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glen parva

Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #20 on: December 28, 2008, 10:58:45 am »
Re: Is it a sellers market? is it a buyers market !!!!
 how can  window cleaning rounds be good money
will be worth nothing with unemployment going up we will be losing a lot of custys this year they cannot aford it i have looked at 2 rounds here in leicester they are asking unrealistic prices in this climate x3 x4
we have all had custys say no  thanks my husband  has been made unemployed !!

with so many  commercial  going bust here
we are in for a rough 2 years all over !

glen parva cleaning services leicester 

Dave Turley

  • Posts: 896
Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #21 on: December 28, 2008, 11:42:31 am »
maybe it'll be survival of the fittest.

for those who survive, surely it will be good times on the other side of it.

newbies with an inexperiencedly (if that's a word?) priced round and not that many customers are likely to struggle.

also the mainly commercial guys with with larger eggs in fewer baskets may struggle a bit more tthan they're used to?

for those that come through it, won't there be many new customers on the other side?

either way we're all better off than most


Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #22 on: December 28, 2008, 06:58:50 pm »
How anyone values his business at just a fraction of the yearly turnover (3x 4x 5x the monthly takings) reallys beggars belife.

How manys years of hard slog has it taken you to build up a business with a turnover of 30k or more a year, yet you are willng to sell it for only 10k.

If you were thinking of buying a business which will give you a income of £600 or more a week, what would you be willing to pay? in fact how much has it cost you to build this business!!!.

Unlike other businesses the operating costs for running a window cleaning business are very low, compared with say a shop (shop rent-stock and wages etc) and these businesses command a higher seling price compared with a window cleaning round.

There are severals factors on the value a window cleaning round can be assed at, for example the number of customers both domestic and commercial and the rates they are paying also how long they have been a customer are some.

Personally I would value a window cleaning business by at least 1 years turnover if not more, plus equipment.

As for the so called reccesion that is going to close all of us down, well its not going to happen, yes you will lose some customers but you do this every year and yes some businesses will close down, but the rest of them will either have to live with dirty windows or get a window cleaner.

In every reccesion and depression there has always been window cleaners, in fact more people come into the trade during these times than at any other time.

Life will go on 


  • Posts: 3503
Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #23 on: December 29, 2008, 01:04:43 pm »
"How anyone values his business at just a fraction of the yearly turnover (3x 4x 5x the monthly takings) reallys beggars belife."

I totally agree, but this seems to be the prevailing idea of a rounds worth.

You could stay at school until you are 18, go to Uni for 3 years, come out with a load of student debt, and still not earn what a good round can bring in.
I know selling a round is only selling good will, but it's like that in a lot of businesses, we have  seen new people taking over a pub, some turn it round and make a success of it, and others may  turn a good pub into a bad business overnight, it's down to the individual concerned.

At the end of the day we have to put a value on our own business, if someone wants it they are going to have to pay it's true worth, and what is the worth of a £600+ per week job for life?


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #24 on: December 29, 2008, 03:39:20 pm »
For anybody to sell at 3-4 times the monthly take must have a terrible round,unless it was a case of illness moving abroad or similar.

suds window service

  • Posts: 1151
Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #25 on: December 31, 2008, 05:13:12 pm »
wouldnt take less than a years take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #26 on: December 31, 2008, 07:49:07 pm »
Nahh sell it for 3 months take,in some cases it`s only taken 30 odd years to build lol. ;D


Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #27 on: December 31, 2008, 08:09:51 pm »
yet traditionally a round would sell for 1 X the clean, 2 X if you were lucky, 3 X if it was really good, this was only a few years back

i know i paid 1 X for the work i bought in, i also worked it, so paid off half of it that way

did people a few years ago not value the round enough, or are we over valuing it ? ? ?? ? ?  i dont know  ? ?? ? ?


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #28 on: December 31, 2008, 08:42:03 pm »
There`s rounds and there`s rounds.

suds window service

  • Posts: 1151
Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #29 on: December 31, 2008, 08:45:18 pm »
est 15 years....all within 1.5 miles of front door bought it for x3 the take STEAL!
 thing is its a livelihood from day one and a good one at that.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2008, 08:47:41 pm »
I tell you something people slate me for this and that and i read some real rubbish on here from time to time,this thread should be called selling yourself short.

suds window service

  • Posts: 1151
Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #31 on: December 31, 2008, 08:51:36 pm »
your dead right the price of rounds in my humble opinion is ridiculously low.
when you consider the guy  put 15 years into it honed it compacted it cared for it. sells it for 3.5k.  too cheap!

suds window service

  • Posts: 1151
Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #32 on: December 31, 2008, 08:55:46 pm »
this is fast becoming a professional business,people should expect to pay a larger price for that reason alone.  i mean you start earning decent money straight away when you buy one.


Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #33 on: December 31, 2008, 09:00:26 pm »
a high % round was cleaned from when a middle class estate was built in the 60's, cleaned from day 1 by a guy, then more than 20 years on, he retired sold it to another guy for 1 X the clean

he cleaned it till he decided to retire and i bought it off him for 1 X the clean ( i cleaned it once with him, so paid half off the bill )

its a good round, very compact ( from being established for allmost 50 years )  now upto todays current prices

ask around some of the older guys, 1 X or 2 X was allways the going price, even for the best rounds that carlsberg made

suds window service

  • Posts: 1151
Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #34 on: December 31, 2008, 09:04:55 pm »
so matt you would surly begrudge sell at x3

suds window service

  • Posts: 1151
Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #35 on: December 31, 2008, 09:06:41 pm »
i feel a poll coming on lol....if you were to sell your round blah  x1 x3 x12 :o


Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #36 on: December 31, 2008, 09:15:13 pm »
so matt you would surly begrudge sell at x3

to be honest, i wouldnt sell at even 1 X year cleans, as my round provides me with a very nice lifestyle

suds window service

  • Posts: 1151
Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #37 on: December 31, 2008, 09:20:04 pm »
i think buying  some rounds now could be a half decent investment ;) as the cost of buying one in say a couple of years time could be very expensive.


  • Posts: 355
Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #38 on: December 31, 2008, 09:43:28 pm »
I used to buy up badly run window cleaning rounds, at least 20 years ago.
 Spend some time developing them and then sell them on. But even then I sold them for a good deal more than 3 x
 I believe we will see a thinning out of the new start ups and the ones that have started with extremely high prices.
 I wonder how many will risk buying the new van setups at the moment, the trad cleaners could well find themselves faced with some new competition from guys who have just bought themselves a roof rack, but where the windows have been done with wfp for some years I would be amazed that those customers would change back to trad for a cheaper price.

suds window service

  • Posts: 1151
Re: Is it a sellers market?
« Reply #39 on: January 01, 2009, 12:26:06 am »
happy new year matt anyway,with two young children dont get out and party much .all the best mate