I'm just starting out, and using RND as a bit of a marketing point, as well as a way of making money for a good cause. Obviously, as I'm new, I'm still in the process of building my customer base. So, with that in mind, I'm issuing flyers and knocking on doors, and informing them that for all new customers I receive by Friday I will give a percentage of the first clean price to Comic Relief.
I'm well aware there will be a number of people that will scoff at this idea, but I feel that by doing this you are showing that you are an honest person with good values. Also, if someone has been thinking about getting a window cleaner then this may push them into saying 'Yes'.
Everyone needs money to live, but there is a difference in the amount you need to have a good life, and the amount you want. This is a personal choice, about making lives better for some of those who are worse off than you and if you don't wish to participate then keep your arrogant comments to yourself. (Mentioning no names)