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Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: Prices Topic Locked
« Reply #40 on: November 08, 2008, 11:01:29 am »

mike o

but I'm talking about manners and common decency in asking for help, even a semi-literate person would I think still be polite even if his spelling was terrible.

and I wouldn't answer a question  asked in the way Jonhny asked even if they were a born & bred Yorkshireman.

Mike Halliday.

Re: Prices Topic Locked
« Reply #41 on: November 08, 2008, 11:24:22 am »
I agree with you on that Mike and I think what he did to someone fairly local who was trying to help him was well out of order.


  • Posts: 908
Re: Prices Topic Locked
« Reply #42 on: November 08, 2008, 12:44:57 pm »
Thanks for all your support guys, I did wonder if I was just being Mrs Angry by being annoyed at what he did but I think its justified. Seems like he did follow the advice re getting a laser measure as he's measured all the rooms

So JohnnyL if your reading this we charge 50p per m2 for the first 100m2 then 25p thereafter. Cleaning upholstery £2 per armchair & £8 for a 3 seater sofa. Hope you do well!

Ian Gourlay

  • Posts: 5748
Re: Prices Topic Locked
« Reply #43 on: November 08, 2008, 12:52:20 pm »
Its difficult and must admit  I very really bother to find out if anybody else has qouted etc.

Do your own marketing ,  try to get diffrent prospcts etc and wait and see what happens

There are a lot of houses out there,

derek west

Re: Prices Topic Locked
« Reply #44 on: November 08, 2008, 01:37:14 pm »

do your sums, include what you need to get by, how much to run your business, then work out what you need to charge to cover all this, then add on a bit for all the hastle that running a business entails, and hey presto, thats what you have to charge.
it makes me laugh when people check up on competitors prices, then knock a few quid off there own price, and then think they'll do really well cos there cheaper. like i said, you charge what you have to to keep the business afloat, if someones cheaper you up sell your quality and if someones dearer then let your potential custy know they'll get a better quality clean and save a few quid, i only know my competitors prices from what custys have told me, i never researched this before i started cos i don't want to be the cheapest and don't really care what they charge.
does that make sense?
it did when i wrote it, if not then for more details please send a cheque for £20 to affordable cleaners and i'll explain itbetter for you ;)


Re: Prices Topic Locked
« Reply #45 on: November 08, 2008, 02:21:32 pm »

My cheque is in the post

Hear your standing the drinks when we have are noth west c cleaners meet up ;D

Re: Prices Topic Locked
« Reply #46 on: November 08, 2008, 02:43:22 pm »
I thought it was now illegal to ring up competition pretending to be a customer with the new silly regs they brought out. :o

I'm not saying do this but. You can keep putting your prices up 10% at a time, when 7/8 out of ten still say yes hold it right there.

Then you go back to improving your sales skills, your level of service, your referral rate etc and add another 10%

Doctor Carpet (Ret'd)

  • Posts: 2024
Re: Prices Topic Locked
« Reply #47 on: November 08, 2008, 02:47:51 pm »
...........dyslexia rules K.O.


.....K.O. rules dyslexia

Sorry guys, just got back from a few days holiday and am catching up on the posts.

And on the more recent posts.

"Politeness" is probably one of the most under-rated USPs we can bring to our business. For some it's instinctive whilst for others they may wonder what all the fuss is about and just want to be themselves.
Diplomacy: the art of letting other people have your way