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Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #60 on: November 11, 2008, 10:36:47 pm »

Have you ever done this offer or like as you also have been going for a good few years ???

cheers clinton

roger underhill

  • Posts: 95
Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #61 on: November 11, 2008, 10:44:05 pm »
As I said earlier I think that this can lead to a downward spiral in prices, when your ads go out £99.00 for 3 rooms how long will it be before the competition advertise 3 rooms for £89.00.
Family business founded in 1985

Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #62 on: November 11, 2008, 11:00:02 pm »
You are also going to get hacked off with the calls.... How much for 1 room or possibly 2? Oh, er I'll get back to you.

You have made it even worse to sell 1-2 rooms at a reasonable price because they will just divide by three and no amount of telling them about min charge and set-up time etc will wash.

3 for 2 on the other hand give you far more flexibility. You know what they want before you give them a price.


  • Posts: 11382
Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #63 on: November 11, 2008, 11:13:20 pm »
I used to do things like that but IMO they are futile because you get customers that will shop until they drop to get a cheaper price also you get old customers that want this deal all year round and also 3 of the biggest rooms in the world or someone saying I've only got 2 rooms can I gave it for £66, the list goes on.

To your database it could work but I like to get them to ring and at least enquire, as someone else stated, you can look around and £99 for 3 carpets is not cheap! you are selling as it seems on price as that is your selling point not the care and attention that you are going to show to the job.

Experience says leave it, irrelivant of prices if you do any kind of promotion and get it out there you will get a return on your investment, the 'deal' is a lazy way of booking work in and your telephone in theory becomes a booking line (providing they call and book)

3 for 2 creates intrigue and customers have to call to at least enquire, I bet it will get double the amount of enquiries unless you are doing 3 carpets for £49.00.

Advertising price just creates price shoppers and less good quality work, a better way would be to state, "ring now for latest offers!" or if you package sell "we have a cleaning package to suit everyones budget"

Get the phone ringing like Derek does on his leaflets!! I think Derek is a breath of fresh air on here with his shoot first ask later attitude at least he gets things done ATM he's thinking like a shopper and not a CC it's when he comes off the Viking and starts on the Fabric Restorer that he'll have become a carpet cleaning victim.



Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #64 on: November 12, 2008, 07:26:27 am »

Your right there with derek he thinks outside the box so creates another selling thought not as a c cleaner but as a customer.

Am also like you shaun and have a client base from over 15 years so they would be the ones i would target maybe :)

Paul Davidson

  • Posts: 135
Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #65 on: November 12, 2008, 09:34:30 am »
I used to do things like that but IMO they are futile because you get customers that will shop until they drop to get a cheaper price also you get old customers that want this deal all year round and also 3 of the biggest rooms in the world or someone saying I've only got 2 rooms can I gave it for £66, the list goes on.

To your database it could work but I like to get them to ring and at least enquire, as someone else stated, you can look around and £99 for 3 carpets is not cheap! you are selling as it seems on price as that is your selling point not the care and attention that you are going to show to the job.

Experience says leave it, irrelivant of prices if you do any kind of promotion and get it out there you will get a return on your investment, the 'deal' is a lazy way of booking work in and your telephone in theory becomes a booking line (providing they call and book)

3 for 2 creates intrigue and customers have to call to at least enquire, I bet it will get double the amount of enquiries unless you are doing 3 carpets for £49.00.

Advertising price just creates price shoppers and less good quality work, a better way would be to state, "ring now for latest offers!" or if you package sell "we have a cleaning package to suit everyones budget"

Get the phone ringing like Derek does on his leaflets!! I think Derek is a breath of fresh air on here with his shoot first ask later attitude at least he gets things done ATM he's thinking like a shopper and not a CC it's when he comes off the Viking and starts on the Fabric Restorer that he'll have become a carpet cleaning victim.


Derek will be well chuffed with his Gold Star!! ;D




  • Posts: 4250
Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #66 on: November 12, 2008, 09:56:34 am »
Got a picture of Derek's leaflets?

Never gone down the lealet road yet, put off by adverse comments by other people plus I know what I do with leaflets.
What's the average return with a well done leaflet? 1%?

That's 10 per 1000.
How long to deliver a 1000?  100 an hour about average.
How much to print them    I've been quoted £125 for 10,000 quality paper leaflets.

Let's have a look at your leaflet Derek.

Impossible done straight away, miracles can take a little longer.

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #67 on: November 12, 2008, 10:03:21 am »
John it more like 0.002% so put out 1000 get 2 customers ( I think that the right % for 2/1000)
Mike Halliday.


  • Posts: 4250
Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #68 on: November 12, 2008, 12:23:13 pm »
Think it's 0.2 Mike but know what you mean.
Is that all??
Not worth it then purely on the time factor.
Love to see Derek's

Impossible done straight away, miracles can take a little longer.


