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Marketing Plan
« on: December 21, 2008, 06:49:42 pm »
Some have been on a course, some are naturals, some mass leaflet,some door knock, some advertise, some grow only by recomendation, some buy work.

What's the best marketing plan? Or do you think that people like me who do have a plan are misgiuded?

I will say this, in my opinion window cleaning does differ from most marketing doctines in that it is loyalty based and  once you have a good customer they do tend to stick with you and not be prised away even if you are awful.

Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2008, 06:57:08 pm »
Going on a course doesnt get you work, which is what marketing is all about.

Getting out there and putting into action your chosen strategy is what gets you work, generally the latter elements you suggested.

However, I believe there is an element of truth in what you say about being misguided, some people IMO THINK too much and ought to put that energy into DOING. Thinking doesnt in itself get you work, thinking doesnt get windows clean, thinking is all too often wasteful.

My attitude is....analysis.. paralysis. Get out there get on with it. Stop farting about.

Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2008, 07:06:48 pm »
So, what does the BWAC advocate?

What are the main points of their strategy? As we move deeper into the current economic phase this is set to become ever more important.

Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2008, 07:10:52 pm »
I havent got a clue and I dont care.

Ive got on fine without them for the last 10 years, Im busier than I have ever been, Im turning over more than I ever have (my income has gone up by 50% this last year) I hope and expect to continue to increase my income this coming year (hopefully by another 25-30% year on year), I predict to be continuing to turn work away into next year.

Why should I be concerned about the BWCA?

Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2008, 07:14:28 pm »
Ewan, dont insult me just because i have a differing opinion to you.

Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2008, 07:40:56 pm »

Going for ten years and then to start massively stepping up your earnings prowess?

You are either lucky and expect to continue to be lucky, or you did something that changed your situation. What if you could do something else that would change it again for the better, wouldn't that be a good thing?

It would for me, and that's what i'm on here to ask? what is the genius marketing plan?

Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2008, 07:49:24 pm »
You always seem to talk like there is ONE plan, ONE strategy, ONE rule for all. Its not like that.

Life isnt like that. Business isnt like that. Is yourhome life like that?

There are shades of grey and colour, things differ.

Stop analysing, get a grip and get on with it. There isnt A plan! Theres loads of them. Theres as many plans as there are individuals, just adapt your circumstances to what you want to achieve.

Tiring all this analysis. You dont know what you want do you. If you did you'd go out there and strive for it and not sit there questioning everything. Get off your arse and carry out YOUR decision.

When it comes to business I firmly believe we are masters of our own destiny. Therefore, if you believe there is A plan out there then its your fault you havent found it. Sitting here wont discover it for you.


  • Posts: 4694
Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2008, 07:53:20 pm »
I don't think your happy being a sole trader Discount, otherwise you wouldn't be looking for the big break. Sounds like you want loadsa money for little physical work, in which case Ian Lancaster holds all your answers.  :)

Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2008, 07:59:19 pm »
So what do you mean Ewan when you say nothing wrong with 80% increase over 2 years but ridiculous to increase income by 25-30% over 1 year?

peter holley

Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2008, 08:07:59 pm »
You always seem to talk like there is ONE plan, ONE strategy, ONE rule for all. Its not like that.

Life isnt like that. Business isnt like that. Is yourhome life like that?

There are shades of grey and colour, things differ.

Stop analysing, get a grip and get on with it. There isnt A plan! Theres loads of them. Theres as many plans as there are individuals, just adapt your circumstances to what you want to achieve.

Tiring all this analysis. You dont know what you want do you. If you did you'd go out there and strive for it and not sit there questioning everything. Get off your arse and carry out YOUR decision.

When it comes to business I firmly believe we are masters of our own destiny. Therefore, if you believe there is A plan out there then its your fault you havent found it. Sitting here wont discover it for you.

i agree... for eg at the moment i have a teenage daughter and 2 young children that are very busy..

i wanted a i spend time with them as i dont want to misss this time in their life.

i still set goals and carry them out, but i have to set goals that still allow me time with my kids..

if i didnt have a family or lets say i only had 1 child , i would have more time, and so my plan would be different as i would have more time , and more money...

like you mat, i lost my mum to cancer 5 years ago, this too helps me get things into perspective ...priorities etc.

we have to all work our plan around our own individual glad that things are working for you!

Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2008, 08:09:15 pm »
Cheers Bud  ;)

Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2008, 08:12:00 pm »
He does indeed have most of the answers and he is also a funny combination. In the first place he's a natural, and in the second it didn't escape my notice that he took a really good mental kicking before his pride made him focus his fight back.

Theory says that in the current climate we should cut costs, go for volume, and offer luzury.His offer Is simple direct and especialy good on luzury.


Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2008, 08:15:03 pm »
Some have been on a course, some are naturals, some mass leaflet,some door knock, some advertise, some grow only by recommendation, some buy work.

What's the best marketing plan? Or do you think that people like me who do have a plan are misgiuded?

I will say this, in my opinion window cleaning does differ from most marketing doctines in that it is loyalty based and  once you have a good customer they do tend to stick with you and not be prised away even if you are awful.

i will reply to this, only to give a point of view from someone who isnt a marketing guru ( as im sure certain people here are ::), i know my view will be laughed at by them and i will be told im going no-where, but hey, this is for the people who want a different view ;))

my new work now only comes from recommendation

i went though a spell of putting flyers in the houses next door to the houses i do, somewhat fill in the gaps between the houses, i.e, i clean numbers 2, 4 , 6 , 8 , 12, 14, 18 ........ i would put a flyer in number 10 and 16, fairly simply, but my idea was to fill in all the gaps, as time spent driving between jobs is time i am not earning, it worked well, i had some postcards printed up at vista and it says @ window cleaner, we clean your neighbours, we are still taking on clients, would you like a qoute " or words to that effect, my theory is they would ask next door who would say, yes he does a good job, it trustworthy, job done, i have the job

keep in mind though, i am running past full, so dont need to market per se, i am planning a bit of a drive for a few more LOCAL commercial jobs in the new year, if i get some, great, if i dont, no worries

from the point of the domestic market, does marketing work that well, people like to know who is coming around to walk around there home, so they often go with a recommendation

commercial work seems to now be driven by price, give them a good price and if you look the part and have the insurance, they will give you a go

peter holley

Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2008, 08:22:05 pm »
Some have been on a course, some are naturals, some mass leaflet,some door knock, some advertise, some grow only by recommendation, some buy work.

