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  • Posts: 6824
Re: best way to collect
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2008, 08:44:12 pm »
Everytime we have a post on 'collecting' there's always loads of posters going on about SAEs and how they don't collect!  Good on them, but I wonder how many of these posters are older types with paid/small mortgages and grown up kids?  Maybe their cash-flow isn't that important to them, or are they saying that they earn so much money that they don't really care when they get paid?

im a young lad, 23, with plenty of bills and i leave sae's and i DO care when i get paid

Dean Taberner

  • Posts: 4164
Re: best way to collect
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2008, 08:56:28 pm »
so i have a paypal account how do i go about telling the customer how to pay in to my account

Put it on your ticket you put through the door.

IE  Your windows have been cleaned today
      Do you have a paypal account? Why
      not pay online by sending your payment
      to xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx any queries please
      call xxxx xxxxx

Operations manager at J.V Price Ltd


Re: best way to collect
« Reply #22 on: November 05, 2008, 09:22:23 pm »
Everytime we have a post on 'collecting' there's always loads of posters going on about SAEs and how they don't collect!  Good on them, but I wonder how many of these posters are older types with paid/small mortgages and grown up kids?  Maybe their cash-flow isn't that important to them, or are they saying that they earn so much money that they don't really care when they get paid?

im a young lad, 23, with plenty of bills and i leave sae's and i DO care when i get paid

That was MY post, not Trotsky's!  >:(


  • Posts: 2997
Re: best way to collect
« Reply #23 on: November 06, 2008, 12:59:40 pm »

And I also know another window cleaner who says he doesn't collect, but he does; he does lots of shops, some small some big; and he spends a fair whack of time queing up with the customers, waiting for his turn to get paid.

Ahh, this must be me! ;D
As many of my customers are shops I have no option but to collect them, unfortunately, when they are open and able to pay me I have to get in line like everyone else :'(
I don't bother with collecting residential accounts though, for the most part anyway, though I do have one account I have to call back on to collect, but as it is one where I am passing by quite frequently I don't mind.

Some of the commercial ones can take a while to get paid from, the bigger offices and so on, but by and large my cash flow is quite good.

After you have got into the habit of not collecting and of getting your customers to pay via post or online the cash flow is fine, there may always be some outstanding, but there will also be a constant flow of envelopes through the letterbox and payments being made online; the analogy being that it is like being paid a monthly salary and working a month in lieu.

Once you educate your customers to pay you without you having to call by and collect from them it makes life so much easier...



Steve CM

Re: best way to collect
« Reply #24 on: November 06, 2008, 01:04:22 pm »

And I also know another window cleaner who says he doesn't collect, but he does; he does lots of shops, some small some big; and he spends a fair whack of time queing up with the customers, waiting for his turn to get paid.

Some of the commercial ones can take a while to get paid from, the bigger offices and so on, but by and large my cash flow is quite good.

After you have got into the habit of not collecting and of getting your customers to pay via post or online the cash flow is fine, there may always be some outstanding, but there will also be a constant flow of envelopes through the letterbox and payments being made online; the analogy being that it is like being paid a monthly salary and working a month in lieu.

Once you educate your customers to pay you without you having to call by and collect from them it makes life so much easier...



i find this to be true. i find as i grow my outstanding debt does to. it is normally about a one months turnover give or take.


Re: best way to collect
« Reply #25 on: November 06, 2008, 01:06:25 pm »
i always have a few hundred quid outstanding, but if i go and collect for a whole evening i get alot of it and that is a nice little bit of spends, i am starting to leave a note when not in now asking to send a cheque :) A couple use online bank now too!


  • Posts: 3503
Re: best way to collect
« Reply #26 on: November 06, 2008, 08:01:47 pm »
Even when I do collect many say,"oh I have no change right now, are you round tomorrow?"
I don't want to further their embarrassment by saying "well I can change a fifty". Skint is skint, and you can't get blood out of a stone.
I point out that my email address is on my ticket, and if they email me I will give them my bank details to pay on line. "Really, well OK we'll do that in future". To date I have not had one email for my details.
I do have half a dozen customers that pay on line, and some even forget to do that sometimes.
It's added work checking my account every day to see who's paid and tick them off debt list.

I do have to do some collecting and I really hate it, but the truth is guys that I must be one of the easiest people to forget, and forget is what many of them do, before I even shut the front gate.


Re: best way to collect
« Reply #27 on: November 06, 2008, 09:00:05 pm »
Most of my domestics are either at home when their windows are done or they arrange to leave the money somewhere,but i do like to collect from customers.I like to show myself every now and again and at this time of year i make sure that collections are high on the list as i allways start getting tips from now through to mid january.I reckon if i didn't collect those tips would go right down.

Sir Squeaky

  • Posts: 8341
Re: best way to collect
« Reply #28 on: November 06, 2008, 09:50:21 pm »
Very rare I collect any.
Just now and again if I need fast money, and it's around town.