  • Posts: 4250
Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #69 on: November 12, 2008, 12:35:52 pm »
Impossible done straight away, miracles can take a little longer.


  • Posts: 4250
Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #70 on: November 12, 2008, 12:36:25 pm »
0.2 right first time    wtf
Impossible done straight away, miracles can take a little longer.

derek west

Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #71 on: November 12, 2008, 02:11:12 pm »
5 calls from 440 leaflets, the pink ones.
3 jobs totalling £283. and 1 referal from a leaflet job, still pending.
still not had chance to get anymore out.
not saying thats what i'll average as i may have got lucky, but it looks promising.
10% discount on them, don't like giving prices away, they get to know the price when i go and do the survey. its my way of feeling the customer out. and talking them into paying for a quality job at a reasonable price.

are you after a xmas present, cos your going about it the right way.
yours is easy, crate of viking lager, you can have mine, i'm on the fab restorer.

Aquakleen Restoration Services

  • Posts: 1083
Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #72 on: November 12, 2008, 03:01:53 pm »
Does pink make that much of a difference? The background to my leaflet if blue to go with my company name of Aquakleen. It would be easy to change it to pink! John

carlton care

  • Posts: 429
Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #73 on: November 25, 2008, 09:04:26 am »
The pink flyer was from the Pirannha marketing people, who plaguerised it from elsewhere. There was a guy I dealt with in London over 30 years ago, who used exactly the same marketing ideas, ie, BIG sheet lots of info with attention grabbing headlines and stars with offers. He even had the " hand written " in blue ink bits.
The man made millions from direct mail, before the name was invented............don't know if the marketing was his ideas, or copied from somewhere else...............but it worked.

There is little that's new in marketing, you just have to find what works for YOU and if you are VERY lucky it might be what someone is already doing.

Mark Sadler

  • Posts: 121
Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #74 on: November 25, 2008, 09:47:28 am »
damn!! you blown the whole Idea to bits :-\ :-\

why didn't I think of that problem.....wait a minute.... I DID!! :D :D

I'd just put this at the bottom of the leaflet

 'But don't think we'll only clean 3 rooms!! we'll happily call to your home to clean just one carpet, please call us to arrange a free survey.......  & don't forget, we also clean upholstery'

I am not VAT registered, and I employed the £99 for three rooms approach 6 month ago, It's the best thing I ever did, I have a steady stream of business, making a very good living, giving away free spotter with every job this keeps them coming back. Ive already had loads of referals due to my tel number being printed on the side of these bottles. Unless something even more drastic happens to the economy I have found my perfect price structure for this neck of the woods anyway. I suppose its down to how big your overheads are.

Mark Sadler

Aquakleen Restoration Services

  • Posts: 1083
Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #75 on: November 25, 2008, 11:29:57 am »
Hi Mark,
Im not far from you but far enough not to be a threat! How many say per 10,000 took you up on the offer as I am seriously thinking of doing it myself?


brian willis

  • Posts: 126
Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #76 on: November 25, 2008, 12:03:52 pm »
 I use the pink leaflet put out 7000 paid for itself in the first week,plus its about getting your name out there . going to send out again next week,going to keep sending to the same area each time.
i have a good leaflet from dp looks very good, wasnt sure about being pink but it works  well happy.


Mark Sadler

  • Posts: 121
Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #77 on: November 25, 2008, 01:15:48 pm »
I use the pink leaflet put out 7000 paid for itself in the first week,plus its about getting your name out there . going to send out again next week,going to keep sending to the same area each time.
i have a good leaflet from dp looks very good, wasnt sure about being pink but it works  well happy.


HI John,

Brian is right, its a complete numbers game, I found the first couple of leaflet drops didnt really bring in th ROI but after the third drop to the same places, i got bombarded with work, this has tailed off just a little, but still have a full book until January. The trick is to be consistent with your leaflet drops, I call it (Constsant Marketing).

My customers are wowed by the cleaning results and value for money there getting.

I drop 5000 leaflets every month. 5000 = average 33 jobs, works out at 1 job every 150 leaflets which I know doesnt sound a lot but you do the math and you will see the ROI. £99 is extermely cheap for 3 rooms and the custys know it.

You must not stop marketing even in busy times, keep the momentum going. I wish you luck with your new price structure. Owe by the way, A good looking straight forward leaflet is also a very important factor, Try and incorporate something for free in big letters. Eg Free bottle of spotter every job.
Mark Sadler


  • Posts: 4250
Re: 3 rooms for £99
« Reply #78 on: November 25, 2008, 06:02:42 pm »
Brendan   you wouldn't have to go out and quote    the offer is 3 rooms for £99   already quoted for the customers.

Impossible done straight away, miracles can take a little longer.