What's the best marketing plan? Or do you think that people like me who do have a plan are misgiuded?

I will say this, in my opinion window cleaning does differ from most marketing doctines in that it is loyalty based and  once you have a good customer they do tend to stick with you and not be prised away even if you are awful.

i will reply to this, only to give a point of view from someone who isnt a marketing guru ( as im sure certain people here are ::), i know my view will be laughed at by them and i will be told im going no-where, but hey, this is for the people who want a different view ;))

my new work now only comes from recommendation

i went though a spell of putting flyers in the houses next door to the houses i do, somewhat fill in the gaps between the houses, i.e, i clean numbers 2, 4 , 6 , 8 , 12, 14, 18 ........ i would put a flyer in number 10 and 16, fairly simply, but my idea was to fill in all the gaps, as time spent driving between jobs is time i am not earning, it worked well, i had some postcards printed up at vista and it says @ window cleaner, we clean your neighbours, we are still taking on clients, would you like a qoute " or words to that effect, my theory is they would ask next door who would say, yes he does a good job, it trustworthy, job done, i have the job

keep in mind though, i am running past full, so dont need to market per se, i am planning a bit of a drive for a few more LOCAL commercial jobs in the new year, if i get some, great, if i dont, no worries

from the point of the domestic market, does marketing work that well, people like to know who is coming around to walk around there home, so they often go with a recommendation

commercial work seems to now be driven by price, give them a good price and if you look the part and have the insurance, they will give you a go

thats always been my goal, and still is! COMPACT, COMPACT COMPACT...i keep on leafleting the same houses over and over in the streets i do, it only takes a few minuits a day...putting them out while your worker puts reels in. it also makes it harder for the competition to get in!


  • Posts: 4694
Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2008, 08:27:05 pm »
Totally agree with that, my best days earnings wise aren't the highest paying jobs but the most compact days.

peter holley

Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2008, 08:31:56 pm »
Totally agree with that, my best days earnings wise aren't the highest paying jobs but the most compact days.

its not rocket science is it... ;) well i didnt go on amarketing course to work it out ::)like your posts ftp, they talk sense.

Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2008, 08:33:46 pm »
So what do you mean Ewan when you say nothing wrong with 80% increase over 2 years but ridiculous to increase income by 25-30% over 1 year?

Read your own post matt, I beginning to think you don’t understand what you have just written.

Business is more standardised than you obviously don’t realise, it’s the people that vary so much. Putting there own personal views on it when they shouldn’t, because business is almost always something outside of them.

Like I have posted before it’s there ego they talk about not business.

Matt I’m not having a go at you.

Ewan what I said was my income in the last 12 months had gone up by 50%, which it has, and Im hoping/expecting and planning it go up by 25-30% in the next 12 months.

Explain your comments please as you have said I dont understand what Im saying.

Nathanael Jones

  • Posts: 5596
Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2008, 08:36:39 pm »
My marketing plan is a bit haphazard,.. but it does what I need it to.
I've 2 bits of very effective advertising that work 24/7,.. the van signwriting and the website. Both have pulled in a huge amount of work and paid for themselves many times over.
On top of that I plan leaflet drops and targeted mailings for weeks where I might be a bit quiet. I look ahead a few months in WCpro and see what weeks are looking a bit dry (Not many normally!) and aim to drop a certain number of leaflets the week before.

I've never needed to advertise in newspapers etc,.. but it's always an option for the future if I want to expand quickly.

Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2008, 08:43:10 pm »
That's good info Matt why should I put you down. I must admitt i didn't expect you to be good at this side of things but your thoughts are coherent and make sense.

I will be pinching this idea pretty much as you descirbe it whole.

To labour the point i did jump to the wrong conclusion when you said new work would be by recomendation only.This is probably the little bit of inspiration i needed and extremly clever.Thanks for that.

FTP and P Holey, i agree but my work is very spread out. Matt's reply gives me a chance to address this. Ewan, yes I do but some of it has been wrong, that's why I am re examining.(to confound newbs 350 with a george of over five)


  • Posts: 4694
Re: Marketing Plan
« Reply #19 on: December 21, 2008, 08:44:57 pm »
Totally agree with that, my best days earnings wise aren't the highest paying jobs but the most compact days.

its not rocket science is it... ;) well i didnt go on amarketing course to work it out ::)like your posts ftp, they talk sense.

For example tomorrow i have five houses in a cul-de-sac £12,£15,£15,£15 and another £12
I do all the fronts without reeling back in or moving my van then the backs reeling in once. The whole lot take about an hour. If i could get eight hours a day like that then why would i want to go on a marketing course? Marketing would be great if there were whole streets of houses with no cleaners. Thing is it rarely happens even if you have the best, most expensive flyers and the prettiest van - not everyone wants them cleaned and the rest will usually have a cleaner allready. Just common sense really - be regular and do a good job at a fair price and it builds up on it's own in my opinion.
I might add the reason i got them was because i was cheaper than the previous cleaner - i kicked myself when i picked up the first one but that's what i mean by a fair price - the rest just followed.