a telephone conversation i had yesterday.
"hello sir i'm just phoning you up to ask why you turned our wc away today? you went from every 4 weeks to every 8 weeks so by missing it this time that will be 12 weeks!"
he said
"yes the weather wasn't great and besides i can't see how you can clean my house in 10 minutes (its a £10 house)"
i said
"we invested in these systems to save us time but it costs us far more to run the machines etc etc....has there been any trouble with the cleans at all?"
he said
"well yes, there has been birds mess left twice now."
i said
"if there was bird poo we obviously would come out and re clean, but a) you can't expect to tell me 2 months later and for me to believe you, and b) we would see a great dollop of bird pooh and would remove it!
so therefore i don't want you to be on our books if a) you are not happy with the service, and b) you are going to turn us away on the door as we can fill your space up with someone else. So therefore i will remove you from our rotas"
he then said
"i still want you to come next month"
I said
"well sir why would you want us to come if it takes us 10 minutes, we don't do a good job and leave bird pooh on your windows?"
he started to stuter
i said
"you've just answered my question for me...I will remove you from our books!!!!!!"
no point trying to work people out. i just try to get to the bottom of the problem. my conclusion to this one was he was a doughnut!!