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peter holley

you would think that their staff would all set up if they could just go out and get that sort of money ::)


  • Posts: 16952
It`s no different to any other business marketing is the key and mugs to find is the answer for them,they must have found plenty of people in the past that beleived them so they will continue to try.There not lying when they say what you can earn but from scratch from day 1 no chance.


  • Posts: 1806
Resi customers will always use cheaper operators.

Not true!!  ;)

carl clearview

  • Posts: 16
I have been following this post with great interest and I would like to thank you all for your comments, but I would just like to clear a few things up a bit if I may.
Firstly, I am sorry that manufacturers’ claims make people so annoyed but I do understand that if a manufacturer makes a claim regarding earning potentials then they should be able to substantiate that claim.

So far there have been references to two figures £50 per hour and £80 per hour. We have quoted both figures in various marketing we have carried out and both are correct. The figure of £50 per hour is if you have staff working for you and £80 per hour is if you are an owner operator. Staff left alone will rarely work as hard as you. of course, because of our payment methods our staff are unaware of our income or expenses.

These are the figures we consistently achieve on our own rounds. Agreed some are now over 16 years old, but our residential income increases by around £500 per month in new work and these figures also apply to our new work. we are not cheap by any means but we do present a very good image backed up by a service that people appreciate. Take a look at our window cleaning website to see the difference.

However, the aim of Concept 2o™ as a company is not to sell equipment once. We would like people to come back again and again and recommend us at every opportunity. Many of our customers are now operating more than 1 vehicle and the average growth of an owner operated business is one new van every year. It is in our best interests to help our customers and provide them with the information that we have gained from our combined 30+ experience and our multi-vehicle operations. We have 5 residential vehicles so far and counting.

Now I am not going to tell you that all you have to do is buy a Concept 2o™ system and sit back and watch the money roll in. That would be a lie. There is more to it than that and that’s common sense. Purchasing the equipment is step one. If that’s all you do, you end up like the afore mentioned gentleman who ended up selling his equipment because he did not have the knowledge to use it to his advantage. You need both, the best equipment you can afford and the knowledge to use it. Much like a racing driver having a poor car or a racing car with a poor driver, both are required if you want to win races.

If you have any doubt as to why we are so successful at our window cleaning operations and how we can train motivated purchasers to achieve the same results as us, read a few of my own personal blog postings. They will provide you with some idea of what is required if you want to grow your business. But before you do, I’d like to warn you that what I say will be neither popular or generally accepted among the average window cleaning fraternity, but then again, we are not average window cleaners and it does work…

Paul Coleman

On page 17 of the latest cleaning and maintenance magazine there is an article entitled "A step by step guide to buying a water-fed pole system".

One paragraph states the following with regards to earning potential:

What is the earning potential
for business operators
investing in a water-fed
pole system?

The business opportunity
packages offer cost-effective
start-up costs and the ability
to earn between £80 and
£100 per hour. How quickly
your earning potential is
realised is dependent on the
amount of time individuals
want to invest in the
canvassing of their business.
With Concept 2O, we offer
various training courses
explaining how businesses
should be marketed.

However much time you invest in canvassing it would take you years and years (if ever) to build a business earning £80 - £100 an hour!!!

Statements like this just get on my nerves!


Although it can be possible to get that type of rate on the odd job, to trumpet that as the norm is probably not realistic.

Paul Coleman

I'm saying this not to brag, but to illustrate a point:

I have a commercial job that is worth 450 and can be done in a long morning.
(The rest of my work is not to that standard. )

The point is, if you can find one job like that then there are other jobs like that out there. It's just a case of finding them. Once you have only those jobs. Then you are laughin!

Sure thing.  I have one that is just over a ton and I did it in 70 minutes last time.  but (a BIG but)  1) I wouldn't be able to sustain that pace over any more than 3 hours  (2)  I use a very light telescopic pole that costs about £400 or so if I used a heavier pole I don't think I could manage that pace.  (3) I have found that such work is few and far between but it is still possible to do OK at much lower rates if you don't mind graft. 


  • Posts: 2097
I make a hundred pound an hour, got this great counterfeit money makin' machine on e-bay.

Think about what your going to say next, as I'm kidding ............Laters
Never take financial advice from people who have no money!