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  • Posts: 1626
Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #20 on: December 30, 2008, 12:22:17 pm »
ive got to stop now mike, i've been banned. ;D

I wrote a post asking Simon Gerard to reconsider your banning from his and glynn's forum as I personally though he very unprofessional, discourteous & confrontational and incited you to respond in the negative, alongwith, after your banning he was making the statement that there was more to it than we could see, but he had been completely clear which was  contradictory.

I've copied the post below so you can clearly see, sadley Simon action was to sarcastically reply "Sorry mate, didn't realise I had to conform" and I had lot of private emails and PM's telling me I'm right so there. it's my forum

Which smacks of "it's  my ball and I'm taking it in"  which for a grown man is sad,  but as it his forum/ball

I took the decision to end my account immediately. Maybe my loss but I'll take the risk!

Re: Carpet Cleaners Going Out Of BusinessReply #58 - Today at 6:06pm  Nigel Woodhead wrote on Today at 6:23am:
Simon - banning Derek is the begininng of a slippy slope for Truckmounters. That said I do have some sympathy but I am sure it is just youthful enthusiasm for his new business - which he clearly loves. 


Got to agree with Nigel ,

Simon whilst I agree this forum is your and Glynns resource and you have a right to respect as we all should have.
I did not see Derek's post as requiring a total banning, in fact your post telling him he was pushing his luck seamed to me provocative as well.
Also your comment "On the Derek front, well let's just say all was not as it appeared." would make you judge jury and executioner  ( and the reporter for the paper as well) Leaving Derek with no voice to reply.

To this ends I think you should reconsider especially as you are wanting the help and assistance of others in starting a website to generate work. My own personal view now, is that I wouldn't be interested as If i upset you, I'd come off worse with no recourse.  established 1968 in Newcastle Upon Tyne

derek west

Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #21 on: December 30, 2008, 01:39:04 pm »
don't blame you for leaving paul, but you should of stuck it out, theres a lot of guys on there who are fed up with tiptoe-ing round him, maybe if he'd banned you they may have come out and said something, as a newbie i didn't expect any support but got some, you as a long served and respected guy on there would of got a lot more.

cheers for the support mate.
can't say im missing tm, everytime i asked anyone a question it was answered by him, me goading him is really calling the pot black, (or is it kettle) anyhoo.

anyway, all that are on tm are on here so its definately his loss. all though we're not paying we're still his customers and personally i think respect should go both ways.

even mr M sneeks on here once and a while, all be it to wind us up but its still good fun.
2 down and only about 28 to go. ;D (regulars that is)


Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #22 on: December 30, 2008, 01:53:35 pm »

I've just reread that thread Derek and unless he's deleted one of your posts that was dodgey, I honestly don't know what his problem is.

Simon was responsible for one of the best, longest running threads ever on CIU and also involved in one of the biggest bust ups on here, which a lot (not all) supported.

I think it's comical in the extreme that you get banned for asking a few questions that question his views.

It's heartening to see a few supporting posts (at the risk of being band ::))

I think Simon is actually a great bloke but so was Michael Jackson before he was surrounded by people who only say YES. So I think you done him a favour actually. ;)

derek west

Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #23 on: December 30, 2008, 05:26:04 pm »
coming from someone who thinks he is a great bloke, i think your post speaks volumes.
and while i'm here i'd like to thank all the guys who have emailed me there support. and those on ciu.
as a newbie i'm humbled.
cheers guys


Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #24 on: December 30, 2008, 05:41:36 pm »

Least you know you have people that are genuine around you :)

Let him take his bat and ball in ;D

Clinton neylan ;)


Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #25 on: December 30, 2008, 06:16:10 pm »

Must say what you have done is a bonus for a lot of us guys on here as you will prob be posting more on this site :)

Good one paul



  • Posts: 1129
Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #26 on: December 30, 2008, 06:47:32 pm »
Well I see Derek's tried to log on this afternoon, must still want to be a member .

derek west

Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #27 on: December 30, 2008, 07:15:51 pm »
Well I see Derek's tried to log on this afternoon, must still want to be a member .

gauntlet time.
offer me my member status back, live on CIU and see what i say glyn. ;D

then you and everyone on CIU will know for sure if i want to still be a member.

it might just be me and my sensitive touch pad, but i often click the wrong address in the address bar. i'll delete truckmounters so you'll know for sure next time.

all the best glyn.


