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  • Posts: 4694
Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #80 on: December 05, 2008, 07:11:48 pm »
Kevin, Andrews camera obviously isn't for you and it's not aimed at your type but lot's of people on here keep asking about cheaper camera systems so why not give it a rest for once?


Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #81 on: December 05, 2008, 07:45:58 pm »
Kevin, Andrews camera obviously isn't for you and it's not aimed at your type but lot's of people on here keep asking about cheaper camera systems so why not give it a rest for once?

Because it is not "fit for purpose". Why dont you buy one if you want and find out the hard way. Buy hey ho you haven't got a bloody clue either you f***ing idiot!

Your skint now you'll be skint in 10 years time - enjoy your life loser  ;D



  • Posts: 4694
Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #82 on: December 05, 2008, 07:48:30 pm »
Kevin what's wrong with you man? Is Glyn sitting next to you working the wires?
Say Alex Gardiner for example makes the latest SL3 pole and someone else like Emporium does something similar but cheaper would Alex come on here throwing his toys out of the pram and abusing anyone who's thinking of buying the cheaper version? Of course he doesn't he's professional he goes away and thinks about it, keeps quiet and lets the product do the talking or produces something better, more competitive. By the way i think swearing is frowned upon by the mods even if it is asterisks.  :o
There is a market for a cheaper simpler camera, not everyone wants to spend £920 on one if they are dipping their toes in the market do they? Chill out man.

cherubs cleaning

  • Posts: 724
Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #83 on: December 05, 2008, 07:58:09 pm »
good sales pitch guys  :P



Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #84 on: December 05, 2008, 07:58:33 pm »

Another Idiot with a full profile -  Its DIY Matt another man with cheap ambitions!!! ;) Too cheap to buy a real wfp pole too - prefers a fishing rod - when will you learn - that window cleaning can make you money if you apply the right attitude and the right tools? Obviously you prefer fishing  why not stick to that and leave the business advise to the professionals? ;)

Kevin, Andrews camera obviously isn't for you and it's not aimed at your type but lot's of people on here keep asking about cheaper camera systems so why not give it a rest for once?

Because it is not "fit for purpose". Why dont you buy one if you want and find out the hard way. Buy hey ho you haven't got a bloody clue either you f***ing idiot!

Your skint now you'll be skint in 10 years time - enjoy your life loser  ;D

seems this thread has got to Kevin, first i am called a idiot, then ftp is called a F'ing idiot and a loser ( all in this same thread )

2 fairly abusive posts really, from such a professional aswell  ::) ::)


  • Posts: 4694
Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #85 on: December 05, 2008, 08:01:26 pm »
Strangely my cheap Maplins crap works fine with the generator running and the monitor works in the sunshine, the camera even works in the dark and i haven't been knocked unconcious by a small battery yet. Andrews is even better than my crap Maplins set up because his has a memory card and comes with its own pole. Omnipole could do with listening to some members on here and maybe produce their own value system instead of stupid name calling by it's owner?


Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #86 on: December 05, 2008, 08:07:30 pm »
Strangely my cheap Maplins crap works fine with the generator running and the monitor works in the sunshine, the camera even works in the dark and i haven't been knocked unconcious by a small battery yet. Andrews is even better than my crap Maplins set up because his has a memory card and comes with its own pole. Omnipole could do with listening to some members on here and maybe produce their own value system instead of stupid name calling by it's owner?

ref the falling battery

i can give you a nice hard hat if you want, i have a box of them

problem solving  ;D at its very best  ;D


Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #87 on: December 05, 2008, 08:33:50 pm »

ref the falling battery

i can give you a nice hard hat if you want, i have a box of them

problem solving  ;D at its very best  ;D

Yep and a hard hat protects your shoulders too doesn't it? Idiot
good sales pitch guys  :P


I don't work for Omnipole - Omnivac or Glynn - I AM A CUSTOMER - HE IS A SUPPLIER but some of you will never get that either - Idiots

Strangely my cheap Maplins crap works fine with the generator running and the monitor works in the sunshine, the camera even works in the dark and i haven't been knocked unconcious by a small battery yet. Andrews is even better than my crap Maplins set up because his has a memory card and comes with its own pole. Omnipole could do with listening to some members on here and maybe produce their own value system instead of stupid name calling by it's owner?

And your sh!t doesnt stink either - Idiot

Well I've had it with the same old numpties hijacking threads - you don't come on here to help each other grow your businesses you come on here to see how cheap you can be - DIY DIY wont spend a dime to grow - don't understand marketing or much else - enjoy being losers

Adios  ;)

deary me, toys out of pram again  :o :o your not making yourself look good tonight


  • Posts: 4694
Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #88 on: December 05, 2008, 08:42:14 pm »
Strange chap. I thought it was a perfectly sensible discussion about cameras  ???

Someone mentioned hard hats not being enough to stop a falling diddy battery, so what happens if you knock a tile off?
Kevin do they make hats your size?
Oh he's deleted all his posts. Has he left again?

Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #89 on: December 05, 2008, 08:44:21 pm »
Strangely my cheap Maplins crap works fine with the generator running and the monitor works in the sunshine, the camera even works in the dark and i haven't been knocked unconcious by a small battery yet. Andrews is even better than my crap Maplins set up because his has a memory card and comes with its own pole. Omnipole could do with listening to some members on here and maybe produce their own value system instead of stupid name calling by it's owner?

ref the falling battery

i can give you a nice hard hat if you want, i have a box of them

problem solving  ;D at its very best  ;D
How much for postage? I need

maybe i should just pop to the local safety supplies shop..


  • Posts: 2056
Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #90 on: December 05, 2008, 09:01:54 pm »
wow  :o :o :o
just read thru all that stuff
kevin r, you really are an arrogant jerk
totally blinkered viewpoint
all this camera stuff seems a bit ott but
oregon scientific do a little thing called active or action cam i think
any way its well tuff and about 100 quid
record and playback on a tv or laptop
no monitors or whatever but pics are ok and good enough for gutter work i would think
and it is tuff :)
me and my brother in law have used one on trail bike rides,mini moto,off road land rover sessions ,quad biking etc . just gaffer tape it to bumper/helmet etc


Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #91 on: December 05, 2008, 09:02:51 pm »
Strangely my cheap Maplins crap works fine with the generator running and the monitor works in the sunshine, the camera even works in the dark and i haven't been knocked unconcious by a small battery yet. Andrews is even better than my crap Maplins set up because his has a memory card and comes with its own pole. Omnipole could do with listening to some members on here and maybe produce their own value system instead of stupid name calling by it's owner?

ref the falling battery

i can give you a nice hard hat if you want, i have a box of them

problem solving  ;D at its very best  ;D
How much for postage? I need

maybe i should just pop to the local safety supplies shop..


personally for the people who are doing the gutter cleans, a hard hat would be a good bit of PPE

my fav hard hat is the 1 i have from the hoover damm hard hat tour, if ever any1 goes to Las vegas, its a muct do, not just to see the damm, do the hard hat tour ;)

trevor povey

  • Posts: 452
Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #92 on: December 05, 2008, 09:24:02 pm »
Suggest you have a look at our camera system, which is far better than the Maplin system, and includes a lightweight pole, and is excellent value for money.  See

Is this system as good as the Omni one? Seems to be almost one third of the price. Just a thought, how can the gutters be surveyed with a hand-held monitor if two hands are on the pole?

 Definateley a two man set up,  have you tried moving  about a 5 or 6kv genny by yourself, certain posters have  slightly mislead people  with the operations side of the business and also the financial outlay required to set up for this add on business.... my advice to people who haven,t already got existing orders for this type of work is to invest the money into a small commercial window cleaning round.

cherubs cleaning

  • Posts: 724
Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #93 on: December 05, 2008, 09:24:52 pm »
wow  :o :o :o
just read thru all that stuff
kevin r, you really are an arrogant jerk
totally blinkered viewpoint
all this camera stuff seems a bit ott but
oregon scientific do a little thing called active or action cam i think
any way its well tuff and about 100 quid
record and playback on a tv or laptop
no monitors or whatever but pics are ok and good enough for gutter work i would think
and it is tuff :)
me and my brother in law have used one on trail bike rides,mini moto,off road land rover sessions ,quad biking etc . just gaffer tape it to bumper/helmet etc

cherubs cleaning

  • Posts: 724
Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #94 on: December 05, 2008, 09:27:21 pm »
  Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #109 on: Today at 09:24:52pm »     


Quote from: L.J.Thorpe on Today at 09:01:54pm
just read thru all that stuff
kevin r, you really are an arrogant jerk
totally blinkered viewpoint
all this camera stuff seems a bit ott but
oregon scientific do a little thing called active or action cam i think
any way its well tuff and about 100 quid
record and playback on a tv or laptop
no monitors or whatever but pics are ok and good enough for gutter work i would think
and it is tuff
me and my brother in law have used one on trail bike rides,mini moto,off road land rover sessions ,quad biking etc . just gaffer tape it to bumper/helmet etc
 this is not my post comp has gone mad



  • Posts: 4694
Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #95 on: December 05, 2008, 10:58:25 pm »
Well Kevins deleted all the posts he can (especially the childish abusive ones).
Shame really because some of his advice was good before his head got too big.


Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #96 on: December 05, 2008, 11:12:45 pm »
Well Kevins deleted all the posts he can (especially the childish abusive ones).
Shame really because some of his advice was good before his head got too big.

good job i put them in qoutes then  ;) ;)

he is still online, i wonder what his next childish put down will be  ??? ??? ???

Nathanael Jones

  • Posts: 5596
Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #97 on: December 05, 2008, 11:35:21 pm »
I don't always agree with Kev,.. and he has got a bit carried away on some threads,... but he has given me (and many others) some very good advice & help in the past.

Give him the benefit of the doubt, he could have had a really bad day,...

Let this one drop and lets all go back to mocking Discount!!!


trevor povey

  • Posts: 452
Re: camera system for guttervac
« Reply #98 on: December 09, 2008, 09:56:22 pm »
did anyone get to view Andrews pole and camera system feedback welcome cheers Trevor Povey