Dear everybody
Here on the site recently the topic was bought up about having a national presence, a lot of discussion was given on the pro's and cons of the system.
To get straight to the point, I am designing a web site at the moment and I would like to add a page where carpet cleaners, window cleaners and cleaning services can advertise their services. there will obviously be a charge for this.
I have settled on a cost of £15.00 per month, payable by direct debit, this equates to around 50p per day.
If there is an uptake by you guys then we can begin to advertise the site on a national basis.
Advertising is a big subject on this site and what kind of advertising can you get for 50p a day on your own, but if enough people take the offer then we can use the accumalated funds to advertise nationally. people would be able to go to the site and find someone local to them, or phone the 0870 number.
Initially this would be done via the web on Google, Yahoo and Yell. As more people join we can then go to national press, radio and TV. we can also have a dedicated 0870 so someone is 'always in the office'
I know some of you guys are spending £5000.00 + and are not getting much response. This kind of advertising would be £180.00 per person, per year.
The site will be an ongoing, growing concern so those of you who wish to 'go for it' will have a say in how it grows and what you would like to see on the site, leaflets, ads, etc, etc.
Guys I would like all your thoughts on this, if you are/are not interested.