Ricky M

  • Posts: 852
Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #28 on: December 30, 2008, 08:25:27 pm »
Derek , bloody hell I take a few days off all forums and you go and open a can of worms old boy
Good on ya , ya know how to call a spade a spade  ;D

back to the thread : 2 calls after xmas - No work till mon 5th = 4 jobs (Good £) 6th=2 jobs (Average £)  Then back on the 12th (By choice/ the mrs!!) with some really interesting jobs , a few really old Rugs , wall art (30+ year old Piece) Brocade, SEAGRASS ( DRY DRY DRY !) an a bit of silk for good measure and the usual domestic carpets and hopefully landed a biggy sports centre .   
But this year is going to be all about investing in learning and looking more at the specialist side of our industry
              NCCA !? but why have non of my clients herd of them ??


  • Posts: 1626
Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #29 on: December 30, 2008, 08:53:20 pm »
we are booked up for week starting 5th after that who knows, its a testing times for all, just glad we aren't hocked up to our eyeballs with the banks.  established 1968 in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Chris R

  • Posts: 813
Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #30 on: December 30, 2008, 08:53:56 pm »

I read all of your posts on truckmounters.

You were deliberately trying to wind Simon up, it was very obvious.

He should have banned you sooner.

Happy New Year




  • Posts: 1626
Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #31 on: December 30, 2008, 09:04:48 pm »

Chirs r

is that chris ruston, if so I have only two words to say to you


you know what i mean

p.s you haven't posted here for 3 months what could possibly make you return now? simon sending in his troops ?  established 1968 in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Chris R

  • Posts: 813
Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #32 on: December 30, 2008, 09:13:11 pm »
You on the beer Paul ?

Where the f did all that rubbish come from ?

I made a joke via a private email to steve gunn about your ebay site selling " love cuffs"
Nothing was ever said on any forum .(until now  ;))

You sold 2 x extracta hand tools on ebay. In the pic it looked like they both had the sight glass in, no mention was made in the description of a missing glass ?
Thanks for paying for a new glass from extracta, it was good of you to correct your error.

What your comments have got to do with the topic in hand i have no idea ?

But i do see you in a different light now.

Chris Rushton

Chris R

  • Posts: 813
Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #33 on: December 30, 2008, 09:15:01 pm »
You changed your last post paul.

But I read it.

derek west

Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #34 on: December 30, 2008, 09:18:43 pm »
nice to see the other side of the arguement.
personally don't agree.(obviously) if questioning someones point of view is winding someone up then i guess your right. if asking someone to back up his comments with factual information is winding someone up then, again your right.
if someone then can't reply other than by banning me then i guess i did what you think i set out to do. so mission accomplished.

happy new year to you chris.


ps.... i wind my kids up everday for fun, its dead easy winding kids up, and guess what, they still let me play on the wii. ;D


  • Posts: 1626
Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #35 on: December 30, 2008, 09:19:59 pm »
need to spend more time on the wii fit myself  established 1968 in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Chris R

  • Posts: 813
Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #36 on: December 30, 2008, 09:27:39 pm »
Hi Derek

We all have our own views on things, that’s how it should be.

It wasn’t just one topic or post of Simons that you were confrontational about.

It was Every Post and Every Topic.

The bloke couldn’t write anything without you jumping straight in with a negative / opposing view.




derek west

Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #37 on: December 30, 2008, 09:43:17 pm »
i asked mark shannon a question! who answered it for him?
i asked jason a question! who answered it for him?
even i get wound up when someone asks me a question i find hard to answer. so i suppose your right chris, i guess i was winding him up, or you could say, my questions we're getting him wound up.
see theres 2 ways of looking at it, and ive just done both.
wich one is right, well who knows.
i also said lets make up but he continued on his crusade to preach the "gospel according to simon"
and that gospel is....
if your a newbie you will bow.
anyway thats how i saw it.

you saw it differently, and good on ya. like you said we all have are views on things, thats how it should be.
god bless ya guvnor.


  • Posts: 1626
Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #38 on: December 30, 2008, 10:44:49 pm »
leave it you'll never win.  established 1968 in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Doug Holloway

  • Posts: 3917
Re: Phone ringing alot quicker after Christmas than expected
« Reply #39 on: December 30, 2008, 11:15:11 pm »
Hi Guys

I do think it's time to leave this now.

As far as I've seen on here Derek is a good poster and is welcome.

I won't comment on another forum as it would be bad manners.

