Our system is not claimed to be as highly specified as the Omnipole system, but doesn't need to be. It's ideal for its purpose - gutter inspection, at a fraction of their price. The monitor/recorder stores video on an internal SD card - up to 2Gb maximum as an option. The whole set up is battery operated, so there are NO trailing cables. The 9V standard PP3 battery is secured to the pole by Velcro, and in over two years' regular use has never become dislodged. If it did, and fell, it would disconnect from the camera, and 9V batteries are cheap enough. The recorder has an internal rechargeable lithium battery, giving over 5 hours use between charges.
The last point about the monitor being hand-held or in a pocket applies equally to both ours and the Omnipole system. In practice, we prefer to secure the monitor to the bottom section of the included lightweight pole, with velcro again, so that you can see in real time what you're actually filming up in the gutter.
Have a look at our earlier post, giving an independent review of our system.