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kinder clean

  • Posts: 603
I went to look at a job today - I had already posted a day or so back asking for advice about dog vomit, it turns out however to be dog urine.

The carpet is a brand new wilton, fitted in a stately Hall, privately owned, never been anywhere like it the place was like Chatsworth.!!

The carpet has been down about a month and cost about £7.000 !!! it's big!!

Its a jade green colour and where the dog has peed on it the colour has turned brown, it looks a real mess as it's peed in various places.

She showed me a letter she recieved from Wilton after asking for them to come and view the problem, they are basically washing there hands of the problem and advised they got a local CC out to take a look!!

Are there any companies that offer specialist carpet repair that can re-apply a matching dye to this carpet? I said I would find out for her and ovbiously the job could be worth a trip.

If you can advise I would really appreciate it, as I would really like to get my foot in the door at this place.




  • Posts: 11382
I went on a colour repair course last year and it's a bloody nightmare, you are working with opposites so if you have a purple stain on a red carpet you add blue, but finding out how much to add is again a nightmare.

Paul you don't half pick some jobs, sounds like they are coming to you because knowone else wants it, in the US colour redyes are common place but I think it would take a competent person a year to learn it but even when i was learning it beige was the colour that the professionals had problems with.

You could get a good carpet fitter to 'cookie cut it'




I would give this one a miss mate as shaun said there all jobs others dont want :(

It could turn into a nightmare if this does go wrong.


  • Posts: 627
Wiltons and Axminsters are probably the easiest to do an insert repair on. Pity you are so far north I am in the south and have done quite a few over the years.

Actually did one last week on a 20 year old Wilton, sparks from the fire had caused a burn hole, just got a piece from a remnant and cut the damaged area out and dropped new piece in. She paid me on a Coutts cheque (Queens Bank).

As the carpet is new it will be much easier to do, the pile will wear as the carpet does and the colours will be a perfect match..

As you said ask around for an experienced fitter, one that does borders on Ax's or Wiltons etc, the older the fitter the more experienced they are, they work for better quality independent shops or John Lewis shops and do better quality work and not just for C@rpetpoope.  Jim Neal will say call your local Servicemaster as that is what we used to do a lot of.

There are people who can actually take the tufts out and reweave new ones in, mind you it can take up to a week, seriously, depending on the size.

Actually suprised Wiltons arent interested, Axminsters have a list of people who are trained to do there  retufting on site.

Good luck anyway.


derek west

probably being stupid here as a newbie i can get away with it, but could the dog pee have created jute bleed, which will be brown, and there fore could a browning prescription be the answer.
just a thought.

Ken Wainwright

  • Posts: 2107
Yes Paul

Wool and nylon (only) can be colour repaired, and as Shaun says, a lot of experience is required before consistent, high quality results can be obtained.

You cannot colour repare lighter than the stain, it has to be darker, so the brown stain would have to be removed first.  If this is actual physical/chemical damage to the fibres rather than pigmentation, then colour repair is probably not viable.

Murky's response is probably the best course of action.

If, however, colour repair is insisted upon, have a word with Chemspec as they provide training and product so will probably know someone in your area who could take the job on.

Safe and happy cleaning :)
Veni, vidi vici, Vaxi
I came, I saw, I conquered, I cleaned up!

kinder clean

  • Posts: 603
Thanks guys for the replies.

I wasn't contemplating doing the colour dye myself!!  ;D I was just hoping to be able to offer a solution to the problem by finding a professional that could help.

Shaun / Ken sounds like the colour dye would be all but impossible so will mention the insert idea and try to find someone reputable.

Ken I will ring your good friend at chemspec, he was singing your praises the other day, I purchased some DFC105 to try out.

Thanks all



  • Posts: 11382
Somethings are beyond repair it's a matter of not tying your self up with a problem.
