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nwhi had problems on the first day get yourself to a plumbers for the right fitting that will screw onto the l5 it should have a rubber seal in it.then get your hose made up at a place that deals with hydraulics, you need to have your hose from the hot outlet crimped onto your fittings properly.i did it myself with o clips and tried jubilee clips and the heat combined with pressure blew the hose off of the hot outlet on the l5. since ive got them crimped on it all works a treat.only other problem i got today was my old hose where it softens up with the heat was almost splitting in a few places where the wall was worn, so ive got some thermobore coming, i was hoping to get away with it but i think its a must to make it all work well, the hose attached to the reel sprung a leak too so i think anywhere that has heat should be crimped properley so seals are reliableive got a pic but cant work out how to post it on here drop me an email at and ill send it over so you can have a look,nb im still working on prototypes of power reel im meeting my cad designer tomorrow as soon as im ready you will be the first to hear about it, cost a fortune so far! i hope everyone wants one when they are ready!
Quote from: Mick (UHPS) on November 06, 2008, 07:03:01 pmHi JohnI am going to buy one of these heater units. However, unlike most of the other guys that have purchased them, I mainly use trolley mounted Schurflo backpacks rather than hoses. Instead of pumping through hoses from the van to the windows, I fill (as quickly as possible) a backpack, around 18L, and wheel that to the windows.This is my system:2 Man 500L onboard RO/DI filtration system. I have 2 Flojet pumps which can be used independently with hose reels for WFP but I have also linked these together so that I can fill backpacks much quicker. The Flojets are 60psi and deliver about 6.5L/min each therefore using both together via the link pipe they deliver about 13L/min. = 1min 20s to fill a backpackI have also installed a fast fill pump which is specifically for filling backpacks quickly. This delivers 24L/min. = 45sec to fill a backpack.Assuming the water in the tanks would be around 50°F.If I were to pump water @ 50°F through this unit at 6.5L/min what sort of temperature would I expect to get out?If I were to pump water @ 50°F through this unit at 13L/min what sort of temperature would I expect to get out?If I were to pump water @ 50°F through this unit at 24L/min what sort of temperature would I expect to get out?Is any of this even feasable? or do you think the L10 would be a better option?I am wondering if another option would be to have the flojets connected to the heater providing hot/warm water and the fast pump as is, and just mix the two into the backpack. Also, on the website it quotes 1.4 gallons/min. Is this US gallons?Therefore 6.5L = 1.7 us gals, 13L = 3.4 us gals and 24L = 6.4 us gals.Sorry for the long winded post, look forward to your reply.Many thanksMickHey Mick,First off, the flo-jet systems work wonders. Make sure that the pressure is at least 20 PSI (most of your pumps are probably in the 40-50 range). I see no problem doing that. You're only going to be able to get a maximum delta rise at 5 liters (hence the name, the L5 ). The temperature output is going to max out at 5 liters at about 90 degrees F at that flow rate. Now, if you are able to have more patience and bring down the flow rate, you'll be able to get up to 140 degrees F (thereabouts). If you need more horsepower, I would look at the 10 liter version. You will have the max at 10 liters per minute, but your temperature will be able reach a much higher temp (probably 120-140). I hope this helps! /JohnPS - what is the leakage issue that other folks are referring to?
Hi JohnI am going to buy one of these heater units. However, unlike most of the other guys that have purchased them, I mainly use trolley mounted Schurflo backpacks rather than hoses. Instead of pumping through hoses from the van to the windows, I fill (as quickly as possible) a backpack, around 18L, and wheel that to the windows.This is my system:2 Man 500L onboard RO/DI filtration system. I have 2 Flojet pumps which can be used independently with hose reels for WFP but I have also linked these together so that I can fill backpacks much quicker. The Flojets are 60psi and deliver about 6.5L/min each therefore using both together via the link pipe they deliver about 13L/min. = 1min 20s to fill a backpackI have also installed a fast fill pump which is specifically for filling backpacks quickly. This delivers 24L/min. = 45sec to fill a backpack.Assuming the water in the tanks would be around 50°F.If I were to pump water @ 50°F through this unit at 6.5L/min what sort of temperature would I expect to get out?If I were to pump water @ 50°F through this unit at 13L/min what sort of temperature would I expect to get out?If I were to pump water @ 50°F through this unit at 24L/min what sort of temperature would I expect to get out?Is any of this even feasable? or do you think the L10 would be a better option?I am wondering if another option would be to have the flojets connected to the heater providing hot/warm water and the fast pump as is, and just mix the two into the backpack. Also, on the website it quotes 1.4 gallons/min. Is this US gallons?Therefore 6.5L = 1.7 us gals, 13L = 3.4 us gals and 24L = 6.4 us gals.Sorry for the long winded post, look forward to your reply.Many thanksMick
Yes it will work,you go to the heater after DI and that`s it it`s as simple as that.Global the heater dosen`t come with adequate fittings for what we need you have to go hunting in the B&Q`s of this world to fing them.
Quote from: NWH on November 06, 2008, 08:36:59 pmYes it will work,you go to the heater after DI and that`s it it`s as simple as that.Global the heater dosen`t come with adequate fittings for what we need you have to go hunting in the B&Q`s of this world to fing them.Is there a way that I could get some info on what sort of fittings y'all need? I know everyone adapts them a bit differently, but if everyone has some of the same issues, might be something I can handle for y'all.
Could you send pics and/or links to the stuff?
oh thanks NWH!! you know what the heater is capable of heating the water to after 100m of hose and stuff? gloves are great, i have been doing loads of indoor trad though and have only used them a couple of times, but they stood up to a snowball fight!!! there very warm and completely waterproof! thanks for the recommendation mate!
John ( GoEnergySystems )You could also change the regulator for the uk