which they couldn't elsewhere and love the thrill of all these things combined; what would you as a salesman be able to offer this person?


  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #49 on: January 01, 2009, 12:33:14 am »
So for the guys who have more than enough work, they get to choose the work they want to do and have no need to take on everything that comes their way, they are in a position to discard that which they would prefer not to worry about, they're able to pick and choose their hourly rate (which might be somewhere around 3x the national average), love their work, gain satisfaction from achieving that which they couldn't elsewhere and love the thrill of all these things combined; what would you as a salesman be able to offer this person?


If you don't care about rapid, profitable WC revenue growth, then tune me out.

Otherwise, turn up the speakers.


  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #50 on: January 01, 2009, 12:35:09 am »

Although, i would still like to have a long talk with them about pricing, and how they can get away with charging even more...

I'm quite serious.

Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #51 on: January 01, 2009, 12:36:43 am »
Im asking you, what can you offer? Your meant to be a salesman, right?

Not should I turn the speakers up or not.


  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #52 on: January 01, 2009, 12:53:19 am »
Im asking you, what can you offer? Your meant to be a salesman, right?

Not should I turn the speakers up or not.

I believe my answer was SQUAT. (please see the word "squat" above)

If you have no interest in growth, I have nothing to offer you.

Am I missing something here?

Are we supposed to fight?



  • Posts: 121
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #53 on: January 01, 2009, 12:55:17 am »
It has dawned on me that maybe you don't know the usage of this word "squat" so please allow me to replace it with the following selection of synonyms:


Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #54 on: January 01, 2009, 01:00:33 am »
Okie dokie.

Have a great new year.



  • Posts: 1897
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #55 on: January 01, 2009, 02:43:38 am »

If you have no interest in growth, I have nothing to offer you.

 As he says if you don't want to grow your business don't listen or spend your physically hard  earned £££'s. Just keep on cleaning them windows!!!  ;)

Kev, have you bought the online book yet? I have had a read through the freebie bits and im tempted to give it a go. I like all the sales and marketing books, i have loads and i always get a few things out of hundreds of pages.
Happy New Year to all.

Paul Coleman

Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #56 on: January 01, 2009, 07:14:11 am »
as with all flyers, its all luck, you can put out 34000 and get 1100 of work

Is it?

Than what exactly is the marketing industry based on?

Smoke and mirrors?

Why did you buy the last 5 things you did?

Were the vendors/stores simply lucky to make their sale to you?

Or is it possible that they managed to mess with your mind and heart, motivating and manipulating you, Matt?

Please try not to dismiss the power of marketing.

Every one of us falls victim to it daily, and we don't mind it at all.

Figure out how we were worked over, and now you have some power to play with in your window cleaning business.

Well I can't speak for Matt but my last five purchases were based on low price alone.  However, I'm just talking about foodstuffs.  As far as the hair clippers go, I went for a brand that I know the pros use so I went for longevity/quality.  I went for the watch for an Xmas prezzie because that was what my g/f wanted (haven't asked her what her decision was based upon).  I went for the one day (paid) marketing course because I believe that the company who provided it are good marketers and I thought I would pick up some good advice (I did - although only some of it was new to me).  The other items were based on (a) trust of the seller and (b) I already knew the product was good because I had previously bought one.  As far as some other purchases were concerned, I wasn't convinced that I was buying the best and I know I wasn't buying the cheapest but I did know there was a decent aftersales structure in place.  So, if you discount price (which I didn't use as a factor for the small ticket items), there is a whole raft of different reasons in there.  I haven't read your book.  I can't hear your video either (no sound on this computer) but I would be surprised if my reasons weren't part of your advice.
I used to think marketing was unimportant.  I don't think that now.  However, I don't have the funds to market the way I would like to so I have to make the best of what I've got.
I do think that marketing from the other side of the pond doesn't always transfer very well into UK culture though but I pick out what I think will work and I put the rest on the shelf.  I never discard it totally as there may be a use for it one day.
One thing that marketing from West of the pond overlooks IMO is simplicity.  I think this is where there may be a cultural divide.  I can't say specifically about Canada but I feel that USA sales and marketing seriously over complicates things usually.

Paul Coleman

Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #57 on: January 01, 2009, 07:24:33 am »
It has dawned on me that maybe you don't know the usage of this word "squat" so please allow me to replace it with the following selection of synonyms:


When that term is used in the UK, for some reason the word "diddly" is prefixed (diidly squat)   ;D  .  Don't ask me why though because I've no idea.

Paul Coleman

Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #58 on: January 01, 2009, 07:42:50 am »
Put it this way, your gonna have your work cut out with us lot ::)

By the way, Id trust 1 &2 the most! 3 nope....

Why am I not surprised?


And I like to work, for the record. And I think that it's valuable to air out these concerns about the validity of this marketing stuff creating revenue for YOUR window cleaning business.

I do notice, though, that there is almost a defense system that goes up about this subject, with UK window cleaners, and I'm not sure why.

Do you have any insights on that?

I believe that many Brits have an inherent mistrust of things that they prceive as being overly American because it can be a bit OTT.  Yes I know we are talking about Canada but from this side of the pond, not many appreciate the difference.  Good marketing speaks to the subconcious IMO - though sometimes a more direct approach is better.  People are different.  Marketing strategy that works for one may not work for another IMO.  It's about finding the right buttons for an individual AND about finding what works for MOST people too (IMO of course).  I'm not a trained marketer (does it show?   ;D ) but by knowing myself, I can be a better marketer.


  • Posts: 4694
Re: Window Cleaning Business Coach
« Reply #59 on: January 01, 2009, 08:53:43 am »
Just had a listen to a couple of videos (the cockroach one and the dollar in the envelope one) the techniques are already out there like a free biro in the envelope, that kind of thing. He goes on to talk about a six percent return on thirty four houses. Nothing new there i've had 50% return before ( i only targeted two houses!).
Offering free cleans? good job he didn't offer them on the two houses that netted 1200 dollars!
Interesting? yes i'd say so - would i subscribe? The guy wants to take my money so for that reason i'm out.  ;)