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Dean Aspects

  • Posts: 1786
Re: Anyone working this week?
« Reply #60 on: December 30, 2008, 04:18:54 pm »
I used to work inbetween xmas and new year but i now take two weeks off i work hard enough through the year so for me its a well earned break


  • Posts: 25122
Re: Anyone working this week?
« Reply #61 on: December 30, 2008, 06:03:14 pm »
Well I worked today - well 12 noon to 4pm - just got over three figures in and a £5 tip!

Coolio! 8) (It was actually - 1 to 2 degrees C this afternoon)

No more 'til Monday the 5th!
It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 22
Re: Anyone working this week?
« Reply #62 on: December 31, 2008, 01:07:11 am »
of course I am, had 25th / 26th off back tomorrow, will have thurs off then back to norm 5 days a week, got wages & bills to pay
the way eh !


  • Posts: 4694
Re: Anyone working this week?
« Reply #63 on: December 31, 2008, 08:49:34 am »
Well, it's orrible out there this morning, so i'll finish refurbishing my slx pole instead. I've taken  the clamps off the top two sections removed the worn out carbon and re-cut the slots and drilled new holes. Just got to tape the base of all the sections to stop them flying out then put it back together.

Sir Squeaky

  • Posts: 8341
Re: Anyone working this week?
« Reply #64 on: December 31, 2008, 09:12:46 am »
Too frozen out there at the moment (heater is in the van), but I want to get at least an hour in at some point, just to finish an area before 4 days off.


Re: Anyone working this week?
« Reply #65 on: December 31, 2008, 09:50:18 am »
MINUS 3 here still, its allmost 10 in the morning, i guess its not going to warm up

whats the forecast like for next week ? ?? ?

elite mike

Re: Anyone working this week?
« Reply #66 on: December 31, 2008, 09:56:24 am »
MINUS 3 here still, its allmost 10 in the morning, i guess its not going to warm up

whats the forecast like for next week ? ?? ?

just looked at the ten day one matt

going to be below freezing until next fri :'(

Re: Anyone working this week?
« Reply #67 on: December 31, 2008, 09:59:23 am »
At least that means dry, just got make sure everything stays unfrozen.


  • Posts: 8156
Re: Anyone working this week?
« Reply #68 on: December 31, 2008, 10:36:42 am »
1st day ever i have had anything freeze on me, the ground and everything
around us frozen solid doesnt help with this fog that wont lift ,just tried
my trolley system water came out of brush head for a few seconds then
nothing :'( come back in for a cuppa then going leafleting...looks like i will
be working saturday :(

john tomkins

  • Posts: 1639
Re: Anyone working this week?
« Reply #69 on: December 31, 2008, 11:00:46 am »
Well, it's orrible out there this morning, so i'll finish refurbishing my slx pole instead. I've taken  the clamps off the top two sections removed the worn out carbon and re-cut the slots and drilled new holes. Just got to tape the base of all the sections to stop them flying out then put it back together.

I don't like the sound of that :o
Like others I paid £400 for mine and expected it to last for at least a couple of years, had it about 5 months and already the slots and holes are splitting.

When you say "worn out carbon" is that where it clamps in the closed position, as in where the glass fibre poles tend to start spinning?
How much length have you lost?
How easy to get the clamps off?
What are you using to re-bond?


  • Posts: 4694
Re: Anyone working this week?
« Reply #70 on: December 31, 2008, 11:20:59 am »
Don't panic! Mine was still working perfectly but the carbon had worn away completely in places inside the clamps so i have removed them and cut about an inch off the offending sections. If you speak or mail Alex he will tell you how to do it or you can have them refurbish for you. It's not a good idea for me to post how to do it in case i give bad advice obviously.
My pole does show a fair bit of wear which is unavoidable i think. I am pretty heavy on my poles for some reason - my first extender lasted five weeks!
Splits around the holes are not a problem - mine was split on every one after the first day.
Have to say i'm pretty unimpressed with the wear but what's the alternative? People who say their pole is in the same condition as it was three years ago can't be getting the same use out of it as i do.


Re: Anyone working this week?
« Reply #71 on: December 31, 2008, 12:19:52 pm »
John...I have had the same with the Sl-X and my pole has had some abuse if you contact Alex he'll sort you out...

Alex had my pole from Holland and repaired it on the friday afternoon it was working for me back here in Holland Wednesday afternoon.

Nothing is ever perfect but his customer service is the stuff of legends...give him a chance.


john tomkins

  • Posts: 1639
Re: Anyone working this week?
« Reply #72 on: December 31, 2008, 01:56:47 pm »
I usually get about 6 to 8 months out of an x-tel gf pole @ £80 all in, to say there are splitting/wear problems on the £400 sl-x after a few months use doesn't look good for longetivity of the pole.
As Dave said
what's the alternative?
about time some of the big boys bought out a compact carbon for a bit of healthy competition


  • Posts: 4694
Re: Anyone working this week?
« Reply #73 on: December 31, 2008, 02:12:03 pm »
I think my pole will go on for a long time yet - but several years? I can't see it without it being a foot shorter. I don't know how you can stop wear unless the carbon/resin mix can be altered in the manufacturing stage. Make it too hard and then the carbon probably goes brittle.