new to win cleaning approx 6 month, collection is getting to be a pain, what is the best method self addressed envelope?? the only thing ive thought about this is the implication of bank charges, would my bank see loads of cheques and want me to change my bank type?? if so how much do they charge?? cheers in advance
Everytime we have a post on 'collecting' there's always loads of posters going on about SAEs and how they don't collect! Good on them, but I wonder how many of these posters are older types with paid/small mortgages and grown up kids? Maybe their cash-flow isn't that important to them, or are they saying that they earn so much money that they don't really care when they get paid? Or that they've got great customer management skills? I'm not sure?
And I also know another window cleaner who says he doesn't collect, but he does; he does lots of shops, some small some big; and he spends a fair whack of time queing up with the customers, waiting for his turn to get paid.
But at present, just from five different commercial companies we are outstanding just over £800, which is a fair whack of cash to us (£400 of it from one residential type place for retired people who haven't paid us in three months; they're always slow to pay); hopefully I'll get it soon; I'd like it before Christmas; but chasing up money isn't fun. I'm also owed an 'unworked out amount' from rural residential customers who pay by cheque.
So I collect from two estate areas I clean in; on a Saturday morning, about twice a month. If they're not in I do leave a SAE and it's compact work, so easy to park the car up and walk around.
So collecting for us keeps the bills paid, mortgage covered and the family fed.